Educational Administration and Planning Ph.D. Program Course Descriptions
- English
- Türkçe
Ph.D. Courses
Required Courses
4540604 Multivariate Statistical Techniques in Education
Students with some educational statistics background learn advanced statistical techniques with the aid of computer packages, such as SPSS and LISREL. The course focuses on multiple linear regression, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), repeated measure analysis, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), factorial analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, principle component analysis, and path analysis.
4540695 Research Seminar in Educational Sciences
Development of doctoral dissertations and projects and presentations of plans. The course which is intended for students who have identified a reasonably narrow area for research will assist them in design, methods and other matters of concern in the preparation of an acceptable dissertation or project proposal. The course involves presentations, group discussions, and critiques.
4540699 Ph.D. Dissertation
4540900-999 Special Topics
Area Courses
4540515 Organizational Psychology
Human problems in organizations. Organizational perspectives of human nature and motivation. Leadership and participation. Inter group problems in organizations. Organizations as dynamic and developing systems.
4540516 Group Dynamics and Leadership
An analysis of primary and secondary group dynamics. Dynamics of organizational behavior. Conflict in organizations. Several leadership theories and their applicability in Turkey and other developing countries.
4540517 Educational Organization and Design
An investigation in organizations in terms of their design, climates and the other characteristics as well as the theories, with the emphasis on educational organizations. Study of various issues and problems in Turkish educational organizations.
4540520 Strategic Planning in Higher Education
Theoretical background of strategic planning, basic steps of carrying out a strategic planning in public institutions. Based on a case study design, this course provides hands-on experience on strategic planning through which students can apply a similar framework in carrying out a strategic planning process in school organizations as well as in other public and nonprofit organizations.
4540524 Gap Analysis in Educational Organizations
This course is intended to help students develop an understanding of and practice the use of a specific type of organizational problem solving approach (Gap Analysis) for the purposes of performance improvement. In the first part of the course students are provided with an overview of organizational problem solving approaches and decision making, as well as job performance. Then the gap analysis approach to organizational problem solving is introduce. Students learn how to use this diagnostic and treatment selection and evaluation tool to be able to analyze and support the goals and progress of people/teams in educational organizations where learning and motivation are required to achieve goals. It is a three-credit graduate level seminar and students will be expected to attend class, be current with the issues, understand relevant background and learn to conduct a gap analysis on a performance problem in educational organizations.
4540525 Systems Analysis in Education
An in-depth study of the concepts: Systems and Systems Analysis, A reconsideration of education as a system. Meaning and development of MIS in education. Introduction to techniques in Systems Analysis: Flow Charts, Simulation, PERT, CPM, Linear Programming, Game Theory, and other applications.
4540526 Economics of Education
Theory of the Formation of Human Capital. Contribution of education to economic growth. Microeconomics of Education: Study of the effectiveness of educational systems.
4540533 Total Quality Management in Education
Acquire an adequate understanding of the theory of total quality management as a way of continuous improvement and the skills necessary to implement it in the field of education.
4540527 Finance and Educational Planning
4540511 Supervisory Techniques I
4540512 Administrative Processes
4540513 Administrative Problems in Education
4540534 Critical Texts on the Politics of Education
This course is an extended introduction to the controversial structural issues surrounding educational institutions and practices in society. By focusing on the major theoretical approaches that are useful in examining and re-considering the immanent regularities of the school as a dynamic organism, this course is organized around a couple of overlapping circles of analysis. One of the major circle will focus on the issues of ecology of education; examining the ways in which schools are embedded within social, historical, and cultural contexts, the recognition of pedagogical domain as a site of (re)producing the technologies of collaboration with the families and the communities in the circuits of reciprocity principle, and the role in producing or transforming the existing power relations in society. Another circle will offer critical engagement with intra-institutional centers, i.e. a complex set of authority patterns and governance structures, rituals, micro practices established around the students, administrators, and teachers, and foundations of morality. This course does not offer a continuous reflection on the contemporary issues of education, but inhabits instead back and forth encounters of micro and macro level of historically and culturally sedimented discourses of that root silently within these circles.
4540607 Issues in Educational Administration
A course on international and national aspects of transformation, innovation, and critical issues in school administration in the 1990s.
4540610 Educational Leadership and Change
A course on educational leadership. Theoretical approaches to educational leadership, organizational development. The importance of leadership as a change in educational setting with a special reference to reforming Turkish educational system.
4540617 Restructing Educational Organizations
An in-depth study of organizational change and restructuring in education. Information age, `The new world order, and education, emerging theoretical issues in the concept of education, magnitude and scale of emerging issues and problems related to educational organizations, and the explorations of change alternatives for the Turkish education al system
4540619 Organization and Administration of Higher Education
This course is intended to help students to gain understanding of colleges and universities as organizations and be able to use organizational theories to describe, analyze, and address higher education problems particularly as it applies to Higher Education in Turkey. Students will investigate higher education organizations by critically reviewing theories of organizational behavior and governance. We will discuss the theoretical underpinnings of these organizations and apply them to real and hypothetical situations in order to develop an understanding of how authority and power are exercised in higher education. When viewing post-secondary education through an organizational analysis, a broader view is taken looking at the entire system internally and externally. The first half of the course will be more theory driven while in the second half more attention will be paid to activities that universities engage in. As this is doctoral level seminar course, it will focus on deep readings of texts, constructive critique, and presentations in a collegial and reciprocal learning environment. Students will be expected to attend class, be up to date with the issues facing higher education, and actively engage in course discussion.