Faculty Publications


Year Title Authors Journal /Conference /Book /Report /Publisher
2025 International research collaborations: a comparative study on the lived‐experience of academics in iran and türkiye Y Kondakci, M Nazarzadeh Zare, MS Ghoraishi Khorasgani, P Kızılhan Higher Education Quarterly
2025 The impact of covid-19 on the social and cultural integration of international students: a literature review C Sin, O Tavares, E Apsite-Berina, J Borràs, B Bulut-Sahin, ... Comparative Migration Studies
2025 Bullying among special education students H Aslan, Ö Erdur-Baker Psychological Reports
2024 Rethinking the assessment of the quality of teacher reflection by validating an innovative vignette-based instrument and an analytic coding scheme E Yilmaz, H Akar Asia Pacific Education Review
2024 Citizenship education within the context of increasing diversity and under the threat of deteriorating democracies: the case of türkiye O Karakus-Ozdemirci, H Akar Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
2024 Fostering professional development on teaching via an online platform enriched with real-life case videos and discussions E Yecan, K Cagiltay, H Akar Adjunct Faculty in Online Higher Education: Best Practices for Teaching …
2024 Examining the problems of the teachers appointed within the scope of supporting the integration of syrian children into the turkish education system (piktes) project. PO Taneri, N Ugur Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (JCEPS)
2024 Sosyal bütünleşmeyi teşvik eden öğretmenler: mültecilerin dâhil edilmesi için sanat temelli yaklaşım PO Taneri, ÖY Özbek Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi
2024 On the mutually elaborating relationship between teacher identity and classroom management practices N Akkuş Çakır, H Sarıdemir European Education
2024 Yurt dışı öğretmenlik deneyiminin i̇ngilizce öğretmenlerinin mesleki öğretmen kimliği gelişimi üzerine etkileri NA Çakır, NA Ünlü EĞİTİM VE BİLİM
2024 Technology development zones as a form of university–industry relations: a multiple-case study MA Yılık, Y Kondakçı Higher Education Policy
2024 Graduate student perceptions of preparedness for responsible conduct of research: a mixed methods study Y Kondakci, M Zayim Kurtay, S Kaya Kasikci, Ö Önen Ethics & Behavior
2024 The transformative impact of ai on higher education Y Kondakcı Higher Education Governance and Policy
2024 The administrative workforce in higher education Y Kondakcı Higher Education Governance and Policy
2024 Detecting high-risk pregnancies and premature births: a comprehensive survey ML Sah Educational Administration: Theory and Practice
2024 Üniversitede öğrenci katılımı: odtü örneği üzerinden bir durum çalışması S Emil, Ş Akşab REFLEKTİF Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
2024 Türkiye G Gokalp Global Perspectives on Enhancing Doctoral Co-Supervision
2024 Öğretmen kimliği ve sembolik sınırlar: bir özel okul i̇ncelemesi N Soycan, D Göktürk Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (JFES)
2024 How boundaries work in higher education: an ethnographic account of ph. d. students’ identity formation D Gokturk Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
2024 Dual-career marriages: the interplay among dual-career lifestyle, satisfaction, relationship investments and commitment SB Özgülük Üçok, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer British Journal of Guidance & Counselling
2024 Travma psikolojisi Ö Erdur Baker, I Aksöz-Efe, T Doğan Pegem A Yayıncılık
2024 Cyberbullying among gifted and talented students O Erdur-Baker, H Aslan, N Turan Psychology of Cyberbullying
2024 Mapping the current state of knowledge about disaster education within turkish national curricula through the lens of ecosystem approach G Yilmaz-Na, E., Erdur-Baker, O., Tuncer-Teksoz Disaster and Climate Risk Education. Disaster Risk Reduction, https://doi 
2024 Personal and social facilitators of student engagement: transition into higher education S Vardal-Ocakli, A Ok Frontiers in Education
2024 Virtual exchange as a mode of internationalization at a distance: experiences from turkiye A Calikoglu, B Bulut-Sahin, A Asik BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY
2024 Virtual exchange as a mode of internationalization at a distance: experiences from türkiye Ç A., A Bulut-Sahin, B., Asık British Journal of Educational Technology
2024 Barriers to establishing partnerships in terms of internationalization of higher education: the example of türkiye - uk case A Erdoğan, B Bulut-Şahin Higher Education Policy and Governance
2024 An evaluation of the spatial repercussions of student mobility policy in european higher education area using network analysis SZ Sahin, B Bulut-Sahin, E Soylemez Research in Educational Administration & Leadership
2024 Internalised homonegativity and depressive symptoms: a meta-analysis MN Mercan, İB Güvenç, B Cingöz-Ulu Psychology & Sexuality
2023 Examining the hidden curriculum of the physical environment in higher education D Tor, CE Demir Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2023 Emergent educational policies towards mainstreaming migrants in public education: the case of turkey H Akar, A Kandemir Perspectives on Transitions in Refugee EducationRuptures, Passages, and Re …
2023 Being a pioneering alternative school in turkey: values, pedagogical practices, and challenges S Gök, H Akar Egitim ve Bilim
2023 Türkiye'de öncü bir alternatif okul olmak: değerler, pedagojik uygulamalar ve güçlükler S Gök, H Akar EĞİTİM VE BİLİM
2023 A systematic review of technological pedagogical content knowledge of in-service teachers in turkiye SD Yiğit, H Akar CONFERENCE ABSTRACT BOOK
2023 Building responsive education systems toward multiple disruptions in refugee education: turkey and germany as cases A Atmacasoy, H Akar, I Gogolin Education for Refugees and Forced (Im) Migrants Across Time and Context
2023 The reflections of global climate change policies on education: a cross national comparison of pisa results S Akgüngör, H Akar Institute of Economic Sciences
2023 Differential effect of young adults’ and students’ metacognitive skills in mathematics problem solving process B Birgili, R Can, T Çakar, H Akar Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
2023 Okul yöneticilerinin kapsayıcı eğitime ilişkin farkındalıkları üzerine sanat-temelli bir çalışma ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Karatekin Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
2023 Promoting diversity and culturally responsive pedagogy in higher education PO Taneri, ÖY Özbek Uluslararası Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi
2023 Çocuklarda zorbalık davranışları, kaygı ve sosyal kaygı arasındaki i̇lişki. ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences Cankiri Karatekin University …
2023 The relationship between prospective teachers’perceived importance of online teaching competencies and their self-efficacy beliefs E Ozturk, Z Turgut Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education
2023 Conflicting perspectives on the internationalization of higher education: evidence from the turkish case B Bulut-Sahin, Y Kondakci Journal of Studies in International Education
2023 The role of leadership in developing a climate of technology integration in public schools S Kaya-Kasikci, M Zayim-Kurtay, Y Kondakci Teaching and Teacher Education
2023 Higher education for forcibly displaced migrants in turkey Y Kondakci, M Zayim Kurtay, S Kaya Kasikci, HH Senay, B Kulakoglu Higher Education Research & Development
2023 Stem education as a concept borrowing issue: perspectives of school administrators in turkey B Kulakoglu, Y Kondakci ECNU Review of Education
2023 Developing a comprehensive leadership development model in higher education context: a co‐design approach NBK Dinh, C Zhu, Z Qi, Y Kondakci Higher Education Quarterly
2023 Ethics and research-focus politics in higher education Y Kondakcı Higher Education Governance and Policy
2023 Educational policy making in turkey: citizen-centered or window-dressing? M Zayim-Kurtay, S Kaya-Kasikci, Y Kondakci Citizen-Centered Public Policy Making in Turkey
2023 Different cases of leadership and teaching in higher education Y Kondakcı Higher Education Governance and Policy
2023 Strategic management of internationalization in higher education institutions: the lens of international office professionals B Bulut-Sahin, S Emil, S Okur, FN Seggie Tertiary Education and Management
2023 Higher education strategy formations in shifting landscape of higher education MA Yıldırmış, S Emil, FN Seggie Elsevier
2023 International developments in doctoral education: the case of türkiye G Gokalp Innovations in Education and Teaching International
2023 The mediational role of intimate partner acceptance and psychological adjustment in the relationship between intimate partner control and marital adjustment AA İyiaydın, ZH Sümer Current Psychology
2023 Aggression begets aggression: psychological dating aggression perpetration in young adults from the perspective of intergenerational transmission of violence E Toplu-Demirtaş, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer Current Psychology
2023 The mediator role of perceived social support in the relationship between difficulties in emotion regulation and suicide tendency B Demir, ZH Sümer Current Psychology
2023 Nuclear family emotional functioning and marital satisfaction: the cultural lens of self-construal MA Kurşuncu, ZH Sümer The American Journal of Family Therapy
2023 Preliminary analysis of the past and planned investments measure in turkish dual-career married individuals SB Özgülük Üçok, ZH Sümer Journal of Family Issues
2023 Evli̇li̇k doyumu ölçeği̇’ni̇n geli̇şti̇ri̇lmesi̇: geçerli̇k ve güveni̇rli̇k çalişmasi N AKÇABOZAN Kayabol, P Çağ, U Akbaş, Z Sümer, Y Özbay, ... Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi
2023 The mediator role of emotion-focused coping on the relationship between perceived stress and emotional eating NH Yilmazturk, A Demir, M Celik-Orucu Trends in Psychology
2023 Testing the effects of ability-based and opinion-based social comparisons on interpersonal problems through the mediating roles of self-esteem and difficulties in emotion … S Aslan, A Demir Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2023 Vocational maturity and hopelessness of turkish senior students N Akbulut Kilicoglu, A Demir Kalem Uluslararası Eğitim ve İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi
2023 Struggles of refugee-receiving schools in turkey D Özel, Ö Erdur-Baker Social Sciences
2023 Career-related concerns and opportunities in the times of covid-19 pandemic among preservice teachers G Şensoy Murt, Ö Erdur-Baker European Journal of Teacher Education
2023 Syrian refugees and xenophobia: the role of gender, education, perceived economic income, and age MA Padır, Ö Erdur-Baker Erzincan Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2023 Afet sonrası öğretmenlerin i̇yi olma hali ve özbakım Ö Erdur Baker, FZ Ünlü Kaynakçı, MC Yıldız, İ Örnek, G Şensoy, ... Afet Sonrası Öğretmenlerin Psikososyal Destek Becerilerinin Geliştirilmesi …
2023 Academic engagement experiences of pre-service teachers during the covid-19 online education process BZ Arslan, E Bulut, B Özcan, U Fadime, FB Yildirim Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning
2023 Psychometric properties of self-compassion scale-short form in a turkish young adult sample FB Yildirim, S Onayli, N Taşkesen Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2023 A study of an online cyber identity course designed on the basis of the community of inquiry model R Sancar, A Deniz, E Kuşcu, FB Yildirim Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning
2023 Online counseling through the eyes of university students F Barutçu-Yildirim, S Onayli, N Taşkesen Journal of Qualitative Research in Education
2023 Online counseling through the eyes ofuniversity students F Barutçu Yıldırım, S Onaylı, N Taşkesen Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi
2023 A systematic meta-evaluation of curriculum evaluation research studies conducted between 2004-2022 on k12 school curricula in türkiye. DS Ipek, ET Gezer, FK Tunçer, HS Baltaci, A Ok International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies
2023 Nation-bounded internationalization of higher education: a comparative analysis of two periphery countries BB Sahin, R Brooks Higher Education Research & Development
2023 Türkiye’de yükseköğretimin uluslararasilaşmasinda ulusal stratejiler ve kurumsal yönetim BB Şahin, B Eriçok Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi
2023 International office professionals: an example of street-level bureaucrats in higher education B Bulut-Sahin Education Sciences
2023 Yükseköğretimde okul yöneticiliği: uluslararasılaşma örneği B Bulut Şahin Türkiye'de Okul Yöneticiliği
2023 İtme ve çekme teori̇si̇nden hareketle üni̇versi̇te öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n yurt dişinda eği̇ti̇m alma i̇le i̇lgi̇li̇ görüşleri̇ B Bulut Şahin, B Kulakoğlu DergiPark
2023 The prediction of teacher well-being through distributed leadership: a cross-cultural study B Kulakoglu, A Ersöz European Conference on Educational Research (ECER)
2023 University students' perceptions of studying abroad based on the push-pull theory B Kulakoglu, B Bulut-Sahin European Conference on Educational Research (ECER)
2023 Ethical dilemmas of school counsellors: a vignette study G Şensoy, FE İkiz Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools
2023 The role of forgiveness and self-esteem in the explanation of well-being F Camadan, ÖS Kaya Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2022 Gölgelerden işığa gölge eğitim: türkiye'de temel liseler örneği ÖY Taştı, CE Demir Eğitim ve Bilim
2022 Shadow education from shadows to the light: case of basic high schools in turkey Ö Yıldırım Taştı, C Engin Demir Turkish Education Association
2022 Gendered citizenship: a post-structural and critical analysis of the citizenship curriculum regarding gender ÖK Özdemirci, H Akar Egitim ve Bilim
2022 Cinsiyetlendirilmiş yurttaşlık: yurttaşlık dersi öğretim programının toplumsal cinsiyet açısından post-yapısalcı ve eleştirel bir analizi ÖK Özdemirci, H Akar EĞİTİM VE BİLİM
2022 İlkokullar i̇çin akran zorbalığı önleme modülünün tanıtımı/introduction of the prevention of peer bullying module for primary schools ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
2022 Bullying behaviors and school climate through the perspective of primary-school students. ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri Online Submission
2022 Bibliyoterapi kullanarak akran zorbalığı ile mücadele: bir kapsayıcı eğitim stratejisi PO Taneri Anı Yayıncılık
2022 Kapsayıcı eğitimin anlamı, kapsamı, felsefesi ve uygulanışı PO Taneri Kapsayıcı Eğitim Uygulamaları: Çeşitlilikleri ve Farklılıkları Kucaklayan …
2022 Sanat yoluyla öğrenme: teknoloji, drama ve resim PO Taneri Teknodramart: Teknoloji Destekli Drama Yöntemi ile Sanat Eğitimi Uygulamaları
2022 Yabancı göçmen ve mültecilerin kapsanması için bibliyoterapi ve drama uygulamaları PO Taneri Kapsayıcı Eğitim Uygulamaları: Çeşitlilikleri ve Farklılıkları Kucaklayan …
2022 Temel harita bilgilerinin alan uzmanları eşliğinde değişik yaş gruplarındaki katılımcılara aktarılması: bir etki analizi çalışması PO Taneri, N Erdem Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
2022 The effects of a game-enhanced learning intervention on foreign language learning SM Aydın, NA Çakır Educational technology research and development
2022 Adapting coursebook activities to stimulate language learning among rural students: an action research. A Kirmizi Ayyildiz, NA Çakir International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies
2022 Faculty perceptions, awareness and use of open educational resources for teaching and learning in higher education: a cross-comparative analysis VI Marín, O Zawacki-Richter, CH Aydin, S Bedenlier, M Bond, A Bozkurt, ... Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
2022 Institutional measures for supporting oer in higher education: an international case-based study VI Marín, O Zawacki-Richter, CH Aydin, S Bedenlier, M Bond, A Bozkurt, ... Open Education Studies
2022 Apoyo al profesorado para la implementación de la evaluación en línea en educación superior: el proyecto europeo remote. edu S Bendenlier, VI Marín, J Schieber, Y Capa-Aydin, Y Kondakci, ... Octaedro
2022 Digital transformation and openness in the turkish higher education system A Bozkurt, Y Kondakçı (Open) Educational Resources around the World: An International Comparison …
2022 International research collaboration in turkish higher education: the role of individual, professional, and institutional factors A Çalıkoğlu, Y Kondakçı, FN Seggıe Yükseköğretim Dergisi
2022 Metaphors of university-industry relations: interpretations on technology development zones unveiled MA Yılık, Y Kondakçı Yükseköğretim Dergisi
2022 (Open) educational resources around the world: an international comparison VI Marín, M Bond, D Conrad, G Veletsianos, J Xiao, J Zhang, S Bedenlier, ... EdTech Books
2022 Productivity and internationalization approaches in higher education Y Kondakcı Higher Education Governance and Policy
2022 Higher education policies from global examples Y Kondakcı Higher Education Governance and Policy
2022 Vakıf üniversiteleri ve rekabet S Emil Türkiye'de Vakıf Üniversiteleri: Genç Bir Sektörün Anatomisi
2022 International encyclopedia of> education S Emil, M Akbulut Yıldırmış, FN Seggie Higher Education Strategy Formations in Shifting Landscape of Higher Education
2022 Role of personal and organizational factors on student attrition from graduate education: a mixed-model research HY Ertem, G Gokalp Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice
2022 Evolution of pre-service teachers’ perceptions about classroom management and student misbehavior in an inquiry-based classroom management course G Gokalp, I Can Action in Teacher Education
2022 Academic familism and disciplinary cohesion in higher education: the case of the educational administration field in turkey D Gokturk Higher Education Quarterly
2022 Akademi̇k dergi̇leri̇n yayin kurullarinda toplumsal ci̇nsi̇yet temsi̇li̇yeti̇: eği̇ti̇m alani örneği̇ D Göktürk Eğitim Bilim Toplum
2022 Structural inequalities in educational leadership: addressing social and professional identities and recognitional power D Göktürk, Ö Çomak Journal of Economy Culture and Society
2022 Framework and taxonomy development of online assessment [report on io1] Y Kondakci, Y Capa-Aydin, M Zayim-Kurtay, S Kaya-Kasikci Zenodo
2022 Vakıf üniversitelerinde öğrenci olmak M Zayim Kurtay, S Kaya Kaşıkcı TÜRKİYE'DE VAKIF ÜNİVERSİTELERİ: BİR SEKTÖRÜN ANATOMİSİ
2022 Okulun psikolojik boyutu S KAYA Kaşikci, M Zayim Kurtay Türk Eğitim Sistemi ve Okul Yönetimi
2022 How to maintain a marriage: maintenance behaviors, equity, and appreciation in understanding marital satisfaction+ NBA Kayabol, ZH Sümer Current Psychology
2022 Psikolojik, fiziksel ve cinsel flört şiddetini ölçmek: beliren yetişkinlerin flört şiddeti yaşantıları ET Demirtaş, ZH Sümer Humanistic Perspective
2022 Gözden uzak olan gönülden de uzak mı olur? Uzak mesafe evlilik ilişkilerinin doğası NBA Kayabol, D Aydoğan, ZH Sümer, Y Özbay Baskent University Journal of Education
2022 Accessibility and inclusion in higher education in turkey Z Sümer, A Daloğlu Between barriers and inclusion
2022 A path model of meaning in life among university students: the roles of gratitude, self-concept clarity and self-construal E Çebi, A Demir Applied Research in Quality of Life
2022 Pregnancy loss experiences of couples in a phenomenological study: gender differences within the turkish sociocultural context B Tanacıoğlu-Aydın, Ö Erdur-Baker Death Studies
2022 Impacts of urban terror attacks on turkish mothers’ daily experiences M Gökyar, Ö Erdur-Baker Journal of interpersonal violence
2022 Tv news induced fears of turkish children: reports from mothers and children: tv news induced fears of turkish children N Kandemir-Özdinç, Ö Erdur-Baker International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction
2022 A systematic review on teacher's expectations and classroom behaviors. Ö Aydin, A Ok International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies
2022 Mentoring practices in elt practicum: what do the leading actors experience? Ö Aydın, OK Ahmet Journal of Language Teaching and Learning
2022 Teacher competencies and readiness for education for sustainable development: a case from teacher education in turkey N Soysal, A Ok Engagement with Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Universities as …
2022 Development of an attitude scale toward english for middle school students S Kaya, A Ok International Congress on Educational Sciences held in
2022 Considering the complexities of virtual student mobility as an approach to inclusive internationalisation in the post-pandemic period J Schueller, B Bulut Sahin Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education
2022 The impact of the erasmus program and the institutional administration of internationalization in türkiye B Bulut-Sahin, B., Uyar, P. & Turhan Higher Education Governance and Policy
2022 Internationalizaiton at home: an alternative in post-pandemic times B Bulut Sahin No Going Back: Exploring New Horizons in Global Education
2022 Vakıf üniversiteleri ve uluslararası ilişkiler B Bulut Şahin Türkiye'de Vakıf Üniversiteleri: Genç Bir Sektörün Anatomisi
2022 Rankings and global knowledge governance: higher education, innovation and competitiveness: by tero erkkilä and ossi piironen, 2018, cham, palgrave macmillan, 260 pp.,€ 89.99 … B Kulakoglu Educational Review
2022 Okul psi̇koloji̇k danişmanlarinin davranim sorunlari gösteren li̇se öğrenci̇leri̇yle çalişma deneyi̇mleri̇ C Kılıç, G Şensoy, E İkiz Milli Eğitim Dergisi
2022 Adjustment experiences of syrian immigrant university students in turkey ÖS Kaya, İ Keklik Current Psychology
2022 Göçmenler için sosyal uyum ölçeği (gsuö): geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması ÖS Kaya Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi
2022 Göçmenler i̇çi̇n sosyal uyum ölçeği̇ (gsuö): geçerli̇k ve güveni̇rli̇k çalişmasi ÖS Kaya Turkish Journal of Social Research/Turkiye Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi
2021 A qualitative evaluation of a non-thesis graduate program of human resources development in education O Yildirim-Tasti, E Yılmaz, CE Demir, M Aksu Kastamonu Education Journal
2021 Culturally responsive teaching: beliefs of pre-service teachers in the viennese context S Subasi Singh, H Akar Intercultural Education
2021 Promoting climate-friendly actions of high school students: a case from turkey. O YILDIRIM Tasti, H Akar Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER)
2021 Öğretmen adaylarının eğitim yaklaşımlarının eğitim felsefeleri çerçevesinde değerlendirilmesi S Coşkun, PO Taneri Dört Öge
2021 In-service teacher training program development study to prevent peer bullying. PO Taneri, ÖY Özbek, N Akduman International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies
2021 Üniversite öğrencilerinin toplumsal barış ve savaşa i̇lişkin görüşleri: kesitsel bir çalışma PO Taneri, ÖY Özbek, G Bedir EJERCongress
2021 Adalet değerinin kazandırılmasında bibliyoterapi ve drama uygulamaları PO Taneri Alternatif Yöntemlerle Çocuk Kitaplarındaki Değerler
2021 Öğrenmede evrensel tasarım ve eğitim programları. öğrenmede evrensel tasarım PO Taneri Kapsayıcı Eğitimi Sağlamada Kuramsal ve Uygulamalı Bir Çerçeve
2021 Developing an attitude scale towards teacher performance evaluation based on multi-stakeholders ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri Research on The Axis of Engineering and Educational Sciences
2021 Covid-19 pandemisi sırasında uzaktan eğitimin yönetimi hakkında öğretmen görüşleri Z Kiraz, PO Taneri, N Uğur, MM Akgündüz Challenges, Trends and Equal Opportunities in International Education and …
2021 We game on skyscrapers: the effects of an equity-informed game design workshop on students’ computational thinking skills and perceptions of computer science NA Çakır, MP Çakır, FJ Lee Educational Technology Research and Development
2021 Computer supported asynchronous online discussions in teacher education. M Ozudogru, N Akkuş-Çakır International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET)
2021 Study abroad in turkey: the role of homestays on second language learning NA Çakır Intercultural Education
2021 Analitik düşünme nedir? Ne değildir? N Akkuş-Çakır, N Senemoğlu "Eleştirel ve Analitik Düşünme" (A. Kaçar, E. Kabataş Memiş)
2021 Organizational change in schools K Beycioglu, Y Kondakci ECNU Review of Education
2021 The internationalisation of higher education and identity construction in azerbaijan A Ergun, Y Kondakci Europe-Asia Studies
2021 ‘Scaling’the academia: perspectives of academics on the impact of their practices Y Kondakci, M Zayim-Kurtay, S Kaya-Kasikci, HH Senay, B Kulakoglu Research Evaluation
2021 School leadership for social justice in turkish urban setting Y Kondakci, M Zayim Kurtay, S Kaya Kasikci Leadership and Policy in Schools
2021 Modeling change implementation behaviors: teachers’ affective and attitudinal reactions to change in turkey M Zayim Kurtay, Y Kondakci International Journal of Leadership in Education
2021 Recent science and technology policies in turkey: the shifting role and profile of the national higher education system B Uslu, A Calikoglu, FN Seggie, S Gumus, Y Kondakci Universities in the knowledge society: The nexus of national systems of …
2021 Challenges of school principalship in turkey: perspective from a centralized system Y Kondakçı, M Zayim Kurtay, S Kaya Kaşıkcı School Leadership in the
2021 From internal to international issues in higher education systems Y Kondakcı Higher Education Governance and Policy
2021 Changing higher education, from longstanding matters to future evolutions Y Kondakcı Higher Education Governance and Policy
2021 Perspective of academics on the impact of academic practice Y Kondakçı, M Zayim Kurtay, HH Şenay, S Kaya Kaşıkcı, B Kulakoğlu Oxford University Press
2021 Araştırmada sorumlu davranış konusunda algılanan hazırbulunuşluk ölçeğinin türkçeye uyarlanması Y Kondakcı, MZ Kurtay, S Kaya İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2021 Multimodal communication in instructional settings: an investigation of the functional roles of gestures and arrows C Acarturk, M Coskun, S Emil Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística
2021 Women leaders in higher education in turkey during the pandemic: the illusion of gender equality MA Yıldırmış, FN Seggie, S Emil, BB Şahin Women and leadership in higher education during global crises
2021 Culture does matter: exploring the association between organizational culture and student engagement E Borhan, S Emil IHEC
2021 Comunicación multimodal en contextos educativos: una investigación de los roles funcionales de los gestos y las flechas C Acartürk, M Coskun, S Emil Revista signos
2021 Strategic management of internationalization from the lenses of international office professionals BB Şahin, S Okur, S Emil, FN Seggie IHEC
2021 Epistemic injustice and cultural processes in education D Göktürk Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi
2021 Kültürel süreçleri̇n eği̇ti̇m ve toplumsal alandaki̇ eşi̇tsi̇zli̇kleri̇n üreti̇mi̇ne etki̇si̇ D Göktürk, D Özel FLSF Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
2021 Gender politics and education in the gülen movement D Gokturk Routledge International Handbook of Religion in Global Society
2021 Türki̇ye’deki̇ vakif üni̇versi̇teleri̇: doluluk oranlari ve i̇li̇şki̇li̇ faktörler SK Kaşıkçı, M Zayim-Kurtay IHEC
2021 The impact of parental factors on physical aggression perpetration among turkish urban adolescents: the mediating role of beliefs supporting aggression E Çetinkaya-Yıldız, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer Violence and victims
2021 Çift-kariyerli yaşam tarzı doyumu ölçeğinin türkçeye uyarlanması SBÖ Üçok, ZH Sümer Ege Eğitim Dergisi
2021 Bireysel psikoloji (adler yaklaşımı) temelli bağımlılık önleme çalışmaları: okullarda sosyal i̇lgi uygulamalarının önemi S Ayas, ZH Sümer Okul Psikolojik Danışmanlığı Dergisi
2021 Evaluation of the turkish parental support for fighting scale (psfs) EÇ Yildiz, ZH Sümer Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research
2021 Periodic reporting for period 1-risewise (risewise-rise women with disabilities in social engagement) Z Sümer CORDIS
2021 Saldırganlık için ebeveyn desteği ölçeğinin (sedö) türkçe formunun değerlendirilmesi EÇ Yildiz, ZH Sümer Bilişsel Davranışçı Psikoterapi ve Araştırmalar Dergisi
2021 Resilience in socioeconomically disadvantaged turkish adolescents: an ecological perspective Ö Sevil-Gülen, A Demir Youth & Society
2021 Makroekonomik değişkenlerin doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar üzerine etkisi: türkiye ekonomisi açısından değerlendirme A Demir, T Şahinoğlu, ŞM Ersungur Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
2021 Domain specific hope levels of university students in turkey: the predicting roles of personal belief in a just world and gender M Muyan-Yılık, A Demir Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education
2021 Motives behind cyberbullying perpetration: a test of uses and gratifications theory I Tanrikulu, Ö Erdur-Baker Journal of interpersonal Violence
2021 Psychometric properties of a cyberbullying inventory for university students I Tanrikulu, Ö Erdur-Baker British Journal of Guidance & Counselling
2021 Online counseling and ethics: a systematic review of empirical research M Pulat, FB Yıldırım The Journal of Clinical and Mental Health Counseling
2021 Romantic relationship satisfaction in emerging adulthood FB Yildirim, G Aydin, GS Aydin Turkish Journal of Education
2021 University students’ views, preferences and suggestions with respect to online counseling F Barutçu-Yıldırım, S Onaylı, N Taşkesen The European Conference on Educational Research. Geneva https://www 
2021 Essential qualities for elementary teachers of the 21st century: voices of key stakeholders S Akin, A Ok Elementary Education Online
2021 Attitudes of pre-service classroom teachers towards sustainable development N Soysal, A Ok Uluslararası Bilim ve Eğitim Dergisi
2021 Ortaöğretim temel düzey matematik dersi öğretim programı’nın stake’in yanıtlayıcı değerlendirme modeli ile değerlendirilmesi A Nevin, B Eri̇kçi̇, OK Ahmet Journal of Qualitative Research in Education
2021 The evaluation of secondary education basic mathematics curriculum through stake’s responsive evaluation model N Avcı, B Erıkcı, A Ok Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi
2021 A phenomenological investigation of the effectiveness of the elementary teacher education program in turkey S Akın, A Ok International Online Journal of Primary Education
2021 The mediating role of teacher agency on the relationship between job satisfaction and readiness for change among public school teachers A Ersöz Middle East Technical University
2021 International faculty members: are they included on host university campuses? S Okur, B Bulut-Şahin Innovative and Inclusive Internationalization
2021 Strengthening uk-turkey partnerships in higher education: baseline research R Brooks, A Erdoğan, B Bulut-Sahin British Council Turkey
2021 Occupational engagement scale-student: psychometric properties in turkish university students G Şensoy, DM Siyez, S Kalen Australian Journal of Career Development
2021 Psychological dating aggression in lgb+ relationships: a path model with perpetration, victimization, internalized homophobia, cognitive flexibility, and affectivity MN Mercan PQDT-Global
2021 The migration reasons and experiences of syrian university students: a qualitative study ÖS Kaya Trakya Eğitim Dergisi
2021 Değerler eği̇ti̇mi̇ yoluyla suri̇yeli̇ siğinmacilarin sosyal uyumu: yari deneysel bi̇r çalişma. . ÖS Kaya Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi
2020 Academic mobbing in relation to leadership practices: a new perspective on an old issue B Erdemir, CE Demir, J Yıldırım Öcal, Y Kondakçı The Educational Forum
2020 Preparing pre-service english language teachers for classroom realities: strengthening their competence in instructional materials S Tekır, H Akar Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
2020 Faculty experiences, views, and challenges on internationalization in higher education from a cross-cultural perspective H Akar, R Cobanoglu, P Plunkett Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal
2020 Study on teachers classroom management approaches andexperiences A Hanife, FT Erden, TOR Dürdane, İT Şahi̇n Elementary Education Online
2020 Need for tackling the gap for cultural responsiveness in language teaching for refugee students in turkey A Atmacasoy, H Akar null
2020 Aiding culturally responsive assessment in schools in a globalising world GA Nortvedt, E Wiese, M Brown, D Burns, G Mcnamara, J O’hara, ... Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
2020 Temel eğitimde 21. yüzyıl becerilerinin sınıf öğretmenlerinin görüşlerine göre incelenmesi D Hamlı, S Hamlı, PO Taneri Current Debates on Social Sciences
2020 Coğrafya öğretmenleri̇ne ve öğreti̇m elemanlarina yöneli̇k temel hari̇ta bi̇lgi̇si̇ eği̇ti̇mi̇: bi̇r etki̇ anali̇zi̇ çalişmasi PO Taneri, N Erdem Milli Eğitim Dergisi
2020 Akran zorbaliği ve akran zorbaliğini önleme eğitim programi hakkinda öğretmen görüşleri PO Taneri, A Nalan null
2020 Akran zorbalığının sıklığının belirlenmesi ve önleyici eğitim programının uygulanması: çankırı örneği ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri, N Akduman null
2020 Öz düzenleme becerileri ve drama: drama ile öz düzenleme becerilerinin gelişimi PO Taneri İlkokulda Drama ile Değerler Eğitimi Uygulamaları
2020 Elements of open education: an invitation to future research O Zawacki-Richter, D Conrad, A Bozkurt, CH Aydin, S Bedenlier, I Jung, ... International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
2020 Multilevel analysis of the relationship between school-level variables and student achievement YI Oldac, Y Kondakci Educational Management Administration & Leadership
2020 A comparative study of national infrastructures for digital (open) educational resources in higher education VI Marín, M Bond, O Zawacki-Richter, CH Aydin, S Bedenlier, A Bozkurt, ... Open Praxis
2020 Higher education policy for displaced people: implications of turkey’s higher education policy for syrian migrants K Arar, Y Kondakci, S Kaya Kasikci, E Erberk Higher Education Policy
2020 Higher education for forcibly displaced migrants, refugees and asylum seekers K Arar, Y Kondakci, B Streitwieser Higher Education Policy
2020 Social justice in turkish education system: issues and interventions Y Kondakci, K Beycioglu Handbook on promoting social justice in education
2020 Educational change Y Kondakci Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education
2020 Relationships among self-efficacy, academic optimism, income, and student achievement. HH Senay, Y Kondakci AERA Online Paper Repository
2020 Complishing the first year for higher education governance and policy Y Kondakçı Higher Education Governance and Policy
2020 Inaugural issue of higher education governance and policy Y Kondakcı Higher Education Governance and Policy
2020 A psychoanalytical study of women’s experiences related to early paternal loss and romantic relations MS Polat PQDT-Global
2020 What do universities' virtual faces tell at a glance? A visual and textual analysis of turkish universities' official homepages S Emil Yuksekogretim Dergisi
2020 Üniversitelerin sanal yüzü ilk bakışta ne söyler? Türkiye üniversitelerinin kurumsal internet sitelerinin açılış sayfaları görsel ve metinsel içerik analizi S Emil Yükseköğretim Dergisi
2020 Higher education strategy FN Seggie, S Emil The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education
2020 The role of academic inbreeding in building institutional and research habitus: a case study from turkey D Gokturk, O Yildirim-Tasti Higher Education Policy
2020 Okul kurumunun kültürel-toplumsal eşitsizlik ve imtiyazların yeniden üretimindeki rolüne ilişkin bir değerlendirme D Göktürk Ağın, E Ağın Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi
2020 Liderlik çalışmalarında takipçi (follower) merkezli yaklaşıma ilişkin bir değerlendirme D Göktürk, E Ağın Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
2020 An evaluation of the role of school institution in the reproduction of cultural-social inequalities and of privileges D Göktürk, A Eren Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi
2020 Teacher emotions in organizational change process= örgütsel degisim sürecinde ögretmen duygulari. M Zayim Kurtay Educational Administration: Theory & Practice
2020 Trust in principals M Zayim-Kurtay Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education
2020 Saldırganlığa alternatif davranışlar için öz-yeterlik ölçeğinin türkçeye uyarlanması EÇ Yıldız, ZH Sümer Erciyes Journal of Education
2020 Saldırganlığa alternatif davranışlar için öz-yeterlik ölçeğinin geçerlik güvenirlik çalışmaları EÇ Yildiz, ZH Sümer Journal: Erciyes Journal of Education
2020 Self-handicapping among university students: the role of procrastination, test anxiety, self-esteem, and self-compassion F Barutçu Yıldırım, A Demir Psychological reports
2020 A pathway towards subjective well-being for turkish university students: the roles of dispositional hope, cognitive flexibility, and coping strategies M Muyan-Yılık, A Demir Journal of Happiness Studies
2020 Help-seeking attitudes of university students in turkey E Çebi, A Demir International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
2020 The relationship between perceived interpersonal competence and self‐disclosure in an online context: the moderating role of shyness S Mısır, A Demir, S Koydemir International Journal of Psychology
2020 Struggles and assets of syrian university students in turkey Ö Erdur-Baker, O Özmen, İ Aksöz-Efe, T Aker, MB Lykes Refugees and Higher Education
2020 Afetlerde psikolojik destek: okul ve travma Ö Erdur Baker, Z Yıldırım METU OpenCourseWare
2020 Strugles and assets of syrian college students in turkey Ö Erdur Baker, O Özmen, İ AKSÖZ Efe, AT Aker, B Lykes Refugees and Higher Education: Trans-national Perspectives on Access, and …
2020 Afetlerde psikolojik destek: psikososyal destek Ö Erdur Baker, Z Yıldırım METU OpenCourseWare
2020 Afet sonrası çocuk ve ergenler Ö Erdur Baker, Z Yıldırım METU OpenCourseWare
2020 Engelliler ve afet Ö Erdur Baker, Z Yıldırım METU OpenCourseWare
2020 Mentoring practices in english language teaching practicum: student teachers’ perspectives on cooperating teachers’ roles in the turkish context Ö Aydın, A Ok The Teacher Educator
2020 Evaluation of human rights, civics and democracy curriculum through eisner’s evaluation framework ÖK Özdemirci, AN Aksoy, A Ok Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2020 The antecedents influencing the implementation and success of the middle school english language curriculum S Kaya, A Ok International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research
2020 English teachers' perceptions of the middle school english language curriculum= ingilizce ögretmenlerinin ortaokul ingilizce dersi ögretim programi ileilgili algilari. S Kaya, A Ok Online Submission
2020 The unknown territory of stem: the perceptions of high school administrators B Kulakoglu, Y Kondakci ECER
2020 Romantik i̇lişkilerde sorun çözme becerileriyle i̇lişkili faktörler: yaşam doyumu ve diğerkamlığın yordayıcı etkisi ÖS Kaya Aile Psikolojik Danışmanlığı Dergisi
2020 Ergenler i̇çin stratejiler (13-18 yaş arası) ÖS Kaya EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM-
2020 Çocuklar i̇çin stratejiler (7-12 yaş arası) ÖS Kaya EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM-
2020 Anaokulu çocukları i̇çin stratejiler (yeni doğan-altı yaş arası) ÖS Kaya EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM-
2020 Kardeş rekabeti ÖS Kaya EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM-
2020 Cinsel sorumluluk ÖS Kaya EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM-
2020 Okula uyum güçlükleri ÖS Kaya EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM-
2020 Ebeveynli̇k beceri̇leri̇ tedavi̇ planlayicisi -uygulama planlayıcıları dsm-5 güncellemeleri ile - the parenting skills treatment planner with dsm-5 updates M Yılmaz, H Cihan, H Epli, ÖS Kaya EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM-
2020 The scale of forgiveness on interpersonal relationships: a validity and reliability study ÖS Kaya Elementary Education Online
2019 Öğretmen adaylarının eğitim fakültesinin fiziksel ortamı hakkında görüşleri DL Tor, CE Demir Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi
2019 The current state of instructional materials education: aligning policy, standards, and teacher education curriculum S Tekir, H Akar Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice
2019 Evaluation of the current school-parent association policy in two public primary schools B Çalik, K Kiliç, H Akar İlköğretim Online (elektronik)
2019 A gestão da sala de aula L Darling-Hammond, P Lepage, H Akar Preparando os Professores para um Mundo em Transformação: O Que Devem …
2019 Science teachers’ reflections with the use of criticial i̇ncidents E Yılmaz, H Akar null
2019 Exploring the language development of refugee students in turkey and germany: preliminary results from the first qualitative phase A Atmacasoy, H Akar, I Gogolın, A Hansen null
2019 Gendered citizenship: educational experiences of girls and boys as” future” citizens Ö Karakuş Özdemir, H Akar null
2019 Quantitative research H Akar Research Methods in Political Sciences,
2019 Evaluation of the current school-parent association policy in two public primary schools* yürürlükteki okul-aile birliği politikasının i̇ki devlet i̇lköğretim okulunda … B Çalık, K Kılıç, H Akar Elementary Education Online
2019 Kuramdan uygulamaya kapsayıcı eğitim PO Taneri Pegem A Yayıncılık
2019 Kapsayıcı eğitimin hedefleri içeriği ve uygulamaya yansımaları PO Taneri, A Altunoğlu, M Sarı, B Turhan Türkkan, K Baykara Özaydınlık, ... Kuramdan uygulamaya kapsayıcı eğitim
2019 5. bölüm kapsayıcı değerlendirme PO Taneri Kuramdan uygulamaya kapsayıcı eğitim
2019 Teacher performance appraisal in turkey: an alternate model ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri European Journal of Education Studies
2019 Use of bibliotherapy method to prevent peer bullying PO Taneri, N Akduman Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmacıları Derneği
2019 If teacher is not democratic in the classroom! A study on the democratic trends of teacher candidates PO Taneri null
2019 Intercultural sensitivity levels of prospective teachers ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri null
2019 Dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu tanısı almış öğrenciler ile eğitim öğretim PO Taneri Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu: Ruh Sağlığı Çalışanları, Alan …
2019 A comparison of student attitudes towards languages other than english (lotes) in turkey and in the usa NA Çakır, NA Ünlü International Online Journal of Education and Teaching
2019 Students' expectations from mobile devices for mobile learning E Ozturk International Journal of Mobile Communications
2019 The imposition of government education policy initiatives and school enactment: uncovering the responses of school principals K Arar, Y Kondakci, A Taysum Journal of Educational Administration and History
2019 Large-scale change and survival of school principals in turkey Y Kondakci, D Orucu, E Oguz, K Beycioglu Journal of Educational Administration and History
2019 Antecedents of continuous change in educational organizations Y Kondakci, M Zayim Kurtay, O Caliskan International Journal of Educational Management
2019 Migrants, refugees and higher education in tukey Y Kondakci, O Onen Refugees, migrants, and global challenges in higher education, New York …
2019 Socialization at the university: a qualitative investigation on the role of contextual dynamics in the socialization of academics Y Kondakçı, Ç Haser Research in Educational Administration and Leadership
2019 Cultural transformation and academic leadership: the context of turkish higher education Y Kondakci, M Zayim-Kurtay University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China
2019 Approval of the graduate school of social sciences Y Kondakçi MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY
2019 Research university initiative: from perspective of educational administrators in the universities Y Kondakçı null
2019 Challenges, conflicts and ceremonial adaptation in internationalization of higher education: evidence from multiple cases B Bulut Şahin, Y Kondakçı null
2019 Vibrant school and the elements of vibrant school climate in turkey AN Gürdal, Y Kondakçı null
2019 Higher education challenges for migrant and refugee students in a global world Y Kondakçı null
2019 Migrants, refugees and higher education in turkey K Arar, K Hajyehia, DB Ross, Y Kondakçı Higher Education Challenges for Migrants and Refugee Students in a Global World
2019 Exloring the effect of erasmus program on cultural intelligence of university students Ö Gökten, S Emil Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2019 Üniversite öğrencilerine ve yılın eğitimcisi ödüllü öğretim üyelerine göre iyi üniversite öğretmeninin özellikleri S Emil Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi
2019 Institutional attitudes towards research-related academic integrity in recently internationalizing higher education institutions: a comparative analysis of chinese and turkish heis C Ergenç, S Emil University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China
2019 Social justice in higher education classroom: exploration of self-knowledge of pre-service teachers throughreflective writing S Emil null
2019 Yükseköğretimde akademik kendileşme (academic inbreeding) ve kurumsal habitusun inşası üzerine bir tartışma D Göktürk, A Kandemir Mülkiye Dergisi
2019 University governance and academic leadership in the eu and china C Zhu, M Zayim-Kurtay IGI Global
2019 Challenges of chinese and european universities in the modernization and global context M Zayim-Kurtay, C Zhu Frontiers of Education in China
2019 School leaders’ perspectives on government-initiated changes in flemish secondary schools M Zayim-Kurtay, C Zhu Journal of Educational Administration and History
2019 She has national and international articles published and still in progress about organizational change M Zayim-Kurtay University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China
2019 University governance and academic leadership capacity building: perspectives of european and chinese university staff members C Zhu, M Zayim-Kurtay University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China
2019 Attachment insecurity and restrictive engulfment in college student relationships: the mediating role of relationship satisfaction E Toplu-Demirtaş, C Murray, Z Hatipoglu-Sümer Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research
2019 Kadınlara yönelik psikolojik şiddet ölçeğinin (psychological maltreatment of women inventory) türk kültürüne uyarlanması SE Vatandaşlar, ZH Sümer Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2019 Romantic relationship satisfaction, age, course load, satisfaction with income and parental status as predictors of instructors’ burnout: evidence from a correlational study B Özdemir, A Demir Current Psychology
2019 Burnout as a predictor of senior students’ mindfulness E Yıldız Akyol, A Demir Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment
2019 Romantic relationship satisfaction, age, course load, satisfaction with income and parental status as predictors of instructors' burnout: evidence from a correlational study B Ozdemir, A Demir CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY
2019 The relationships between body image andloneliness among turkish university students M Demir, AG Demir, A Demir null
2019 Grupla psikolojik danışma 10. baskı ağustos 2019 A Demir Pegem A Yayıncılık
2019 The reliability and validity of the lifespan sibling relationship scale in a turkish emerging adult sample B Cilalı, Ö Erdur-Baker, A Bugay Studia Psychologica
2019 The views of undergraduate students and academic advisors on the academic advising process YÇ Aydin, OY Güneri̇, E Esra, FB Yildirim Yükseköğretim Dergisi
2019 Bir sistematik derleme çalışması: yükseköğretimde eylem araştırmaları B Bulut Şahin, S Okur Eğitimde eylem araştırmaları
2019 The career distress scale: structure, concurrent and discriminant validity, and internal reliability in a turkish sample G Şensoy, DM Siyez International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
2019 İlişki doyumunun mükemmeliyetçilik ve güven aracılığıyla yordanması G Şensoy, E Asıcı, FE İkiz Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2019 Travma psikolojik danışmanlığı ve etik FE İkiz, G Şensoy Travma Psikolojik Danışmanlığı
2019 Okul danışmanlarının etik problemlere yönelik yaklaşımları G Şensoy PQDT-Global
2019 Prediction of relationship satisfaction through perfectionism and trust G Şensoy, E Asici, F İki̇z PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKULTESI DERGISI-PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL …
2019 Bilişsel düzenleme ve anlaşmazlık çözümü G Şensoy, K Balkan Sosyal Beceri Eğitimi
2019 Mutluluğun empati, affetme ve yaşam doyumu arasındaki aracı rolü: bir yol analizi. ÖS Kaya, F Orçan Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2019 Geçici koruma statüsünde bulunan suriyeli üniversite öğrencilerinin göç sürecindeki uyum yaşantıları ÖS Kaya Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü
2019 Kişilerarası i̇lişkilerde affetme ölçeği: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması ÖS Kaya İlköğretim Online
2019 Çokkültürlülük algısı ve diğerkâmlık suriyelilere yönelik tutumu etkiler mi? Öğretmen adayları gözünden bir çalışma ÖS Kaya SDU International Journal of Educational Studies
2019 Birey merkezli terapiye dayalı bir psiko-eğitim programı akademik erteleme davranışı üzerinde ne kadar etkili? Bir değerlendirme çalışması ÖS Kaya, H Odacı Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi
2019 Teachers' self-efficacy perceptions and attitudes towards using creative drama A Oguz Namdar, ÖS Kaya Hacettepe University
2019 Mediating role of happiness between empathy, forgiveness, life satisfaction: a path analysis ÖS Kaya, F Orçan Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal Faculty of Education
2019 Üniversite öğrencilerinin suriyelilere yönelik tutumlarının çokkültürlülük ve diğerkamlık açısından i̇ncelenmesi ÖS Kaya null
2018 Reviewing the implementation of life sciences curriculum in turkey using elicitation techniques türkiye’de hayat bilgisi programının uygulanışının söyletim teknikleriyle … PO Taneri, C Engin-Demir Elementary Education Online
2018 A discussion on language policy and how to overcome this challenge for syrian students in turkey. A Atmacasoy, H Akar null
2018 Öğretmen adaylarının ayrımcılığa yönelik tutumları ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri EĞİTİM BİLİMLERİNDE GÜNCEL AKADEMİK ÇALIŞMALAR-
2018 What values should be taught? Measuring the perceptions of high school teachers on values education PO Taneri, MM Akgunduz Educational policy and research
2018 Sınıfta zorbalık olduğunu öğretmen farketmezse! PO Taneri, A Şahin null
2018 Farklı ama aynı! Öğretmenlerin farklılıklara saygı düzeyi PO Taneri Ivpe
2018 Göç pedagojı̇sı̇ konusunda öğretmen adaylarının farkındalıkları PO Taneri null
2018 Research and development on social sciences MM Akgündüz, PO Taneri null
2018 Farklı ama aynı! Aday öğretmenlerin farklılıklara saygı düzeyi PO Taneri Eğitim bilimlerinde güncel akademik çalışmalar
2018 Gözleme dayalı yöntemler CD Doğan, F Nayır, G Arastaman, G Kurum, K Demir, K Yılmaz, ... Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri Gerçek Dünya Araştırması
2018 How would you describe democracy in three words? Prospective teachers' understanding of the concept of democracy. PO Taneri, ÖY Özbek Online Submission
2018 Two decades of research into the internationalization of higher education: major themes in the journal of studies in international education (1997-2016) S Bedenlier, Y Kondakci, O Zawacki-Richter Journal of studies in international education
2018 Social network analysis of international student mobility: uncovering the rise of regional hubs Y Kondakci, S Bedenlier, O Zawacki-Richter Higher Education
2018 Travelling policies and contextual considerations: on threshold criteria A Nir, Y Kondakci, S Emil Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
2018 Eğitim yönetiminde araştırma K Beycioğlu, N Özer, Y Kondakçı Pegem Akademi
2018 Turkey as a higher education hub for displaced students in the middle east, the balkans, and ex-soviet republics Y Kondakçı null
2018 Social justice leadership practices in schools: meaning, practices and challenges in cases from turkey K Beycioğlu, Y Kondakçı, Ö Önen null
2018 Stem uygulamaları ve eğitim yönetimi Y Kondakçı null
2018 The effectiveness of student supports from the perspective of the beneficiaries Y Kondakci, K Beycioglu, YI Oldac, HH Senay Achieving equity and quality in higher education global perspectives in an …
2018 Governmental supports for students in turkey: beneficiary perspective on the use of financial and social support in higher education Y Kondakci, K Beycioglu, Yİ Oldac, HH Senay Achieving equity and quality in higher education: Global perspectives in an …
2018 Internationalization of academic practice: academics’ perceptions towards internationalization in higher education1 B Bulut Şahin, Y Kondakci null
2018 School-community engagement for disadvantaged students in the context of political disputes Y Kondakçı null
2018 Regional differences in satisfaction of international students in a non-traditional destination Y Kondakçı, Y Çapa Aydın null
2018 Okul müdürlerinin değişim liderliği rollerine ilişkin metaforik algıları Y Kondakçı null
2018 The influence of context on socially just leadership in four countries PS Angelle, I Potter, E Szeto, A Cheng, K Beycioglu, Y Kondakçi Tendencias nacionales e internacionales en organización educativa:: entre la …
2018 Can world-class universities really exist in turkey S Emil In Pursuit of World-Class Universities: A Global Experience. Studera Press …
2018 In pursuit of world-class universities: a global experience M Rabossi, KM Joshi, S Paivandi Studera Press
2018 Rethinking higher education from the lens of disability: the work experience of turkish faculty members with disabilities in higher education H Aytaş, S Emil null
2018 Inevitable cycle of higher education (icohe): exploring the impact of world ranking systems on higher education institutions and their public communication on university … S Emil, C Acartürk null
2018 Ethnographic account of a pedagogical project: sisterhood institution in the hizmet movement D Göktürk British Journal of sociology of Education
2018 University governance and academic leadership: perceptions of european and chinese university staff and perceived need for capacity building C Zhu, M Zayim-Kurtay European Journal of Higher Education
2018 Vakif üni̇versi̇tesi̇nde akademi̇syen olmak: ruti̇nler ve bu ruti̇nleri̇ etki̇leyen faktörler M Zayim Kurtay, A Duran Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2018 İlişkisel yöntem M Zayim Kurtay Eğitim Yönetiminde Araştırma
2018 Turkish version of the multidimensional measure of emotional abuse: preliminary psychometrics in college students ET Demirtaş, ZH Sümer, CM Murphy Violence and Victims
2018 Loneliness with regard to maternal and paternal acceptance-rejection and sibling relationship quality A Ulu-Yalçınkaya, A Demir Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools
2018 Predictors of loneliness in turkish university students: shyness and gender M Muyan, GS Aydın, A Demir Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal
2018 Academic procrastination and decision makingstyles M Kalkan, AG Demir, A Demir null
2018 Burnout as a predictor of senior studentsmindfulness E Yildiz Akyol Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
2018 The role of experiential avoidance and mindfulness on self-esteem levels of metu students MA Kurşuncua, AU Yalçınkayab, A Demirb, A Demirc ERPA
2018 The relationship between academic perfectionism and academic satisfaction M Kalkan, AG Demir null
2018 Predicting domain specific hope levels of university students in turkey: examining the roles of personal belief in a just world and gender M Muyan Yılık, AG Demir null
2018 Examining hope as a mediator of the link between procrastination and psychological well-being M Muyan Yılık, AG Demir null
2018 Rcbi-ii: the second revision of the revised cyber bullying inventory Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
2018 Death rituals, religious beliefs, and grief of turkish women I Aksoz-Efe, O Erdur-Baker, H Servaty-Seib Death studies
2018 Afetlerde psikolojik destek için psikolojik danışmanlara yönelik çevirimiçi eğitim geliştirilmesi Ö ERDUR Baker, A Altun, Z Yildirim undefined
2018 Social constraints among bereaving turkish adults: testing the construct and convergent validity and relıability of the social constraints scale (scs) İ Aksoz-Efe, O Erdur-Baker Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International
2018 Doğası, türü, nedenleri ve sonuçlarıyla öğretmene yönelik şiddet Ö Erdur Baker, Y Boz null
2018 Mothers’ xx concerns against terrorist attacks: preliminary findings of a phenomenological study about turkey’xxs recent urban terrorist attacks M Gökyar, Ö Erdur Baker Stress and Anxiety-Theories and Realities
2018 Yükseköğretimde akademik dürüstlüğe i̇lişkin öğrenci görüşleri, deneyimleri ve önerileri: bir olgu bilim araştırması. F BARUTÇU Yildirim, E ERET Orhan Journal of Higher Education & Science/Yüksekögretim ve Bilim Dergisi
2018 Turkish version of the survey of attitudes toward statistics: factorial structure invariance by gender. EE Sarikaya, A Ok, YC Aydin, C Schau International Journal of Higher Education
2018 An evaluation of introduction to industrial engineering course at sabanci university using cipp model A Atmacasoy, A Ok, G Şahin Rowan University
2018 The effect of group supervision on the psychological counseling self-efficacy levels of psychological counseling candidates O Bakalım, F Şanal-Karahan, G Şensoy Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry
2018 Eğitim fakültesi akademisyen ve öğrencilerinin üniversite psikolojik danışma birimine yönelik görüşleri G Şensoy, H Akıman, K Balkan, YS Gül, A Kaval, A Sevinç, G Yeğintürk, ... Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi
2018 Çatişma çözme ve arabuluculuk eği̇ti̇mi̇ni̇n sürdürülebi̇li̇rli̇ği̇: ergenlere ve topluma katkilari. FE İki̇z, K Balkan, G Şensoy, U Çatal, F Balci Electronic Turkish Studies
2018 Psi̇kodrama grubunun psi̇koloji̇k danişma ve rehberli̇k öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n öz-duyarlik düzeyleri̇ne etki̇si̇ O Bakalım, C Yörük, G Şensoy Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
2018 Romantik i̇lişkilerde problem çözme becerilerinin empati ve mental i̇yi oluş açısından i̇ncelenmesi ÖS Kaya Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi
2018 Öğretmenlerin yaratıcı drama yöntemini kullanmaya yönelik özyeterlik algıları ve tutumları AO Namdar, ÖS Kaya Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2018 Examination of eating attitudes in terms of interpersonal relationships and life satisfaction in late adolescence Ç Berber-Çelik, ÖS Kaya Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
2018 Suriyeli sığınmacıların sosyal uyumu: bir müdahaleprogramının etkililiği ÖS Kaya null
2018 Ulusal bi̇r gazetede yer alan haberleri̇n “medya ve değerler” bağlaminda i̇çeri̇k anali̇zi̇ E Demir, ÖS Kaya null
2018 Romantik ilişkilerde sorun çözme becerileri ile empati ve mental iyilik ilişkileri ÖS Kaya Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi
2017 Students as change agents in the community: developing active citizenship at schools S Akin, B Calik, C Engin Demir Educational Sciences-Theory & Practice
2017 Eğitimde nitel araştırma desenleri A Saban, A Ersoy, M Özden, M Bozkurt, ALİ Ersoy, H Akar, ... Anı Yayıncılık
2017 Durum çalışması H Akar Nitel araştırma desenleri
2017 Impact of internal migration movements on the schooling process in turkey: supervisors’ views AHS Derya Education Policy Analysis Archives
2017 Durum çalışmaları H Akar Nitel Araştırma Desenleri
2017 Perceptions of students and teachers about climate change ÖF Yıldırım Taştı, H Akar null
2017 Nitel eğitim araştırmalarında güncel eğilimler ve etik H Akar null
2017 Faculty visions of internationalization in higher education and realities H Akar, G Gülmez Dağ null
2017 Impact of internal population movements on the schooling process in turkey: supervisors' views. H Akar, D Sen Education Policy Analysis Archives
2017 We train, but what do they think? Preservice teachers’ perceptions of the adequacy of their teacher education in turkey E Eret-Orhan, A Ok, Y Capa-Aydin Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
2017 The viewpoints of instructors about the effects of teacher education programs on prospective teachers’ affective characteristics PO Tanerı Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
2017 Okul ve yetişkin eğitimi personelinin mesleki gelişimini desteklemek suretiyle eğitimde kalitenin artırılması projesi değerlendirme raporu PO Taneri, YE Ayna, G Evsel, F Korkmaz Sağlam TÜRKİYE ULUSAL AJANSI
2017 Candidate teachers’ democratic attitudes and their democratic participation level.–may 19-20, 2017 ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri Gece Kitaplığı
2017 Practicies of culturally responsie assessment in european schools. results of a literature review in four european countries KF Nayir, M Brown, D Burns, G Norvedt, B Herzo Punzerberg, PO Taneri null
2017 The quality of education provided in science and art centers. PO Taneri null
2017 Demokratik ve kapsayıcı eğitimin önündeki engelleri aşmada ilk adım: öğretmen eğitimi, 27-29 april 2017. PO Taneri null
2017 An overview of culturally responsive assessment practices in european schools J Ohara, M Brown, D Burns, G Mcnamara, KF Nayir, PO Taneri null
2017 Development of a game-design workshop to promote young girls' interest towards computing through identity exploration NA Çakır, A Gass, A Foster, FJ Lee Computers & Education
2017 Readiness of teachers for change in schools Y Kondakci, K Beycioglu, M Sincar, CT Ugurlu International Journal of Leadership in Education
2017 Differentiated function of school in socio-culturally disadvantaged context: a constructivist grounded theory study from turkey ZZ Caliskan, H Simsek, Y Kondakci The Urban Review
2017 Örgütsel çatışma N Gökyer, S Özdemir, N Cemaloğlu, Y Kondakçi, G Özdemir, A Ünal, ... Pegem Akademi
2017 Understanding leadership practices in a sustainable school model: a case from turkey K Beycioglu, Y Kondakçı Building for a Sustainable Future in Our Schools: Brick by Brick
2017 Tertiary schooling patterns and disadvantaged groups in turkey Y Kondakci, D Orucu Bridges, pathways and transitions
2017 Development and validation of openness to violation of ethical decisions scale Ö Önen, Y Kondakçi İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2017 Öğretmenlerin ahlaki kararlara aykırı davranmaya açıklık düzeylerini belirlemeye yönelik bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması Ö Önen, Y Kondakçı İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2017 Eğitim kurumlarında örgütsel sosyalizasyon: kuram, yöntem ve uygulama Y Kondakçı Pegem Atıf İndeksi
2017 The mediating role of knowledge sharing on the relationship between distributed leadership and readiness for change among teachers C Demir Erdoğan, Y Kondakçı null
2017 Non-traditional destinations in international student mobility: a social network analysis of global student mobility Y Kondakçı, O Zawackırıchter null
2017 Okul müdürlerinin değişim liderliği rolleri E Keleş, Y Kondakçı null
2017 Uluslararası öğrencilerin türkiye’yi tercih nedenleri ve türkiye’deki deneyimleri üzerine nitel bir çalışma Y Kondakçı, HY Ertem null
2017 Qualitative sacrifice for quantitative increase: the case of the turkish higher education S Emil Quality assurance in higher education: A global perspective
2017 Evaluation of turkish education system and school management course: perceptions of teacher candidates S Emil null
2017 Policy implementation problem in turkish education system. S Mouroutsou, S Emil, A Beck, A Cristina Torres null
2017 Evaluation of an undergraduate teacher education course: the impact of student-centered instruction in turkishclassroom. S Emil null
2017 Kültürel zekâ ölçeği̇ni̇n türkçeye adaptasyonu Ö Gökten, S Emil null
2017 How well school climate predicts parent involvement HY Ertem, G Gökalp null
2017 Intimate partner violence in turkey: the turkish intimate partner violence attitude scale-revised E Toplu Demirtaş, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer, FD Fincham Journal of Family Violence
2017 Impact of past and planned investments on dual-career couples’ commitment SB Özgülük, Z Sümer null
2017 Kendini engellemenin yordayıcıları olarak öz saygı, öz anlayış ve akademik özyeterlilik FB Yıldırım, A Demir Ege Eğitim Dergisi
2017 Lisansüstü öğrencilerinin eş seçimini etkileyen ve sınırlandıran görüş ve inançları GS Aydın, A Demir Ege Eğitim Dergisi
2017 Lisansüstü öğrencilerinin eş seçimini etkileyen ve sınırlandıran görüş ve i̇nançları G SANCAK Aydin, AG Demir Ege Eğitim Dergisi
2017 Afetler, krizler, travmalar ve travmatik stres tepkileri Ö Erdur-Baker Afetler, Krizler Travmalar ve Psikolojik Yardım. Türk PDR Derneği Yayınları …
2017 Kriz, kriz tepkileri ve kriz danışmanlığı A Demirli Yıldız, Ö Sevil Gülen, Ö Erdur Baker Kriz danışmanlığı
2017 A cross-country perspective on cyber bullying: italian and turkish experience. G Mura, Ç Topcu-Uzer, Ö Erdur-Baker, D Diamantini Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education/Mersin Üniversitesi …
2017 Siber zorbalık üzerine ülkeler arası bir karşılaştırma: i̇talya ve türkiye örnekleri G Mura, Ç Topcu-Uzer, Ö Erdur-Baker, D Diamantini Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2017 Yas danışmanlığı Ö Erdur Baker Anı Yayıncılık
2017 The stability of fears of turkish children and adolescents interms of severity and content B Serim Yıldız, Ö Erdur Baker null
2017 Psikolojik danışmanların kendi yasları ve özbakım MA Padır, Ö Erdur Baker Yas Danışmanlığı
2017 Çocuk ve ergenler Ö Erdur Baker Afetler, Krizler, Travmalar ve Psikolojik Yardım
2017 Öznel durumlar-zorunlu göç ve mülteci psikolojisi G Karakedi, Ö Erdur-Baker Pegem Atıf İndeksi
2017 Afet eğitimi: etkili öğretim yöntem ve etkinlikler yoluyla çocukları i̇lgili bilgi, beceri ve tutumlarla donatma HA Caner, Ö Erdur Baker null
2017 Bullying among gifted students H Aslan, Ö Erdur Baker null
2017 Adaptation to the loss of a loved one: the role of social constraints, emotional intelligence and rumination İ Aksöz Efe, Ö Erdur Baker null
2017 Psikolojik i̇yileşme becerileri edinimi: orta dönem müdahale örneği A Bugay Tuna, Ö Erdur Baker Afetler, Krizler, Travmalar ve Psikolojik Yardım
2017 Afetler, krizler, travmalar ve psikolojik destek Ö Erdur Baker null
2017 Afet etiği İ Aksöz Efe, T Doğan, Ö Erdur Baker PDR yayınları
2017 Kuramsal çerçeve-kriz, kriz tepkileri ve kriz danışmanlığı A Demirli-Yıldız, Ö Sevil-Gülen, Ö Erdur-Baker Pegem Atıf İndeksi
2017 The role of self-esteem, self-compassion, and academic self-efficacy in predicting self-handicapping F Barutçu Yıldırım, A Demir Ege Journal of Educatıon
2017 Üniversite öğrencilerinin üniversitede sunulabilecek hizmetlere yönelik ihtiyaçları S Yerin Güneri, O., Barutçu Yıldırım, F., Çapa Aydın, Y., Owen, D. W ... Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2017 Undergraduate students' needs regarding services provided a university OY Guneri, FB Yildirim, YC Aydin, DW Owen, SC Demirtas PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKULTESI DERGISI-PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL …
2017 Türkiye ekonomisinde faiz oranı ve döviz kurunun enflasyon hedefi üzerine etkisi A Okur Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
2017 İkinci sınıf i̇ngilizce eğitim programı: kuram-uygulama uyumu K Suat, OK Ahmet Pegem Eğitim ve Öğretim Dergisi
2017 Internationalization in turkish universities; contributions, conflicts, and sources of conflicts: a multiple case study B Bulut Şahin Middle East Technical University
2017 Psikolojik danışmanların meslek etiğine yönelik algıları: özel çalışanlara yönelik bir inceleme FE İkiz, G Şensoy, K Balkan, H Akıman İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi
2017 Halk eğitim merkezi kursiyerlerinin psikolojik i̇htiyaçları ile ruhsal belirtilerinin i̇ncelenmesi FE Ikız, G Şensoy, A Soysal Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi
2017 Kişilerarası i̇lişkilerin yaşam doyumu ve cinsiyet açısından i̇ncelenmesi Ç Berber Çelik, ÖS Kaya null
2016 Regional internationalization in higher education between turkey and the balkans Y Kondakçı, Ö Çalışkan, BB Şahin, MA Yılık, CE Demir Bilig
2016 Durum çalışması [case study] H Akar Eğitimde nitel araştırma desenleri [Qualitative research design]
2016 Students’ civic knowledge and perceptions of civic concepts in a private school: a comparative international perspective H Akar, FK Aschenberger International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS)
2016 Özel bir okuldaki öğrencilerin vatandaşlık bilgileri ve vatandaşlık kavramlarına ait algıları: karşılaştırmalı uluslararası bir bakış H Akar, FK Aschenberger null
2016 Aligning the instructional materials education given by an efl teacher education program for better trained pre-service teachers. S Teki̇r, H Akar null
2016 Student evaluation of instruction: comparison between in-class and online methods Y Capa-Aydin Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
2016 Öğretmen adaylarinin pedagojik formasyon sertifika programinin niteliği hakkindaki görüşleri (çankiri ili örneği) PO Taneri Kastamonu Education Journal
2016 Exploring teacher candidates' views on educational reform. PO Taneri Athens Journal of Education
2016 Kapalı kapılar ardında: öğretmen adaylarına göre oğretmenler odası KF Nayir, PO Taneri, M Akgunduz Egitim bilimlerinde yenilik ve nitelik arayışı
2016 Reasons for the deterioration of moral values: cross cultural comparative analysis PO Taneri, SJ Gao, SR Johnson International Academic Conference Proceedings. Boston, USA
2016 To recall to play in the street: a critical review of the transformation of the game concept, importance and place of game in children’s world PO Taneri, MM Akgunduz, K Funda Nayir Games and Learning Alliance:
2016 Kapali kapilar ardinda ogretmen adaylarina gore ogretmenler odasi KF Nayir, PO Taneri, M Akgunduz null
2016 Eğitimde firsat esitligine iliskin akademisyen gorusleri KF Nayir, PO Taneri, M Akgunduz null
2016 To recall to play in the street: a ciîitical review of the transformation of the g PO Taneri, M Akgunduz Games and Learning Alliance, de gloria alessandro,
2016 Nicel veri analiz ve yorumlanması S Emil, Y Kondakçı, S Kuru Çetin, PO Taneri, N Demirkasımoğlu, K Yılmaz, ... Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri Gerçek Dünya Araştırması
2016 Behavioral and neural effects of game-based learning on improving computational fluency with numbers: an optical brain imaging study. MP Çakır, NA Çakır, H Ayaz, FJ Lee Zeitschrift für Psychologie
2016 Türkiye’de okul müdürlerinin sosyal adalet rolleri Y Kondakçı, MZ Kurtay, Yİ Oldaç, HH Şenay Eğitim yönetimi araştırmaları içinde (ss.
2016 The mediating roles of internal context variables in the relationship between distributed leadership perceptions and continuous change behaviours of public school teachers Y Kondakci, M Zayim, K Beycioglu, M Sincar, CT Ugurlu Educational Studies
2016 Predictors of organizational socialization of instructors in higher education. F Ataman, Y Kondakçı Education & Science/Egitim ve Bilim
2016 Yükseköğretimde i̇ngilizce okutmanların örgütsel sosyalizasyonunun yordayıcıları F Ataman, Y Kondakçı Eğitim ve Bilim
2016 Okul müdürlerinin yetiştirilmesi: kültürlerarası bir inceleme K Beycioğlu, D Örücü, Y Kondakçı, E Oğuz Pegem Atıf İndeksi
2016 Emergence of regional hubs attraction of international students to the periphery Y Kondakçı null
2016 Setting up threshold criteria for travelling policies through exploring the turkish and israeli cases on policy borrowing S Emil, Y Kondakçı null
2016 The relationship between distributed leadership, teacher collaboration, enabling school structure and academic optimism Yİ Oldaç, Y Kondakçı null
2016 What went wrong in technology integration policy of turkey a review of research S Kaya Kaşıkcı, Y Kondakçı null
2016 Teachers change commitment and job satisfaction assessing the importance of antecedents and change related affect M Zayim Kurtay, Y Kondakçı null
2016 Bridges pathways and transitions international innovations in widening participation Y Kondakçı null
2016 Comparative policy analysis educational public policy analysis in three historical periods in turkish republic S Emil null
2016 Adler yaklaşımında aile danışmanlığı NB Akçabozan, ZH Sümer Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2016 The relationship between parenting style, gender and academic achievement with optimism among turkish adolescents DS Cenk, A Demir Current Psychology
2016 Zorbalığa uğrayan ergenlerin yardım alma davranışı ve yardım kaynakları Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker Ege Eğitim Dergisi
2016 Attachment orientations: predicting psychological distress in german and turkish samples N Turan, RD Kocalevent, SM Quintana, Ö Erdur‐Baker, J Diestelmann Journal of Counseling & Development
2016 Gender, attachment orientations, rumination, and symptomatic distress: test of a moderated mediation model N Turan, WT Hoyt, Ö Erdur-Baker Personality and Individual Differences
2016 Zorunlu göç ve mülteci psikolojisi A Bugay Tuna, G Karakedi, Ö Erdur Baker Kriz Danışmanlığı
2016 Kriz danışmanlığı Ö Erdur Baker, T Doğan Pegem A Yayıncılık
2016 Gender differences in cyber bullying perpetration: the role of moral disengagement and aggression Ö Erdur Baker, İ Tanrikulu, Ç Topcu A social ecological approach to cyberbullying
2016 The relation between rumination and emotional reactions to infidelity in romantic relationships S Onaylı, O Erdur-Baker, P Kordoutis Athens Journal of Social Sciences
2016 A cross-cultural comparison of fears in turkish, south korean, and american students. JJ Burnham, S Kim, BS Yildiz, MK Riechel, Ö Erdur-Baker, CN Kirby, ... Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling
2016 Acil afet durumlarında psikolojik danışmanlara yönelik çevrim i̇çi eğitim sisteminin temel özelliklerinin belirlenmesi Z Yıldırım, Ö Erdur Baker, G Türkmen null
2016 Revised cyber bullying inventory for university students a study of validityand reliability İ Tanrıkulu, Ö Erdur Baker null
2016 Development and validation of the cyber bullying perpetration motivesscale İ Tanrıkulu, Ö Erdur Baker null
2016 Help seeking behaviors and sources of bullying victims Ö Erdur Baker null
2016 Tez sürecinde karşılaşılan zorluklar FB Yıldırım, S Onaylı Pegem Atıf İndeksi
2016 The second grade english language curriculum: theory-practice congruence S Kaya, A Ok Pegem Akademi Yayincilik Egitim Danismanlik Hizmetleri
2016 Türkiye’de genç işsizliğinin belirleyicilerine yönelik ekonometrik bir analiz Y Sertkaya, A Okur Ardahan Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi
2016 Prospective classroom teachers’ perceived competencies on sustainable education N Soysal, A Ok Soc. Econ. Perspect. Sustain
2016 Social and economic perspectives on sustainability R Tsvetkova, S Ezekieva, C Duvier, C Oltean-Dumbrava, DA Akdoğan, ... IJOPEC Publications
2016 Farklı öğretmenlik programlarında öğrenim gören öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik becerilerinin karşılaştırılması E Eret, A Ok null
2016 Of article K Suat, OK Ahmet Gösterimi İçin: Kaya, S. & Ok, A.
2016 Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik becerilerinin karşılaştırılması E Eret, A Ok Eğitim bilimlerinde yenilikler ve nitelik arayışı
2016 Geç ergenlikte yeme tutumlarının kişilerarası ilişkiler ve yaşam doyumu açısından incelenmesi Ç Berber Çelik, ÖS Kaya null
2015 İlkokuma yazma öğretim yöntemleri C Demir İlkokuma yazma öğretimi
2015 Preschool teacher education in turkey context evaluation 4th international conference on pre school education B Tekmen, H Akar null
2015 Examining the critical thinking skills of senior pre service teachers in turkey a holistic and diagnostic approach N Akdere, H Akar null
2015 When early childhood teachers close the door: self-reported fidelity to a mandated curriculum and teacher beliefs R Cobanoglu, Y Capa-Aydin Early Childhood Research Quarterly
2015 Predicting college student success: college engagement and perceived english language proficiency YÇ Aydin, OY Güneri, FB Yildirim, P Çag Çukurova University. Faculty of Education Journal
2015 University students’ satisfaction level and related variables/üniversite öğrencilerinin memnuniyet düzeyi ve ilişkili değişkenler FB Yildirim, OY Güneri̇, YÇ Aydin Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama
2015 Ortaokul 7 ve 8 sınıf öğrencilerinin sorunlu internet kullanımı ve anne baba tutumları ilişkisinin incelenmesi P Taneri, Ö Tiryakioğlu The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies (JASSS)
2015 Leaky pipeline: women lost in the academic system, evidence from turkey KF Nayir, PO Taneri Psycho-Educational Research Reviews
2015 Examination of the relationship between problematic internet use of and parental attitudes of elementary school 7th and 8th grade students PO Taneri̇, Ö Ti̇ryaki̇oğlu The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies
2015 Multiple intelligence and creative drama practices with disadvantaged groups P Taneri, A Nalan, A Ceyla International Journal of Social Science & Human Behavior Study
2015 Graduate students perceptions on feedback process a study in the context of teacher education MM Akgündüz, PO Taneri null
2015 Milli eğitim şuralarının türkiye’de eğitim politikası geliştirme süreçlerindeki işlevinin eğitimbilimciler tarafından değerlendirilmesi MM Akgündüz, PO Taneri null
2015 Taramalar ve anketler (surveys and questionnaires) PO Taneri Real World Research Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri Gerçek Dünya Araştırması
2015 Yükseköğretimde analitik düşünme becerileri N Akkuş-Çakır, N Senemoğlu KASTAMONU EĞİTİM DERGİSİ
2015 An optical brain imaging study on the improvements in mathematical fluency from game-based learning MP Cakir, NA Çakir, H Ayaz, FJ Lee Proceedings of the
2015 Integration of contextual exercises in computer-aided design education K Liu, X Peng, P Mcgary, B Yalvac, E Ozturk, MD Johnson, L Valverde Computer-Aided Design and Applications
2015 Examining adaptive expertise: a novel comparison of student and practicing engineer cad modeling performance MD Johnson, E Ozturk, B Yalvac, L Valverde, X Peng, K Liu ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
2015 Adaptive expertise and contextualized activities in computer aided design E Ozturk Texas A&M University
2015 An exploration of the relationship between readiness for change and organizational trust in turkish public schools M Zayim, Y Kondakci Educational Management Administration & Leadership
2015 The development of distance education systems in turkey, the russian federation and saudi arabia. O Zawacki-Richter, Y Kondakci, S Bedenlier, U Alturki, A Aldraiweesh, ... European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning
2015 Atatürk’ün söylev ve demeçlerinde eğitim T Gokmenoglu, Y Kondakci İlköğretim Online
2015 Continuous change in educational organizations Y Kondakci, M Zayim, K Beycioglu Multidimensional perspectives on principal leadership effectiveness
2015 A measure of openness to violation of ethical decisions by teachers a scale development and validation Ö Önen, Y Kondakçı null
2015 Education at atatürk’s speeches and statements T Gökmenoğlu, Y Kondakçı Elementary Education Online
2015 Cifteler, the first village institute (turkey 1937–1954) G Gokalp Pedagogies and Curriculums to (Re) imagine Public Education: Transnational …
2015 Modeling public school teachers’ change implementation behaviors: interrelations among change antecedents, change-related affect, commitment to change, and job satisfaction M Zayim PQDT-Global
2015 Gender, religiosity, sexual activity, sexual knowledge, and attitudes toward controversial aspects of sexuality ZH Sümer Journal of religion and health
2015 Erteleme: türleri, bileşenleri, demografik etkenler ve kültürel farklılıklar B Uzun, A Demir Ege Eğitim Dergisi
2015 Breakup adjustment in young adulthood F Barutçu Yıldırım, A Demir Journal of Counseling & Development
2015 Grupla psikolojik danışma AG Demir, DY Kağnici, SG Çakir, CEMALİ Gi̇zi̇r, T Özci̇vanoğlu, ... Pegem Akademi
2015 Burnout of school counselors M Kalkan, A Demir International Conference on Education and e-Learning (EeL). Proceedings
2015 The effect of attachment styles on attitude towards help seeking A Irkörücü, A Demir Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2015 Job satisfaction and burnout risk among american and turkish counselor educators DW Owen, A Demir Yaşadıkça Eğitim
2015 Türk ve amerikan psikolojik danışman eğitimcilerinde tükenmişlik riski ve i̇ş doyumu DW Owen, AG Demi̇r Yaşadıkça Eğitim Dergisi
2015 Eşli ruminasyon ölçeğinin türkçe uyarlaması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması A Bugay, ÖE Baker Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2015 The objectives of disaster education from teachers’ perspectives Ö Erdur-Baker, K Kasapoğlu, E Yılmaz Journal of Human Sciences
2015 Turkish version of the co-rumination questionnaire: a validity and reliability study A Bugay, Ö Erdur-Baker Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal
2015 Siber zorbalık mağdurlarının yardım alma davranışı yardım kaynakları ve ilişkili değişkenler Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur Baker null
2015 Eşli ruminasyon ölçeğinin türkçe uyarlaması geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması A Bugay Tuna, Ö Erdur Baker null
2015 University students’ satisfaction level and related variables F Barutçu-Yıldırım, O Yerin-Güneri, Y Çapa-Aydın Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama Dergisi
2015 Self-handicapping among university students: the role of gender, self-esteem, procrastination, test anxiety, and self-compassion F Barutçu Yıldırım Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara
2015 Üniversite öğrencilerinin memnuniyet düzeyi ve ilgili değişkenler KF Barutçu Yıldırım, O Yerin Güneri, Y Çapa Aydın Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama
2015 Self-handicapping among university students: the role of gender, procrastination, test anxiety, and selfcompassion F Barutçu Yıldırım Middle East Technical University
2015 Alumni and student opinions regarding areas of improvement in undergraduate education and competences of the graduates O Güneri, HC Sümer, P Çağ, KF Barutçu Yıldırım, G Aydın, Y Çapa Aydın null
2015 Üni̇versi̇te öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n memnuni̇yet düzeyi̇ ve i̇li̇şki̇li̇ deği̇şkenler. FB Yildirim, OY Güneri̇, YÇ Aydin Journal of Theory & Practice in Education (JTPE)
2015 University students' satisfaction level and related variables Y Çapa Aydın, F Barutçu Yıldırım, O Yerin Güneri Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
2015 Türkiye’de genç işsizliği ve nedenleri O Ahmet Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi
2015 Kalıpyargısal cinsiyet ifadelerinin bellek yanılsaması üzerinde etkisi AÇ Ok PQDT-Global
2014 The visible side of the hidden curriculum in schools. R Çobanoğlu, C ENGİN Demi̇r Ilkogretim Online
2014 A study on elt high school teachers’ practices to foster learner autonomy MF Ürün, CE Demir, H Akar Journal of Language Teaching and Research
2014 Okullardaki örtük programın görünen kısmı R Çobanoğlu, C Engin Demir Elementary Education Online
2014 A study on elt high school teachers' practices to foster learner autonomy. MF Ürün, CE Demir, H Akar Journal of Language Teaching & Research
2014 Alandan ve alan dışından öğretmenlik sertifikası ile atanan yeni sınıf öğretmenlerinin sorunları PO Taneri, A Ok Eğitim ve Bilim
2014 The problems of novice classroom teachers having regular and alternative certificates PO Taneri, A Ok Egitim ve Bilim
2014 Üniversite öğrencilerinin demokrasinin eğitime yansımaları hakkındaki görüşleri (çankırı karatekin üniversitesi) P Taneri Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2014 Teacher candidates’ attitudes towards the teaching profession-worrying trends PO Taneri, KF Nayir, G Mcnamara Turkish Studies-International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and …
2014 The teachers against the education reforms under the influence of neoliberalism PO Taneri, KF Nayir null
2014 Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğine i̇lişkin tutumları-endişe verici eğilimler PO Taneri̇ Journal of Turkish Studies
2014 Dezavantajlı okullarda etik sınıf i̇klimi oluşturulması PO Taneri null
2014 Üniversite öğrencilerinin demokrasinin eğitime yansımaları hakkındaki görüşleri çankiri i̇li örneği PO Taneri null
2014 Teacher candidates worries about teaching profession PO Taneri null
2014 Ortaöğretim demokrasi ve i̇nsan hakları kitabı ölçme değerlendirme uzmanı B Tarman, İ Acun, A Yildiz, Y Kanli, PO Taneri Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı
2014 Analyzing adaptive expertise and contextual exercise in computer-aided design X Peng, P Mcgary, E Ozturk, B Yalvac, M Johnson, LM Valverde Computer-Aided Design and Applications
2014 Principal leadership and organizational change in schools: a cross-cultural perspective K Beycioglu, Y Kondakci Journal of Organizational Change Management
2014 Salient characteristics of high-performing turkish elementary schools Y Kondakci, H Sivri Journal of Educational Administration
2014 Eğitim yönetiminde güncel tartışmalar K Beycioğlu, F Kesik, Y Kondakçı Çev. Ed. Selahattin Turan). Eğitim Yönetimi, teori, araştırma ve uygulama …
2014 Drivers behind business contributions to public education in turkey. Y Kondakci, T Gokmenoglu, EE Orhan, FK Aschenberger Education & Science/Egitim ve Bilim
2014 Özel i̇şletmelerin kamusal eğitime katkı yapma nedenleri Y Kondakçı, T Gökmenoğlu, E Eret, FK Aschenberger EĞİTİM VE BİLİM
2014 Drivers behind business contributions to public education in turkey özel i̇şletmelerin kamusal eğitime katkı yapma nedenleri Y Kondakci, T Gokmenoglu, EE Orhan, FK Aschenberger null
2014 Faculty perspectives on programme curricular assessment: individual and institutional characteristics that influence participation engagement S Emil, C Cress Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
2014 Oecd üyesi ülkelerin ekonomik etkinliklerinin veri zarflama analiziyle ölçümü A Demir, F Bakırcı Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi
2014 The role of gender, attachment dimensions, and family environment on loneliness among turkish university students A Demirli, A Demir Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling
2014 Children's sense of loneliness and social dissatisfaction, after-school care HÖ Demircan, A Demir Psychological Reports
2014 Attitudes towards seeking psychological help among a sample of turkish university students: the roles of rumination and internal working models N Turan, Ö Erdur-Baker British Journal of Guidance & Counselling
2014 Afetler, krizler, travmalar ve psikolojik yardım Ö Erdur Baker, T Doğan Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Derneği
2014 Psikolojik i̇lk yardım: saha çalışanları i̇çin rehber T Doğan, Ö ERDUR Baker, İ Aksöz, G SANCAK Aydin Türk Psikolojik Danışma Ve Rehberlik Derneği
2014 Psikolojik ilk yardım: saha çalışanları için rehber Ö Erdur Baker WHO
2014 Internet plagiarism in higher education: tendencies, triggering factors and reasons among teacher candidates E Eret, A Ok Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
2014 Öğretmenlik programlarını kimler tercih ediyor? Adayların giriş özellikleri ve öğretmenliğe yönelik tutumları EE Orhan, A Ok Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2014 Who prefer teacher education programs? Candidates' entry characteristics and attitude towards teaching E Eret Orhan, A Ok HACETTEPE UNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKULTESI DERGISI-HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL …
2014 Öğretmenlerin fen ve teknoloji öğretim programına yönelik görüşleri ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması YT Durmuş, A Ok Elementary Education Online
2014 Development of teachers’ views scale on science and technology curriculum: a validity and reliability study TY Durmuş, A Ok Elementary Education Online
2014 An evaluation of cappadocia vocational college two-year restoration curriculum A Ok, H Çilsalar, YS Erdem Uluslararası Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Çalışmaları Dergisi
2014 21 yüzyıl becerileri öğretmen adaylarına ne ölçüde kazandırılmaktadır E Eret, A Ok null
2014 Geleceğin öğretmenlerine yönelik bir profil çalışması E Eret, A Ok null
2014 Development of teachers' views scale on science and technology curriculum: a validity and reliability study öǧretmenlerin fen ve teknoloji ögretim programi {dotless} na yönelik … Y TEMLİ Durmuş, A Ok Elementary Education Online
2014 Who prefer teacher education programs? Candidates’ entry characteristics and attitude towards teaching öğretmenlik programlarını kimler tercih ediyor? Adayların giriş … E Eret Orhan, A Ok Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi
2013 A review of research on educational theories and approaches affecting students achievement: 1990-2011 EETG Cennetengin-Demir Elementary Education Online
2013 Elementary school teacher candidates' perceptions and definitions on morality and moral education. Y Temli, D Şen, H Akar Education & Science/Egitim ve Bilim
2013 İlköğretim okulu öğretmen adaylarının ahlak ve ahlak eğitimi algıları ve tanımları Y Temli, D Şen, H Akar EĞİTİM VE BİLİM
2013 School-parent partnership as part of school governance structure S Biçak, M Baştürk, A Hanife International Journal of Global Education (IJGE) ISSN:
2013 Elementary school teacher candidates’ perceptions and definitions on morality and moral education i̇lköğretim okulu öğretmen adaylarının ahlak ve ahlak eğitimi algıları ve tanımları Y Temli̇, D Şen, H Akar Education
2013 Predicting critical thinking skills of university students through metacognitive self-regulation skills and chemistry self-efficacy. E Uzuntiryaki-Kondakci, Y Capa-Aydin Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice
2013 English instructors’ professional development need areas and predictors of professional development needs G Eksi, YC Aydın Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2013 Özyeterlik kaynakları ölçeği\'nin türkçe\'ye uyarlanması adaptation of sources of self-efficacy inventory into turkish YÇ Aydın, E Uzuntiryaki, Y Temli, A Tarkın İlköğretim Online
2013 Adaptation of sources of selfefficacy inventory into turkish Y Çapa-Aydın, E Uzuntiryaki-Kondakçı, Y Temli, A Tarkın Elementary Education Online
2013 The scale for emotional reactions following the breakup KF Barutcu, YC Aydin Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2013 Üniversite öğrencilerinin eleştirel düşünme becerilerinin bilişüstü özdüzenleme becerileri ve kimya özyeterlikleri ile yordanması E Uzunti̇ryaki̇-Kondakçi, ÇA Yeşim Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi
2013 Karatekin üniversitesi pedagojik formasyon öğrencilerinin öğretmenlik mesleğini seçme nedenlerine ilişkin görüşlerinin cinsiyet değişkenine göre incelenmesi KF Nayır, PO Taneri Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Karatekin Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
2013 Öğrenci gözüyle hayat bilgisi dersinin işlenişi: bir nitel araştırma yöntemi olarak yaratıcı drama PO Taneri, C Engin-Demir İlköğretim Online
2013 Instructional use of information and communication technologies: teachers' resistance to the use of new technologies PO Taneri, SS Seferoglu The International Journal of Technologies in Learning
2013 Implementation of life sciences from the perspectives of students: creative drama as a qualitative data collection method. PO Taneri, C Engin-Demir Ilkogretim Online
2013 Eğitim bilimcilerin kesintili eğitimle i̇mtihanı 4 4 4 kaç eder A Mehmet Mahsum, PO Taneri null
2013 Ortaöğretim kurumları bileşenlerinin öğrencilere getirilen kılık kıyafet serbestliği hakkındaki görüşleri PO Taneri null
2013 Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğini seçme nedenlerinin cinsiyet değişkeni açısından i̇ncelenmesi KF Nayir, PO Taneri null
2013 What makes a teacher effective ways of training secondary education teachers in turkey PO Taneri null
2013 Curriculum development and implementation PO Taneri Educational Administration Concepts and Practices
2013 Examining the role of contextual exercises and adaptive expertise on cad model creation procedures MD Johnson, E Ozturk, L Valverde, B Yalvac, X Peng Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services:
2013 A methodology for examining the role of adaptive expertise on cad modeling MD Johnson, E Ozturk, L Valverde, B Yalvac, P Mcgary, X Peng International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …
2013 Development and validation of readiness for change scale Y Kondakçı, M Zayim Kurtay null
2013 Yönetim süreçleri Y Kondakçı, M Zayim Eğitim yönetiminde kuram ve uygulama
2013 Değişime hazır olma ölçeği'nin geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması Y Kondakçı, M Zayim, Ö Çalışkan İlköğretim Online
2013 Rationales for regional internationalization between turkey and the balkans Ö Çalışkan, B Bulut Şahin, MA Yılık, C Engin Demir, Y Kondakçı null
2013 International service learning strategies for entry engagement and evaluation C Cress, S Emil, M Yamashıta null
2013 Students perceptions of effective university teaching in a turkish university S Emil null
2013 The relation between dating violence victimization and commitment among turkish college women: does the investment model matter? E Toplu-Demirtas, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer, JW White International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV)
2013 Effects of gender and sex-role orientation on sexual attitudes among turkish university students ZH Sümer Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal
2013 Psychometric properties of the turkish adaptation of multidimensional measure of emotional abuse (mmea) scale E Toplu-Demirtaş, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer meeting of Istanbul
2013 Reducing academic procrastination through a group treatment program: a pilot study B Uzun Ozer, A Demir, JR Ferrari Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
2013 Psikolojik danışma öz-yeterlik ölçeği türkçe formu’nun geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması B Pamukçu, A Demir Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2013 The investigation of facebook usage purposes and shyness, loneliness GS Aydın, M Muyan, A Demir Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2013 Öğreti̇m elemanlarinin üni̇versi̇teleri̇nde bulunan pdr merkezleri̇ hakkindaki̇ görüşleri̇ A Demir, S Koydemir Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi
2013 Facebook usage in terms of gender and romantic relationship status M Muyan, G Sancak Aydın, AG Demir null
2013 Cyber bullying@ schools: what do turkish adolescents think? Ç Topcu, A Yıldırım, Ö Erdur-Baker International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
2013 Mother-daughter relationship and daughter's self esteem S Onayli, O Erdur-Baker Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2013 Görünümleri ve ilgili değişkenleriyle siber zorba ve siber kurbanlar Ö Erdur-Baker Türkiye çocuk ve medya kongresi bildiriler kitabı
2013 The common fears and their origins among turkish children and adolescents B Serim-Yıldız, Ö Erdur-Baker, A Bugay Behaviour Change
2013 Children and television news N Kandemir-Ozdinc, O Erdur-Baker Procedia-social and behavioral sciences
2013 Examining the cultural validity of fear survey schedule for children: the contemporary fears of turkish children and adolescents B Serim-Yıldız, Ö Erdur-Baker The Journal of genetic psychology
2013 Mother-daughter relationship’s links to daughter’s self-esteem and life satisfaction S Onaylı, ÖE Baker Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2013 Mother-daughter relationship's links to daughter's self-esteem and life satisfaction. S Onayli, Ö Erdur-Baker Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal
2013 Anne-kız ilişkisinin yetişkin kızın benlik saygısı ve yaşam doyumuyla ilişkisinin incelenmesi S Onaylı, Ö Erdur-Baker Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2013 Afete hazır okul kampanyası afet bilinci eğitimi eğitmen kılavuzu okul afet ve acil durum yönetimi planı hazırlama kılavuzu TCB Afad Ankara. S
2013 Examining fears of turkish children and adolescents with regard to age, gender and socioeconomic status B Serim-Yildiz, O Erdur-Baker Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2013 İlkokul öğrencileri i̇çin afet bilinci eğitimi AB Afet, ADY Başkanlığı Ankara
2013 Ortaöğretim öğrencileri için afet bilinci eğitimi A Aker, Ü Alniaçik, Ö ERDUR Baker, Ş Bariş, Ö Çeli̇k, S Gerdan, ... Başbakanlık Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı
2013 Investigating the role of facebook usage, life satisfaction, self-esteem and social support in predicting the loneliness of turkish university student. P Çağ, KF Barutçu Yıldırım, G Aydın, Z Erkan Atik null
2013 Predicting college student success and gains: college engagement and perceived english language proficiency Y Çapa Aydın, KF Barutçu Yıldırım, O Yerin-Güneri, P Çağ null
2013 Self-esteem and self-types S Onaylı, F Barutçu Psychology and the search for certainty in everyday life
2013 Türk teksti̇l ve hazir gi̇yi̇m sektörleri̇ni̇n gümrük bi̇rli̇ği̇ sonrasi ab-15 ülkeleri̇ karşisindaki̇ rekabet gücü M Özçalık, A Okur Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
2013 Scholars reflections on conceptions boundaries and concerns of the field of curriculum A Ok, E Eret null
2012 Field testing the college student experiences questionnaire in turkey ZH Sümer, LH Bikos, OY Güneri, CE Demir, JH Schuh J. Educ. Instruct. Stud. World
2012 Turkish pre-service teachers' critical thinking levels, attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs in teaching for critical thinking N Akdere PQDT-Global
2012 Investigating academic performance of migrant students: a system dynamics perspective with an application to turkey CS Pedamallu, L Ozdamar, H Akar, GW Weber, A Özsoy International Journal of Production Economics
2012 Attitudes and achievement in statistics: a meta-analysis study. E Emmioğlu, Y Capa-Aydin Statistics Education Research Journal
2012 Science teaching efficacy beliefs J Cakiroglu, Y Capa-Aydin, AW Hoy Second international handbook of science education
2012 Investigating predictors of sense of efficacy beliefs of classroom, science, and mathematics teachers G Gür, J Çakiroglu, YÇ Aydin Egitim ve Bilim
2012 Learning and study strategies of high school and university students PO Taneri null
2012 Parents opinions about creative thinking skills PO Taneri null
2012 Ortaöğretim demokrasi ve i̇nsan hakları programının değerlendirilmesi PO Taneri null
2012 Assessing novice cad model creation and alteration X Peng, P Mcgary, M Johnson, B Yalvac, E Ozturk Computer-Aided Design and Applications, PACE
2012 Online design education: its availability, viability, advantages, and disadvantages E Ozturk, CE Unlu eLearn: World Conference on EdTech
2012 What if" analyses: ways to interpret statistical significance test results using excel or" r E Ozturk ERIC Clearinghouse
2012 Alignment of the formal and informal support in the socialization of the faculty members Y Kondakci, C Haser Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2012 The new stream of trade unionism: the case of eğitim-bir-sen in turkey D Göktürk, G Güvercin, O Seçkin Neoliberal transformation of education in Turkey: Political and ideological …
2012 Attitudes towards plagiarism scales development and initial validation M Zayim ECER
2012 Individual psychology in turkey. ZH Sümer, PR Rasmussen Journal of Individual Psychology
2012 Affetme arttırılabilinir mi?: affetmeyi geliştirme grubu. A Bugay, A Demir Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal
2012 Assessment of reliability and validity of the turkish version of heartland forgiveness scale A Bugay, A Demir, R Delevi Psychological reports
2012 Psychometric properties of frustration discomfort scale in a turkish sample BU Ozer, A Demir, N Harrington Psychological Reports
2012 Can be forgiveness increased?: forgiveness enrichment group A Bugay, A Demir Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2012 Affective and cognitive empathy as mediators of gender differences in cyber and traditional bullying Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker School Psychology International
2012 Is case-based instruction effective in enhancing high school students' motivation toward chemistry?. E Yalcinkaya, Y Boz, O Erdur-Baker Science Education International
2012 Disaster experience of turkey: an overview from a psychological perspective T Aker, Ö Erdur-Baker, I Gokler-Danisman, B Yilmaz Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
2012 Turkish version of children’s response styles questionnaire B Özgülük, ÖE Baker, A Bugay European journal of psychological assessment
2012 The turkish version of the ruminative response scale: an examination of its reliability and validity özgür erdur baker middle east technical university, turkey A Bugay International Journal
2012 Turkish version of children's response styles questionnaire validity and reliability in turkish early adolescents Ö Erdur Baker, A Bugay Hogrefe Publishing Group
2012 Development and validation of children’s responsible environmental behavior scale M Erdogan, A Ok, TJ Marcinkowski Environmental Education Research
2012 Incorporating critical thinking in the pedagogical content of a teacher education programme: does it make a difference? BY Toy, A Ok European Journal of Teacher Education
2012 A qualitative inquiry in the evaluation of a pedagogical course from the prospective teachers' points of view. BY Toy, A Ok Qualitative Report
2012 Value orientations of the teaching certificate program students GT Sisman, A Ok Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2011 The role of extracurricular activities in active citizenship education F Keser, H Akar, A Yildirim Journal of curriculum studies
2011 Comparing teachers’ views on morality and moral education, a comparative study in turkey and the united states P Lepage, H Akar, Y Temli, D Şen, N Hasser, I Ivins Teaching and teacher education
2011 The influence of the physical environment on early childhood education classroom management İT Şahin, F Tantekin-Erden, H Akar Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
2011 A study on primary classroom and social studies teachers' perceptions of moral education and their development and learning. Y Temli, D Sen, H Akar Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice
2011 İlköğretim sınıf ve sosyal bilimler öğretmenlerinin ahlak eğitimine yönelik algıları ve eğitimlerine genel bir bakış Y Temli, D Şen, H Akar Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri. Educational Sciences: Theory …
2011 Role of extracurricular activities in active citizenship education A Yıldırım, H Akar Journal of Curriculum Studies
2011 Interplay of motivational and cognitive strategies in predicting self‐efficacy and anxiety YÇ Aydin, E Uzuntiryaki, B Demirdögˇen Educational Psychology
2011 Özdüzenleyici öğrenme stratejileri ölçeğinin (öösö) geliştirilmesi C Kadıoğlu, E Uzuntiryaki, YÇ Aydın Eğitim ve Bilim
2011 How are high school students’ epistemological beliefs related to their goal orientations C Kadioglu, E Uzuntiryaki, Y Capa-Aydin European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Conference, Lyon, France
2011 Predictors of chemistry self-efficacy among college students EU Kondakci, YC Aydın, ZD Kirbulut, ME Beeth European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Conference
2011 Quality of education in rural schools: a needs assessment study (ankara-kalecik sample) PO Taneri, C Engindemir International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
2011 The perceived autonomy of teachers in elementary education PO Taneri The
2011 Quality of education in rural schools: a needs assessment study C Engin-Demir, PO Taneri International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
2011 Student mobility reviewed: attraction and satisfaction of international students in turkey Y Kondakci Higher education
2011 Psychological distress among international students in turkey E Cetinkaya-Yildiz, SG Cakir, Y Kondakci International journal of intercultural relations
2011 Gencogretim elemanlarının mesleki toplumsallasması ve akademik kimlik algılarının incelenmesi C Haser, Y Kondakci Bilimsel Gelisme Raporu [Investigating young faculty members’ socialization …
2011 An investigation of drivers behind business contributions to public education in turkey E Eret, Y Kondakçı null
2011 Exploring effective support practices for doctoral students’ degree completion IJ West, G Gokalp, EV Pena, L Fischer, J Gupton College Student Journal
2011 Effective strategies for supporting doctoral students IJ y West, G Gokalp International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and …
2011 Predictors of risk-taking behaviors among turkish adolescents O Özmen, ZH Sümer Personality and Individual Differences
2011 Hataya i̇lişkin özelliklerin başkalarını affetmeyi yordaması. A Bugay, A Demir Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal
2011 The investigation of counseling self-efficacy levels of counselor trainees B Pamukçu PQDT-Global
2011 Psychometric properties of the turkish version of trait shame and guilt scale. A Bugay, A Demir Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER)
2011 Psychometric evaluation of the college adjustment self-efficacy scale for turkish university students MÇ Örücü, A Demir European journal of psychological assessment
2011 Psychometric properties of the turkish version of trait shame and guilt scale A Demir Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
2011 Yasam doyumu ile affetme arasindaki iliskide ruminasyon egiliminin araci rolü AG Demir XI. Ulusal Psikolojik Danisma ve Rehberlik Kongresi Bildiri Özet Kitabi
2011 Ruminasyon düzeyinin toplumsal cinsiyet ve yaşa göre incelenmesi A Bugay, Ö Erdur-Baker Turkish psychological counseling and guidance journal
2011 Mediator and moderator role of loneliness in the relationship between peer victimization and depressive symptoms ÖE Baker, A Bugay Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools
2011 An international study of cyber bullying perception and diffusion among adolescents G Mura, C Topcu, O Erdur-Baker, D Diamantini Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2011 Peer victimization and depressive symptoms: the mediation role of loneliness OE Baker, A Bugay Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2011 Teachers' perspectives on psychological issues among their students Ö Erdur-Baker, O Özmen, H Özmen İlköğretim Online
2011 Age and gender differences in rumination. A Bugay, Ö Erdur-Baker Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal
2011 Age and gender differences in rumination Ö Erdur Baker null
2011 Öğretmenlerin öğrencilerin psikolojik sorunlarına i̇lişkin görüşleri Ö Erdur-Baker, O Özmen, H Özmen Elementary Education Online
2011 Mediator and moderator role of loneliness in the relation between peer victimization and depressive symptoms Ö Erdur Baker null
2011 An assessment of turkish young pupils’ environmental literacy: a nationwide survey M Erdogan, A Ok International Journal of Science Education
2011 Reflections of prospective teachers toward a critical thinking-based pedagogical course: a case study A Ok, BY Toy Internafional Journal of Human and Social Sciences
2011 Internationalization through mobility. the middle east technical university case A Daloğlu, B Bulut Şahin International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and Obstacles
2010 Who are the future teachers in turkey? Characteristics of entering student teachers M Aksu, CE Demir, A Daloglu, S Yildirim, E Kiraz International journal of educational development
2010 Öğretmen adaylarının eğitim görüşlerinin farklı değişkenlere göre incelenmesi E Kiraz, CE Demir, M Aksu, A Daloğlu, S Yıldırım İlköğretim Online
2010 Investigating educational views of prospective teachers according to different variables. E Kiraz, CE Demir, M Aksu, A Daloğlu, S Yıldırım Ilkogretim Online
2010 Challenges for schools in communities with internal migration flows: evidence from turkey H Akar International Journal of Educational Development
2010 Globalization and its challenges for developing countries: the case of turkish higher education H Akar Asia Pacific Education Review
2010 Öğretmenlerin sınıf yönetimi yaklaşımları ve deneyimlerinin incelenmesi H Akar, FT Erden, D Tor, İT Şahin İlköğretim Online
2010 Study on teachers' classroom management approaches and experiences H Akar, FT Erden, D Tor, İT Şahin Elementary Education Online
2010 Tantekin erden, f H Akar Tor, D. ve Şahin, İT
2010 Effect of constructivist learning on student achievement in pre-service teacher education H Akar, A Yildirim New Educational Review
2010 Efficacy beliefs of teachers to optimize learning opportunities: incentives for teacher education policy-making H Akar, F Erden null
2010 Etkili sınıf yönetimi modelinin geliştirilmesi: uygulamalar ve yaklaşımlar H Akar, F Erden undefined
2010 Journal of moral education referees in 2009 H Akar, W Althof, J Arthur, A Barber, R Bergman, M Berkowitz, ... Journal of Moral Education
2010 Temel empati ölçeği türkçe uyarlaması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması turkish adaptation of basic empathy scale: validity and reliability study Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker, Y Çapa-Aydın Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi (Journal of Turkish …
2010 Temel empati ölçeği türkçe uyarlaması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması Ç Topçu, ÖE Baker, Y Çapa-Aydın Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi
2010 Implementation of constructivist life sciences curriculum: a case study PO Taneri PQDT-Global
2010 Okul yöneticilerinin değişime hazır olma tutumlarının okulun öğretim düzeyi, yöneticilerin deneyimi ve okul büyüklüğü bağlamında i̇ncelenmesi Y Kondakçı, M Zayim, Ö Çalışkan İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2010 Investigating school administrators' readiness to change in relation to teaching level of the school, experiences of the administrators, and the size of the school. Y Kondakçi, M Zayi̇m, Ö Çalişkan Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education (INUJFE)
2010 Turkey’s distinctive position in the internationalization of higher education Y Kondakci Higher education and the Middle East: Serving the knowledge-based. economy
2010 Investigating the relationship between readiness to change teaching level experience and school size among school administrators Y Kondakçı, M Zayim Kurtay null
2010 Mentoring through reflective journal writing: a qualitative study by a mentor/professor and two international graduate students DD Stevens, S Emil, M Yamashita Reflective Practice
2010 Appreciative inquiry: a pilot study of school counselor graduates RE Lewis, S Emil The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development
2010 Okul yöneticilerinin değişime hazır olma tutumlarınınokulun öğretim düzeyi yöneticilerin deneyimi ve okul büyüklüğü bağlamında incelenmesi Y Kondakçı, M Zayim, Ö Çalışkan İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2010 Investigating the relationship between primary and secondary level public school teachers' readiness for change and perceived organizational trust M Zayim PQDT-Global
2010 İlköğretim ve ortaöğretim düzeyindeki devlet okullarında görev yapan öğretmenlerin değişime hazır olma durumları ve algıladıkları örgütsel güven arasındaki i̇lişkinin i̇ncelenmesi M Zayim Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü, Ankara
2010 Saldırgan davranışlarını yordamada çevresel risk, çevresel güvenlik ve okul i̇klimi algısı. EÇ Yıldız, ZH Sümer Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal
2010 Okul öncesi çocuklar ve şiddet: tanık ve kurban olma düzeyleri EÇ Yıldız, ZH Sümer İlköğretim Online
2010 Rehberlik ve psikolojik danışmanlık öğrencilerinin cinsel bilgi kaynakları, yeterlilik algıları ve bilgi ihtiyaçları N Topkaya, Z Sümer Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2010 Beratung von zugewanderten familien. stärkung der erziehungskompetenzen in zugewanderten familien B Leyendecker, Z Sümer Eltern verstehen und stärken: Analysen und Konzepte der Erziehungsberatung
2010 Life satisfaction of visually impaired turkish adolescents D Aydemir, Z Sümer null
2010 Predicting delinquency among turkish adolescent E Çetinkaya Yıldız, Z Sümer null
2010 Violence exposure level of turkish preadolescents E Çetinkaya Yıldız, Z Sümer null
2010 A turkish version of heartland forgiveness scale A Bugay, A Demir Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2010 Investigation of social-cognitive, emotional and behavioral variables as predictors of self-forgiveness A Bugay PQDT-Global
2010 The features of transgression as predictors of forgiveness of others A Bugay, A Demir Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2010 Cyberbullying and its correlation to traditional bullying, gender and frequent and risky usage of internet-mediated communication tools Ö Erdur-Baker New media & society
2010 The revised cyber bullying inventory (rcbi): validity and reliability studies Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker Procedia-social and behavioral sciences
2010 Psychological consequences of cyber bullying experiences among turkish secondary school children ÖE Baker, İ Tanrıkulu Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2010 Temel empati ölçeği türkçe uyarlaması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker, Y Çapa-Aydın Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal
2010 The short version of ruminative response scale: reliability, validity and its relation to psychological symptoms Ö Erdur-Baker, A Bugay Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2010 School violence: a qualitative case study SA Altun, ÖE Baker Procedia-social and behavioral sciences
2010 Turkish adaptation of basic empathy scale: validity and reliability study Ç Topçu, ÖE Baker, Y Çapa-Aydın Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2010 Turkish adaptation of the trait meta-mood scale İ Aksöz, A Bugay, Ö Erdur-Baker Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2010 Its correlation to traditional bullying, gender and frequent and risky usage of internet-mediated communication tools OC Erdur-Baker New Media Soc
2010 Gender and grade differences in children's alternative solutions to interpersonal conflict situations SB Özgülük, Ö Erdur-Baker Procedia-social and behavioral sciences
2010 The contribution of rumination and internal working models of attachment to psychological symptoms N Turan, Ö Erdur-Baker Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2010 Turkish high school students’ perception of cyber bullying: a qualitative study Ç Topçu, A Yıldırım, Ö Erdur-Baker The European Conference on Educational Research
2010 The turkish adaptation of the mother-adult daughter questionnaire S Onaylı, Ö Erdur-Baker, İ Aksöz Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
2010 Okuldaki şiddetin etkileri S Akbaba-Altun, Ö Erdur-Baker Çağdaş Eğitim Dergisi
2010 The dark side of technology: cyber victimization and its relation to perceived social support and depression O Erdur-Baker, C Topcu ICERI
2010 The effects of different instructional methods on students’ acquisition and retention of cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills L Saraç, A Ok Resuscitation
2010 Öğretmen yetiştirme programlarındaki öğretmen adaylarının profili A Ok, P Önkol Eğitim ve Bilim
2010 Prospective teachers’ perceptions on different aspects of portfolio A Ok, M Erdogan Asia Pacific Education Review
2010 Prospective english teachers’ views on the physical environment, human resources, and program of their departments E Eret, A Ok Asia Pacific Education Review
2010 Reply to letter: systematic development of web based cpr instruction in the emerging global smart phone era L Saraç, A Ok Resuscitation
2010 Academic dishonesty or not are the prospective teachers familiar with internet plagiarism and its prevention A Ok, E Eret null
2009 Change in teacher candidates' metaphorical images about classroom management in a social constructivist learning environment H Akar, A Yildirim Teaching in Higher Education
2009 Foreign language teacher education: the polish case H Akar The New Educational Review
2009 İlköğretimde bölgesel eşitsizlik: kuzeydoğu, ortadoğu ve güneydoğu anadolu bölgelerinde i̇lköğretime erişim, devam ve kaliteli eğitimi sağlamaya yönelik politika önerileri. H Akar ODTÜ Yayıncılık
2009 Development and validation of chemistry self-efficacy scale for college students E Uzuntiryaki, YÇ Aydın Research in Science Education
2009 Teacher self‐regulation: examining a multidimensional construct Y Capa‐Aydin, S Sungur, E Uzuntiryaki Educational Psychology
2009 Development and psychometric evaluation of the high school chemistry self-efficacy scale YÇ Aydın, E Uzuntiryaki Educational and Psychological Measurement
2009 Quality of education in turkish rural schools a needs assessment study PO Taneri, C Engin Demir null
2009 Institutional imperatives versus emergent dynamics: a case study on continuous change in higher education Y Kondakci, H Van den Broeck Higher education
2009 What attracts foreign students to study in turkey? An analysis of inbound student mobility in turkey E Çetinkaya, SG Çakır, Y Kondakçı ECER
2009 Baba katilim eği̇ti̇mi̇ni̇n ai̇le i̇şlevleri̇ne ve ergenleri̇n akran i̇li̇şki̇leri̇ne etki̇si̇ E Kocayörük, Z Sümer Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama
2009 Predictors of perceived social support among visually impaired adolescents D Aydemir, Z Sümer, Ç Topçu null
2009 Exploring academic procrastination among turkish students: possible gender differences in prevalence and reasons BU Özer, A Demir, JR Ferrari The Journal of social psychology
2009 Psychometric evaluation of perceived stress scale for turkish university students MÇ Örücü, A Demir Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the …
2009 Chronic procrastination among turkish adults: exploring decisional, avoidant, and arousal styles JR Ferrari, BU Özer, A Demir The Journal of social psychology
2009 Psychological adaptation of turkish students at us campuses Y Bektaş, A Demir, R Bowden International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
2009 The relationship between perceived parental attitudes and shyness among turkish youth: fear of negative evaluation and self-esteem as mediators S Koydemir-Özden, A Demir Current Psychology
2009 Structural validity of turkish versions of the gender role conflict scale and male role norms scale. SH Lease, A Çiftçi, A Demir, G Boyraz Psychology of Men & Masculinity
2009 Ayhan demir a joseph j. ferrari. chronic procrastination among turkish adults: exploring decisional, avoidant and arousal procrastination styles B Özer The Journal of Social Psychology
2009 Peer victimization, rumination, and problem solving as risk contributors to adolescents' depressive symptoms Ö Erdur-Baker The Journal of psychology
2009 Ergenlerde görülen psikolojik belirtilerin yordayıcıları olarak ruminasyon ve öfke/öfke ifade tarzları ÖE Baker, SB Özgülük, N Turan, ND Danışık Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2009 Cyber bullying in turkey its correlates and links to depressive symptoms Ö Erdur Baker null
2009 Rumination and anger/anger expression styles as risk factors for psychological symptoms of adolescents. Ö Erdur-Baker, SB Özgülük, N Turan, N Demırcı Danişik Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal
2009 Attainment of cultural capital in higher education the case of turkey AY Özcan, Ö Erdur-Baker Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research
2009 Age and gender differences in cyber and traditional bullying experiences of turkish adolescents Ö Erdur-Baker, Ç Topcu meeting of the European Conference on Educational Research, Vienna, Austria
2009 Turkish adaptation of basic empathy scale bes Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur Baker, Y Çapa Aydın null
2009 Content analysis of selected features of k‐8 environmental education research studies in turkey, 1997–2007 M Erdogan, T Marcinkowski, A Ok Environmental Education Research
2009 Competencies needed for inclusive teachers A Ok, E Eret null
2008 Geleceğin öğretmenleri kimler: eğitim fakülteleri öğrenci profili M Aksu, A Daloğlu, S Yıldırım, E Kiraz, CE Demir İlköğretmen Eğitimci Dergisi
2008 The characteristics of effective teachers as perceived by primary school students and teachers CE Demir Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
2008 Poverty, and schooling in turkey: a needs assessment study H Akar Presentation at Workshop on Complex Societal Problems, Sustainable Living …
2008 Examination of cyberbullying experiences among turkish students from different school types C Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker, Y Capa-Aydin CyberPsychology & Behavior
2008 The challenges of internationalization from foreign and local students’ perspectives: the case of management school Y Kondakci, H Van den Broeck, A Yildirim Asia Pacific Education Review
2008 Moving toward a campus wide culture of teaching learning and assessment a multi dimensional task DD Stevens, F Wıllıam, P Latıolaıs, C Ramette, S Emil null
2008 Effects of stress on teacher decision making G Gokalp University of Southern California
2008 Shyness and cognitions: an examination of turkish university students S Koydemir, A Demir The Journal of psychology
2008 Turkish adolescents'conflict resolution strategies toward peers and parents as a function of loneliness A Ciftci, A Demir, LH Bikos Adolescence
2008 Conflict behaviors toward mothers and fathers among male and female turkish adolescents E Tezer, A Demir Family Therapy
2008 Crisis management strategies by turkish school principles following natural disasters I Aksöz, Ö Erdur-Baker, S Akbaba-Altun Proc. WCCI
2008 Loneliness as a risk factor for traditional and cyber bullying Ö Erdur-Baker, H Yurdugül ECER-The European Conference on Educational Research
2008 Environmental literacy assessment of turkish children: the effects of background variables M Erdogan, A Ok The WCCI
2008 Sürtünme kaynağı ile birleştirilmiş farklı malzemelerin kaynak bölgesinin incelenmesi C Meriç, NS Köksal, MT Erdoğan, A Okur Celal Bayar University Journal of Science
2008 Students views on curriculum and instruction graduate degree program metu case A Ok, M Erdoğan, E Eret null
2008 Problems of english language teacher education from the 4th year english teachers perspective E Eret, A Ok null
2008 Students’ and coordinators’ views on the effectiveness of the erasmus student exchange program at middle east technical university B Bulut Şahin Middle East Technical University
2007 Metaphors as a reflection of middle school students' perceptions of school: a cross-cultural analysis CE Demir Educational Research and Evaluation
2007 A longitudinal, naturalistic inquiry of the adaptation experiences of the female expatriate spouse living in turkey LH Bikos, A Çiftçi, OY Güneri, CE Demir, ZH Sümer, S Danielson, ... Journal of Career Development
2007 A repeated measures investigation of the first-year adaptation experiences of the female expatriate spouse living in turkey LH Bikos, A Çiftçi, OY Güneri, CE Demir, ZH Sümer, S Danielson, ... Journal of Career Development
2007 Development and learning in classroom management H Akar Academic Exchange Quarterly
2007 Impact of extra curricular activities on students' citizenship training H Akar, A Yıldırım European Conference on the Impact of Informal Learning and Social Services …
2007 Aktif vatandaslik egitimi: planli ders disi sosyal beceri etkinliklerinin aktif vatandaslik becerilerinin gelistirilmesi yönünde degerlendirilmesi A Yıldırım, H Akar Egitimde Yönelimler Sempozyumu: Yapilandirmacilik ve Ögretmen
2007 Yükseköğretimde yeni bir açılım olarak uluslararasılaşma ve türkiye’de yükseköğretimin uluslararasılaşması üzerine bir tartışma, xvi Y Kondakçı Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, TOKAT
2007 Journal keeping as a tool for mentoring international students DD Stevens, S Emil, Y Mıkı null
2007 Psikolojik danışman eğitiminin göz ardı edilen öğesi: cinsellik eğitimi Z Sümer Gelişen psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik: Meslekleşme sürecindeki ilerlemeler
2007 Psychometric properties of the brief verision of the fear of negative evaluation scale in a turkish sample S Koydemir, A Demir Psychological reports
2007 The efficacy of reminiscence therapy on the life satisfaction of turkish older adults: a preliminary study R Siviş, AG Demir null
2007 The effect of structured peer consultation program on school counselor burnout in turkey A Esen Coban, A Demir Journal of Applied Sciences
2007 Animsama terapi̇si̇ni̇n yaşlilarda yaşam doyumuna etki̇si̇: bi̇r ön çalişma R Si̇vi̇ş, A Demi̇r Türk Geriatri Dergisi
2007 The efficacy of reminiscence therapy on the life satisfaction of turkish older adults a preminary study R Siviş Çetinkaya, AG Demir Turkish Geriatrics Society
2007 The effects of structured peer consultation program on school counselor in turkey A Çoban, AG Demir Science Alert
2007 Anne-baba tutumlarinin sosyal degerlendirme kaygisindaki rolü. AG Demir IX. Ulusal Psikolojik Danisma ve Rehberlik Kongresi Bildiri Özet Kitabi
2007 Akran zorbalığının yeni yüzü: siber zorbalık. Ö Erdur-Baker, F Kavşut Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER)
2007 Cyber bullying: a new face of peer bullying Ö Erdur-Baker, F Kavsut Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
2007 Psikolojik danışma ve kültürel faktörler Ö Erdur-Baker Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2007 Geleneksel akran zorbalığının, siber zorbalığının ve bu iki tip zorbalık türü arasındaki ilişkinin toplumsal cinsiyet açısından incelenmesi. 16 Ç Topçu, Ö Erdur-Baker Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongre Kitabı. Tokat
2007 Counseling psychology and cultural factors. Ö Erdur-Baker Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal
2007 Lise öğrencilerinin siber zorbalık deneyimlerinin incelenmesi Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur Baker, Y Çapa Aydın null
2007 The profile of prospective teachers in teacher education programs A Ok, P Önkol Egitim ve Bilim
2006 Challenges of primary education in turkey: priorities of parents and professionals CE Demir, F Paykoç International Journal of Educational Development
2006 The relationship between work, school performance, and school attendance of primary school children in turkey CE Demir, E Demir, S Uygur European Conference on Educational Research
2006 Philosophical basis of turkish and american teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and practices CE Demir European Conference on Educational Research, The University of Geneva …
2006 Learners' metaphorical images about classroom management in a social constructivist learning environment. H Akar, A Yildirim Online Submission
2006 Challenges for teacher training colleges in poland. H Akar Online Submission
2006 Research in educational administration & leadership K Beycioglu Educational Administration: Theory and Practice
2006 Effects of threat to a valued social identity on implicit self-esteem and discrimination JD Smurda, MA Wittig, G Gokalp Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
2006 Sexual knowledge and behaviors of turkish university students: are students at risk? Z Sümer null
2006 Preferred and actual sources of sexuality information among american and turkish females Z Sümer, C Engin Demir null
2006 Experiences in higher education: does gender make a difference? O Yerin Güneri, C Engin Demir, Z Sümer, L H Bikos null
2006 Nature and severity of college students' psychological concerns: a comparison of clinical and nonclinical national samples. O Erdur-Baker, CL Aberson, JC Barrow, MR Draper Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
2006 Basındaki yansımaları ile okulda şiddet. SA Altun, OY Güneri, ÖE Baker Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER)
2006 Üniversite öğrencilerinin psikolojik sorunları B Bıçak, Ö Erdur Baker null
2006 School violence among urban turkish students: a qualitative investigation O Yerin-Guneri, O Erdur Baker, S Akbaba Altun European Conference on Educational Research
2006 School violence in printed media O Yerin Güneri, S Akbaba-Altun, Ö Erdur Baker null
2005 Classroom management. P Lepage, L Darling-Hammond, H Akar, C Gutierrez, E Jenkins-Gunn, ... Jossey-Bass
2005 Challenges of introducing a constructivist classroom culture in a predominantly teacher-centered environment H Akar, A Yıldırım European Conference on Educational Research, University College Dublin
2005 Preparedness and development in classroom management pedagogy through active learning H Akar European Conference on Education Research. University College Dublin
2005 Classroom management H Lepage P., Darling-Hammond, L., Akar Preparing Teachers for a Changing World: What Teachers Should Learn and Be …
2005 The development and validation of a turkish version of teachers’ sense of efficacy scale Y Çapa, J Çakıroğlu, H Sarıkaya Education and Science
2005 What predicts student teacher self-efficacy? Y Capa Aydin, A Woolfolk Hoy Academic Exchange Quarterly
2005 Practice-based continuous change process: a longitudinal investigation of an organizational change process in a higher education organization Y Kondakçi Ghent University
2005 Sosyal beceri eğitiminin ilköğretim öğrencilerinin algılanan sosyal beceri boyutlarına ve sosyometrik statülerine etkisi Z Sümer Deneysel olarak sınanmış grupla psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik programları
2005 Odtü öğrenci̇leri̇nde yardim arama davranişi S Koydemir, A Demir Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi
2005 Availability of mental health services for older adults: a cross-cultural comparison of the united states and turkey R Sivis, CS Mccrae, A Demir Aging & Mental Health
2005 The effects of stress management training program on perceived stress, self-efficacy and coping styles of university students MÇ Örücü PQDT-Global
2005 Öğretim elemanlarının üniversitelerinde bulunan pdr merkezleri hakkındaki görüşleri A Demir, S Koydemir MÜ Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi
2005 Ergenlerde öfke, öfke-i̇fade tarzları ve problem çözme N Danışık, Ö Erdur Baker null
2005 Moving prospective physical education teachers to learner centered teaching can it be stimulated in a traditional context ML İnce, A Ok null
2005 A study of student teacher experiences and expectations of teaching practice A Ok University of Malta. Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research
2005 Impediments to teaching practice in pre-service teacher education A Ok Eğitim ve Bilim
2005 Hizmet öncesi öğretmen eğitiminde öğretmenlik uygulamasında karşılaşılan engeller A Ok EĞİTİM VE BİLİM
2004 Oluşturmacı öğretim etkinliklerinin sınıf yönetimi dersinde kullanılması: bir eylem araştırması H Akar, A Yıldırım İyi Örnekler Konferansı
2004 Oluşturmacı öğretim etkinliklerinin sınıf yönetimi dersinde kullanılması H Akar, A Yıldırım Sabancı Üniversitesi İyi Örnekler Konferansı
2004 Olusturmaci ogretim etkinliklerinin sinif yonetimi dersinde kullanilmasi: bir eylem arastirmasi H Akar, A Yildirim Using Constructive Teaching Activities in Class Management Lesson: An Action …
2004 Conceptual change in teacher candidates' metaphorical images of classroom management in a constructivist learning environment A Yıldırım, H Akar American Educational Research Association Conference
2004 A study on novice classroom teachers' problems with regular and alternative certificates PO Taneri PQDT-Global
2004 Multi-dimensional change process in higher education: a qualitative investigation of organizational change in a public university in turkey Y Kondakci, A Yildirim University of Malta. Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research
2004 Student, teacher, and parent perceptions regarding violence in school in turkish: a qualitative Z Sumer, E Cetinkaya Middle East Technical University. Paper presented at the European Conference …
2004 Psychological adaptation and acculturation of the turkish students in the united states DY Bektaş PQDT-Global
2004 Güneydoğu anadolu bölgesinde görev yapan psikolojik danışmanların tükenmişlik düzeyleri ve bazı demografik değişkenlerle tükenmişlik arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi A Çoban, AG Demir null
2004 Küresel yaşlanma ve türkiye’de yaşlılarla psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik R Siviş Çetinkaya, AG Demir null
2004 Üniversite öğrencileri için mesleki grup rehberliği programı ve programın etkisi üzerine bir çalışma D Bektaş, A Demir Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
2004 The effect of structured peer consultation program on different dimensions of school counselor burnout AE Çoban PQDT-Global
2004 Öğrenciler i̇çin meslek grup rehberliği programı ve programın etkisi üzerine bir çalışma DY Kağnıcı, AG Demir null
2004 Küreselleşmenin emek piyasası üzerine etkileri A Okur Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi
2003 Impact of constructivist learning process on preservice teacher education students' performance, retention, and attitudes H Akar METU
2003 Avrupa'da yükseköğretim için yeni bir vizyon Y Kondakçı Eğitim ve Bilim
2003 Self-esteem and stressful life events of university students S Emil Ankara: Middle East Turkey University
2003 Üniversite öğrencilerinin öz benlik saygısı ve stresli yaşam olayları S Emil Unpublished Master Thesis, OrtaDoğuTeknikÜniversitesi, Ankara
2003 The dimensions of social skills of turkish preadolescents as perceived by students, teachers, and parents Z Sümer null
2003 The role of peers and families in predicting the loneliness level of adolescents AC Uruk, A Demir The journal of psychology
2003 Psikolojik danışmanlarda tükenmişlik A Demir VII. Ulusal Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı
2003 Global aging and barriers to the provision of mental health services for older adults a cross cultural perspective R Siviş Çetinkaya, M Cs, AG Demir null
2003 Symptom improvement and length of treatment in ethnically similar and dissimilar client-therapist pairings. O Erdur, SS Rude, A Baron Journal of Counseling Psychology
2003 Use of language learning strategies in relation to student characteristics at başkent university SÖ Tunç PQDT-Global
2003 Öğretmen ve öğrenci̇ merkezli̇ öğreti̇m ve i̇zleyen öğretmenli̇k uygulamasinin aday öğretmenleri̇n değer önceli̇kleri̇ üzeri̇ne etki̇leri̇ ML İnce, A Ok Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi
2003 Aa 2014 ve aa 2024 alümi̇nyum alaşimlarinda soğutma koşullarinin sertli̇ğe etki̇si̇ni̇n i̇ncelenmesi̇ HK Durmuş, A Okur, C Meriç Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
2002 Öğrencilerin matematik hakkındaki inançları: betimsel bir çalışma M Aksu, CE Demir, ZH Sümer Eğitim ve Bilim
2002 Development and learning (course notes) A Yıldırım, ZH Sümer, OY Güneri Seçkin
2002 The comparison of the sources of work-related stress of the top managers at the public and private sector S Güney, A Demir, S Arıkan Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi
2002 Time‐limited counseling outcome in a nationwide college counseling center sample MR Draper, J Jennings, A Baron, O Erdur, L Shankar Journal of College Counseling
2002 Alternative teacher certification in turkey: problems and issues A Yildirim, A Ok Peter Lang Publishing Inc.
2002 Türkiye'de i̇zlenen esnek kur politikasının dış ticaret ve ekonomik i̇stikrar üzerindeki etkileri A Okur Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi
2002 Chapter fourteen ATCI Turkey, A Yildirim, A Ok Teacher Education in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
2002 Field experience and its aplication in elt in turkey A Ok Middle East Technical University
2001 Evaluating higher education learners through portfolio assessment H Akar Proceedings of the Informing Science Conference
2001 Who does psychotherapy? A historical look at the controversy among mental health professionals G Aydın, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer Boğaziçi University Journal of Education
2001 Loneliness and social dissatisfaction in turkish adolescents A Demir, N Tarhan The Journal of psychology
2001 Conflict behaviors toward same-sex and opposite-sex peers among male and female late adolescents. E Tezer, A Demir Adolescence
2001 Improving academic advising: a case study A Demir, A Ok Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2001 Assertiveness of loneliness of fifth grade turkish students R Şahin, A Demir Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
2001 Bir grup üniversite öğrencisinde sosyal içedönüklük, düşük kendilik değeri, kederli duygudurum gibi depresif özellikler ve sosyal ilişkilerden sağlanan doyum. A Demir, E Tezer Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi
2001 Assertiveness and loneliness of the 5th grade turkish students R Şahin, AG Demir null
2001 Conflict behaviors toward same-sex and opposite-sex peers among male and female late adolescents. esin tezer; ayhan demir. A Demir Adolescence
2000 The role of turkish schools in the educational system and social transformation of central asian countries: the case of turkmenistan and kyrgyzstan CE Demir, A Balci, F Akkok Central Asian Survey
2000 Does fulbright make a difference? The turkish perspective CE Demir, M Aksu, F Paykoç Journal of Studies in International Education
2000 Özgün metinlerin oluşturmacı bir yaklaşımla okuma becerilerini geliştirme amacıyla kullanılması: dil öğretiminde bir uygulama H Akar, A Yıldırım EĞİTİM VE BİLİM
2000 Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğine yönelik tutumlarının farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi Y Çapa, N Çi̇l Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2000 Biyoloji öğretmen adaylarının genel biyoloji konularındaki kavram yanılgıları C Tekkaya, Y Çapa, Ö Yilmaz Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
2000 An analysis of 9th grade student’s misconceptions concerning photosynthesis and respiration in plants Y Çapa Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara
2000 Administrative processes in academic context: an assessment of administrative problems in higher education at faculty level Y Kondakçı Middle East Technical University
2000 Applicability of the dyadic adjustment scale for measurement of marital quality with turkish couples. H Fişiloğlu, A Demir European Journal of Psychological Assessment
2000 Working alliance and treatment outcome in ethnically similar and dissimilar client-therapist pairings O Erdur, S Rude, A Barón, M Draper, L Shankar Research Reports of the Research Consortium of Counseling & Psychological …
2000 Dose-effect relationships in brief therapy based on a nationwide college counseling center sample M Draper, J Jennings, A Barón, O Erdur, L Shankar Book Dose-effect relationships in brief therapy based on a nationwide …
2000 Research reports of the research consortium of counseling & psychological services in higher education M Draper, J Jennings, A Barón, O Erdur, L Shankar Austin, TX: The Counseling & Mental Health Center, The University of Texas …
2000 Working alliance and treatment outcome in ethnically similar and different client-therapist pairings Ö Erdur Baker, A Baron, L Shankar, M Drapper null
2000 Ruti̇l örtülü elektotlarla bi̇rleşti̇ri̇lmi̇ş c22'ni̇n kaynak bölgesi̇ni̇n kirilma tokluğunun i̇ncelenmesi̇ ve uyumsuzluk (mismatch) faktörünün beli̇rlenmesi̇ C Meriç, A Okur Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi
2000 Türkiye ekonomisi'nde enflasyonun hızlı bir şekilde düşürülmesi ve olası etkileri A Okur Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi
1999 Matematik öğretmenlerinin ve öğrencilerinin matematik hakkındaki inançları M Aksu, C Demir, Z Sümer null
1999 A comparative study on the impact of authentic and traditional materials on student motivation and reading skills development in upper-intermediate efl classrooms H Akar Middle East Technical University
1999 Biyoloji öğretmen adaylarındaki kavram yanılgılarının tespiti C Tekkaya, Ö Yılmaz, Y Çapa Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi
1999 Sources of self-identity among turkish adolescents. OY Güneri Adolescence
1999 Incidence of violence in turkish schools: a review ZH Sümer, G Aydin International Journal for the advancement of Counselling
1999 The effect of social skills training on perceived dimensions of social skills and sociometric status of primary school students Z Sümer Hatipoğlu Middle East Technical University
1999 Loneliness and marital adjustment of turkish couples A Demir, H Fişiloĝlu The Journal of Psychology
1999 Türkiye’de öğretmen eğitiminde standartlar ve akreditasyon yök/dünya bankası milli eğitimi geliştirme projesi hizmet öncesi öğretmen eğitimi Y Badavan, Y Kavak, P Cephe, A Ok, T Paker, V Özsoy Yök Yayını
1999 Standards and accreditaion in teacher education in turkey Y Badavan, Y Kavak, A Ok, T Paker, V Özsoy, P Cephe Yök Yay.
1998 Hükümlülerin psikiyatrik belirtiler yönünden değerlendirilmesi G Demir, AG Demir null
1997 The role of various social support variables on turkish children's anxiety level F Akkok, O Guneri, G Oral, ZH Sumer University of Malta. Faculty of Education
1997 Kamu ve özel sektördeki tepe yöneticilerinin işle ilgili stres kaynaklarının karşılaştırılması S Güney, A Demir Verimlilik dergisi
1997 Kamu ve özel sektörde tepe yöneticilerinin i̇şle i̇lgili stres kaynakların karşılaştırılması S Güney, AG Demir null
1996 Orta doğu teknik üniversitesindeki öğretim üye ve öğrencilerinin seçmeli dersler hakkındaki görüşleri A Demir, A Ok Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
1996 Üniversitedeki seçmeli ders uygulamasının öğrenciler ve öğretim üyelerince değerlendirilmesi AG Demir null
1995 Student counselling in turkish universities A Demir, G Aydin International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
1995 Grupla psikolojik danışmanın üniversite öğrencilerinin depresyon ve yalnızlık düzeyine etkisi AG Demir null
1992 University students' attitudes toward" their family"," ideal family" and" turkish family" Z Sümer null
1992 Öğretmen yetiştirme programlarına aday seçimi A Ok Eğitim ve Bilim
1991 The determination of admission standards for teacher training programs a delpi study A Ok PQDT-Global
1990 Üniversite öğrencilerinin yalnızlık düzeylerini etkileyen bazı etmenler A Demir Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara
1990 Delfi tekniği ile türk eğitim sistemindeki bazı problemlerin incelenmesi F Paykoç, A Ok Eğitim ve Bilim
1989 Ucla yalnızlık ölçeğinin geçerlik ve güvenirliği AG Demir null
1989 Validity and reliability of the ucla loneliness scale A Demir Turkish Journal of Psychology
1989 Ucla yalnõzlõk ölçeginin geçerlik ve güvenirligi A Demir Türk Psikoloji Dergisi
1988 Çokyönlü depresyon envanterinin geçerlik ve güvenirliği G Aydın, AG Demir null
1986 A study of the determination of teachers' perceived training needs in relation to student perception of tescher behaviors and teacher's branch. A Ok Middle East Technical University