All Publications
Last Updated:
03/03/2025 - 11:42
- English
- Türkçe
Year | Title | Authors | Journal /Conference /Book /Report /Publisher |
2025 | International research collaborations: a comparative study on the lived‐experience of academics in iran and türkiye | Y Kondakci, M Nazarzadeh Zare, MS Ghoraishi Khorasgani, P Kızılhan | Higher Education Quarterly |
2025 | The impact of covid-19 on the social and cultural integration of international students: a literature review | C Sin, O Tavares, E Apsite-Berina, J Borràs, B Bulut-Sahin, ... | Comparative Migration Studies |
2025 | Bullying among special education students | H Aslan, Ö Erdur-Baker | Psychological Reports |
2024 | Rethinking the assessment of the quality of teacher reflection by validating an innovative vignette-based instrument and an analytic coding scheme | E Yilmaz, H Akar | Asia Pacific Education Review |
2024 | Citizenship education within the context of increasing diversity and under the threat of deteriorating democracies: the case of türkiye | O Karakus-Ozdemirci, H Akar | Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education |
2024 | Fostering professional development on teaching via an online platform enriched with real-life case videos and discussions | E Yecan, K Cagiltay, H Akar | Adjunct Faculty in Online Higher Education: Best Practices for Teaching … |
2024 | Examining the problems of the teachers appointed within the scope of supporting the integration of syrian children into the turkish education system (piktes) project. | PO Taneri, N Ugur | Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (JCEPS) |
2024 | Sosyal bütünleşmeyi teşvik eden öğretmenler: mültecilerin dâhil edilmesi için sanat temelli yaklaşım | PO Taneri, ÖY Özbek | Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi |
2024 | On the mutually elaborating relationship between teacher identity and classroom management practices | N Akkuş Çakır, H Sarıdemir | European Education |
2024 | Yurt dışı öğretmenlik deneyiminin i̇ngilizce öğretmenlerinin mesleki öğretmen kimliği gelişimi üzerine etkileri | NA Çakır, NA Ünlü | EĞİTİM VE BİLİM |
2024 | Technology development zones as a form of university–industry relations: a multiple-case study | MA Yılık, Y Kondakçı | Higher Education Policy |
2024 | Graduate student perceptions of preparedness for responsible conduct of research: a mixed methods study | Y Kondakci, M Zayim Kurtay, S Kaya Kasikci, Ö Önen | Ethics & Behavior |
2024 | The transformative impact of ai on higher education | Y Kondakcı | Higher Education Governance and Policy |
2024 | The administrative workforce in higher education | Y Kondakcı | Higher Education Governance and Policy |
2024 | Detecting high-risk pregnancies and premature births: a comprehensive survey | ML Sah | Educational Administration: Theory and Practice |
2024 | Üniversitede öğrenci katılımı: odtü örneği üzerinden bir durum çalışması | S Emil, Ş Akşab | REFLEKTİF Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi |
2024 | Türkiye | G Gokalp | Global Perspectives on Enhancing Doctoral Co-Supervision |
2024 | Öğretmen kimliği ve sembolik sınırlar: bir özel okul i̇ncelemesi | N Soycan, D Göktürk | Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (JFES) |
2024 | How boundaries work in higher education: an ethnographic account of ph. d. students’ identity formation | D Gokturk | Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education |
2024 | Dual-career marriages: the interplay among dual-career lifestyle, satisfaction, relationship investments and commitment | SB Özgülük Üçok, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer | British Journal of Guidance & Counselling |
2024 | Travma psikolojisi | Ö Erdur Baker, I Aksöz-Efe, T Doğan | Pegem A Yayıncılık |
2024 | Cyberbullying among gifted and talented students | O Erdur-Baker, H Aslan, N Turan | Psychology of Cyberbullying |
2024 | Mapping the current state of knowledge about disaster education within turkish national curricula through the lens of ecosystem approach | G Yilmaz-Na, E., Erdur-Baker, O., Tuncer-Teksoz | Disaster and Climate Risk Education. Disaster Risk Reduction, https://doi … |
2024 | Personal and social facilitators of student engagement: transition into higher education | S Vardal-Ocakli, A Ok | Frontiers in Education |
2024 | Virtual exchange as a mode of internationalization at a distance: experiences from turkiye | A Calikoglu, B Bulut-Sahin, A Asik | BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY |
2024 | Virtual exchange as a mode of internationalization at a distance: experiences from türkiye | Ç A., A Bulut-Sahin, B., Asık | British Journal of Educational Technology |
2024 | Barriers to establishing partnerships in terms of internationalization of higher education: the example of türkiye - uk case | A Erdoğan, B Bulut-Şahin | Higher Education Policy and Governance |
2024 | An evaluation of the spatial repercussions of student mobility policy in european higher education area using network analysis | SZ Sahin, B Bulut-Sahin, E Soylemez | Research in Educational Administration & Leadership |
2024 | Internalised homonegativity and depressive symptoms: a meta-analysis | MN Mercan, İB Güvenç, B Cingöz-Ulu | Psychology & Sexuality |
2023 | Examining the hidden curriculum of the physical environment in higher education | D Tor, CE Demir | Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2023 | Emergent educational policies towards mainstreaming migrants in public education: the case of turkey | H Akar, A Kandemir | Perspectives on Transitions in Refugee EducationRuptures, Passages, and Re … |
2023 | Being a pioneering alternative school in turkey: values, pedagogical practices, and challenges | S Gök, H Akar | Egitim ve Bilim |
2023 | Türkiye'de öncü bir alternatif okul olmak: değerler, pedagojik uygulamalar ve güçlükler | S Gök, H Akar | EĞİTİM VE BİLİM |
2023 | A systematic review of technological pedagogical content knowledge of in-service teachers in turkiye | SD Yiğit, H Akar | CONFERENCE ABSTRACT BOOK |
2023 | Building responsive education systems toward multiple disruptions in refugee education: turkey and germany as cases | A Atmacasoy, H Akar, I Gogolin | Education for Refugees and Forced (Im) Migrants Across Time and Context |
2023 | The reflections of global climate change policies on education: a cross national comparison of pisa results | S Akgüngör, H Akar | Institute of Economic Sciences |
2023 | Differential effect of young adults’ and students’ metacognitive skills in mathematics problem solving process | B Birgili, R Can, T Çakar, H Akar | Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society |
2023 | Okul yöneticilerinin kapsayıcı eğitime ilişkin farkındalıkları üzerine sanat-temelli bir çalışma | ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri | Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Karatekin Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi |
2023 | Promoting diversity and culturally responsive pedagogy in higher education | PO Taneri, ÖY Özbek | Uluslararası Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi |
2023 | Çocuklarda zorbalık davranışları, kaygı ve sosyal kaygı arasındaki i̇lişki. | ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri | Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences Cankiri Karatekin University … |
2023 | The relationship between prospective teachers’perceived importance of online teaching competencies and their self-efficacy beliefs | E Ozturk, Z Turgut | Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education |
2023 | Conflicting perspectives on the internationalization of higher education: evidence from the turkish case | B Bulut-Sahin, Y Kondakci | Journal of Studies in International Education |
2023 | The role of leadership in developing a climate of technology integration in public schools | S Kaya-Kasikci, M Zayim-Kurtay, Y Kondakci | Teaching and Teacher Education |
2023 | Higher education for forcibly displaced migrants in turkey | Y Kondakci, M Zayim Kurtay, S Kaya Kasikci, HH Senay, B Kulakoglu | Higher Education Research & Development |
2023 | Stem education as a concept borrowing issue: perspectives of school administrators in turkey | B Kulakoglu, Y Kondakci | ECNU Review of Education |
2023 | Developing a comprehensive leadership development model in higher education context: a co‐design approach | NBK Dinh, C Zhu, Z Qi, Y Kondakci | Higher Education Quarterly |
2023 | Ethics and research-focus politics in higher education | Y Kondakcı | Higher Education Governance and Policy |
2023 | Educational policy making in turkey: citizen-centered or window-dressing? | M Zayim-Kurtay, S Kaya-Kasikci, Y Kondakci | Citizen-Centered Public Policy Making in Turkey |
2023 | Different cases of leadership and teaching in higher education | Y Kondakcı | Higher Education Governance and Policy |
2023 | Strategic management of internationalization in higher education institutions: the lens of international office professionals | B Bulut-Sahin, S Emil, S Okur, FN Seggie | Tertiary Education and Management |
2023 | Higher education strategy formations in shifting landscape of higher education | MA Yıldırmış, S Emil, FN Seggie | Elsevier |
2023 | International developments in doctoral education: the case of türkiye | G Gokalp | Innovations in Education and Teaching International |
2023 | The mediational role of intimate partner acceptance and psychological adjustment in the relationship between intimate partner control and marital adjustment | AA İyiaydın, ZH Sümer | Current Psychology |
2023 | Aggression begets aggression: psychological dating aggression perpetration in young adults from the perspective of intergenerational transmission of violence | E Toplu-Demirtaş, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer | Current Psychology |
2023 | The mediator role of perceived social support in the relationship between difficulties in emotion regulation and suicide tendency | B Demir, ZH Sümer | Current Psychology |
2023 | Nuclear family emotional functioning and marital satisfaction: the cultural lens of self-construal | MA Kurşuncu, ZH Sümer | The American Journal of Family Therapy |
2023 | Preliminary analysis of the past and planned investments measure in turkish dual-career married individuals | SB Özgülük Üçok, ZH Sümer | Journal of Family Issues |
2023 | Evli̇li̇k doyumu ölçeği̇’ni̇n geli̇şti̇ri̇lmesi̇: geçerli̇k ve güveni̇rli̇k çalişmasi | N AKÇABOZAN Kayabol, P Çağ, U Akbaş, Z Sümer, Y Özbay, ... | Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi |
2023 | The mediator role of emotion-focused coping on the relationship between perceived stress and emotional eating | NH Yilmazturk, A Demir, M Celik-Orucu | Trends in Psychology |
2023 | Testing the effects of ability-based and opinion-based social comparisons on interpersonal problems through the mediating roles of self-esteem and difficulties in emotion … | S Aslan, A Demir | Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2023 | Vocational maturity and hopelessness of turkish senior students | N Akbulut Kilicoglu, A Demir | Kalem Uluslararası Eğitim ve İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi |
2023 | Struggles of refugee-receiving schools in turkey | D Özel, Ö Erdur-Baker | Social Sciences |
2023 | Career-related concerns and opportunities in the times of covid-19 pandemic among preservice teachers | G Şensoy Murt, Ö Erdur-Baker | European Journal of Teacher Education |
2023 | Syrian refugees and xenophobia: the role of gender, education, perceived economic income, and age | MA Padır, Ö Erdur-Baker | Erzincan Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2023 | Afet sonrası öğretmenlerin i̇yi olma hali ve özbakım | Ö Erdur Baker, FZ Ünlü Kaynakçı, MC Yıldız, İ Örnek, G Şensoy, ... | Afet Sonrası Öğretmenlerin Psikososyal Destek Becerilerinin Geliştirilmesi … |
2023 | Academic engagement experiences of pre-service teachers during the covid-19 online education process | BZ Arslan, E Bulut, B Özcan, U Fadime, FB Yildirim | Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning |
2023 | Psychometric properties of self-compassion scale-short form in a turkish young adult sample | FB Yildirim, S Onayli, N Taşkesen | Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2023 | A study of an online cyber identity course designed on the basis of the community of inquiry model | R Sancar, A Deniz, E Kuşcu, FB Yildirim | Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning |
2023 | Online counseling through the eyes of university students | F Barutçu-Yildirim, S Onayli, N Taşkesen | Journal of Qualitative Research in Education |
2023 | Online counseling through the eyes ofuniversity students | F Barutçu Yıldırım, S Onaylı, N Taşkesen | Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi |
2023 | A systematic meta-evaluation of curriculum evaluation research studies conducted between 2004-2022 on k12 school curricula in türkiye. | DS Ipek, ET Gezer, FK Tunçer, HS Baltaci, A Ok | International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies |
2023 | Nation-bounded internationalization of higher education: a comparative analysis of two periphery countries | BB Sahin, R Brooks | Higher Education Research & Development |
2023 | Türkiye’de yükseköğretimin uluslararasilaşmasinda ulusal stratejiler ve kurumsal yönetim | BB Şahin, B Eriçok | Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi |
2023 | International office professionals: an example of street-level bureaucrats in higher education | B Bulut-Sahin | Education Sciences |
2023 | Yükseköğretimde okul yöneticiliği: uluslararasılaşma örneği | B Bulut Şahin | Türkiye'de Okul Yöneticiliği |
2023 | İtme ve çekme teori̇si̇nden hareketle üni̇versi̇te öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n yurt dişinda eği̇ti̇m alma i̇le i̇lgi̇li̇ görüşleri̇ | B Bulut Şahin, B Kulakoğlu | DergiPark |
2023 | The prediction of teacher well-being through distributed leadership: a cross-cultural study | B Kulakoglu, A Ersöz | European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) |
2023 | University students' perceptions of studying abroad based on the push-pull theory | B Kulakoglu, B Bulut-Sahin | European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) |
2023 | Ethical dilemmas of school counsellors: a vignette study | G Şensoy, FE İkiz | Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools |
2023 | The role of forgiveness and self-esteem in the explanation of well-being | F Camadan, ÖS Kaya | Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2022 | Gölgelerden işığa gölge eğitim: türkiye'de temel liseler örneği | ÖY Taştı, CE Demir | Eğitim ve Bilim |
2022 | Shadow education from shadows to the light: case of basic high schools in turkey | Ö Yıldırım Taştı, C Engin Demir | Turkish Education Association |
2022 | Gendered citizenship: a post-structural and critical analysis of the citizenship curriculum regarding gender | ÖK Özdemirci, H Akar | Egitim ve Bilim |
2022 | Cinsiyetlendirilmiş yurttaşlık: yurttaşlık dersi öğretim programının toplumsal cinsiyet açısından post-yapısalcı ve eleştirel bir analizi | ÖK Özdemirci, H Akar | EĞİTİM VE BİLİM |
2022 | İlkokullar i̇çin akran zorbalığı önleme modülünün tanıtımı/introduction of the prevention of peer bullying module for primary schools | ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri | Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi |
2022 | Bullying behaviors and school climate through the perspective of primary-school students. | ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri | Online Submission |
2022 | Bibliyoterapi kullanarak akran zorbalığı ile mücadele: bir kapsayıcı eğitim stratejisi | PO Taneri | Anı Yayıncılık |
2022 | Kapsayıcı eğitimin anlamı, kapsamı, felsefesi ve uygulanışı | PO Taneri | Kapsayıcı Eğitim Uygulamaları: Çeşitlilikleri ve Farklılıkları Kucaklayan … |
2022 | Sanat yoluyla öğrenme: teknoloji, drama ve resim | PO Taneri | Teknodramart: Teknoloji Destekli Drama Yöntemi ile Sanat Eğitimi Uygulamaları |
2022 | Yabancı göçmen ve mültecilerin kapsanması için bibliyoterapi ve drama uygulamaları | PO Taneri | Kapsayıcı Eğitim Uygulamaları: Çeşitlilikleri ve Farklılıkları Kucaklayan … |
2022 | Temel harita bilgilerinin alan uzmanları eşliğinde değişik yaş gruplarındaki katılımcılara aktarılması: bir etki analizi çalışması | PO Taneri, N Erdem | Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi |
2022 | The effects of a game-enhanced learning intervention on foreign language learning | SM Aydın, NA Çakır | Educational technology research and development |
2022 | Adapting coursebook activities to stimulate language learning among rural students: an action research. | A Kirmizi Ayyildiz, NA Çakir | International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies |
2022 | Faculty perceptions, awareness and use of open educational resources for teaching and learning in higher education: a cross-comparative analysis | VI Marín, O Zawacki-Richter, CH Aydin, S Bedenlier, M Bond, A Bozkurt, ... | Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning |
2022 | Institutional measures for supporting oer in higher education: an international case-based study | VI Marín, O Zawacki-Richter, CH Aydin, S Bedenlier, M Bond, A Bozkurt, ... | Open Education Studies |
2022 | Apoyo al profesorado para la implementación de la evaluación en línea en educación superior: el proyecto europeo remote. edu | S Bendenlier, VI Marín, J Schieber, Y Capa-Aydin, Y Kondakci, ... | Octaedro |
2022 | Digital transformation and openness in the turkish higher education system | A Bozkurt, Y Kondakçı | (Open) Educational Resources around the World: An International Comparison … |
2022 | International research collaboration in turkish higher education: the role of individual, professional, and institutional factors | A Çalıkoğlu, Y Kondakçı, FN Seggıe | Yükseköğretim Dergisi |
2022 | Metaphors of university-industry relations: interpretations on technology development zones unveiled | MA Yılık, Y Kondakçı | Yükseköğretim Dergisi |
2022 | (Open) educational resources around the world: an international comparison | VI Marín, M Bond, D Conrad, G Veletsianos, J Xiao, J Zhang, S Bedenlier, ... | EdTech Books |
2022 | Productivity and internationalization approaches in higher education | Y Kondakcı | Higher Education Governance and Policy |
2022 | Higher education policies from global examples | Y Kondakcı | Higher Education Governance and Policy |
2022 | Vakıf üniversiteleri ve rekabet | S Emil | Türkiye'de Vakıf Üniversiteleri: Genç Bir Sektörün Anatomisi |
2022 | International encyclopedia of> education | S Emil, M Akbulut Yıldırmış, FN Seggie | Higher Education Strategy Formations in Shifting Landscape of Higher Education |
2022 | Role of personal and organizational factors on student attrition from graduate education: a mixed-model research | HY Ertem, G Gokalp | Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice |
2022 | Evolution of pre-service teachers’ perceptions about classroom management and student misbehavior in an inquiry-based classroom management course | G Gokalp, I Can | Action in Teacher Education |
2022 | Academic familism and disciplinary cohesion in higher education: the case of the educational administration field in turkey | D Gokturk | Higher Education Quarterly |
2022 | Akademi̇k dergi̇leri̇n yayin kurullarinda toplumsal ci̇nsi̇yet temsi̇li̇yeti̇: eği̇ti̇m alani örneği̇ | D Göktürk | Eğitim Bilim Toplum |
2022 | Structural inequalities in educational leadership: addressing social and professional identities and recognitional power | D Göktürk, Ö Çomak | Journal of Economy Culture and Society |
2022 | Framework and taxonomy development of online assessment [report on io1] | Y Kondakci, Y Capa-Aydin, M Zayim-Kurtay, S Kaya-Kasikci | Zenodo |
2022 | Vakıf üniversitelerinde öğrenci olmak | M Zayim Kurtay, S Kaya Kaşıkcı | TÜRKİYE'DE VAKIF ÜNİVERSİTELERİ: BİR SEKTÖRÜN ANATOMİSİ |
2022 | Okulun psikolojik boyutu | S KAYA Kaşikci, M Zayim Kurtay | Türk Eğitim Sistemi ve Okul Yönetimi |
2022 | How to maintain a marriage: maintenance behaviors, equity, and appreciation in understanding marital satisfaction+ | NBA Kayabol, ZH Sümer | Current Psychology |
2022 | Psikolojik, fiziksel ve cinsel flört şiddetini ölçmek: beliren yetişkinlerin flört şiddeti yaşantıları | ET Demirtaş, ZH Sümer | Humanistic Perspective |
2022 | Gözden uzak olan gönülden de uzak mı olur? Uzak mesafe evlilik ilişkilerinin doğası | NBA Kayabol, D Aydoğan, ZH Sümer, Y Özbay | Baskent University Journal of Education |
2022 | Accessibility and inclusion in higher education in turkey | Z Sümer, A Daloğlu | Between barriers and inclusion |
2022 | A path model of meaning in life among university students: the roles of gratitude, self-concept clarity and self-construal | E Çebi, A Demir | Applied Research in Quality of Life |
2022 | Pregnancy loss experiences of couples in a phenomenological study: gender differences within the turkish sociocultural context | B Tanacıoğlu-Aydın, Ö Erdur-Baker | Death Studies |
2022 | Impacts of urban terror attacks on turkish mothers’ daily experiences | M Gökyar, Ö Erdur-Baker | Journal of interpersonal violence |
2022 | Tv news induced fears of turkish children: reports from mothers and children: tv news induced fears of turkish children | N Kandemir-Özdinç, Ö Erdur-Baker | International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction |
2022 | A systematic review on teacher's expectations and classroom behaviors. | Ö Aydin, A Ok | International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies |
2022 | Mentoring practices in elt practicum: what do the leading actors experience? | Ö Aydın, OK Ahmet | Journal of Language Teaching and Learning |
2022 | Teacher competencies and readiness for education for sustainable development: a case from teacher education in turkey | N Soysal, A Ok | Engagement with Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Universities as … |
2022 | Development of an attitude scale toward english for middle school students | S Kaya, A Ok | International Congress on Educational Sciences held in |
2022 | Considering the complexities of virtual student mobility as an approach to inclusive internationalisation in the post-pandemic period | J Schueller, B Bulut Sahin | Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education |
2022 | The impact of the erasmus program and the institutional administration of internationalization in türkiye | B Bulut-Sahin, B., Uyar, P. & Turhan | Higher Education Governance and Policy |
2022 | Internationalizaiton at home: an alternative in post-pandemic times | B Bulut Sahin | No Going Back: Exploring New Horizons in Global Education |
2022 | Vakıf üniversiteleri ve uluslararası ilişkiler | B Bulut Şahin | Türkiye'de Vakıf Üniversiteleri: Genç Bir Sektörün Anatomisi |
2022 | Rankings and global knowledge governance: higher education, innovation and competitiveness: by tero erkkilä and ossi piironen, 2018, cham, palgrave macmillan, 260 pp.,€ 89.99 … | B Kulakoglu | Educational Review |
2022 | Okul psi̇koloji̇k danişmanlarinin davranim sorunlari gösteren li̇se öğrenci̇leri̇yle çalişma deneyi̇mleri̇ | C Kılıç, G Şensoy, E İkiz | Milli Eğitim Dergisi |
2022 | Adjustment experiences of syrian immigrant university students in turkey | ÖS Kaya, İ Keklik | Current Psychology |
2022 | Göçmenler için sosyal uyum ölçeği (gsuö): geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması | ÖS Kaya | Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi |
2022 | Göçmenler i̇çi̇n sosyal uyum ölçeği̇ (gsuö): geçerli̇k ve güveni̇rli̇k çalişmasi | ÖS Kaya | Turkish Journal of Social Research/Turkiye Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi |
2021 | A qualitative evaluation of a non-thesis graduate program of human resources development in education | O Yildirim-Tasti, E Yılmaz, CE Demir, M Aksu | Kastamonu Education Journal |
2021 | Culturally responsive teaching: beliefs of pre-service teachers in the viennese context | S Subasi Singh, H Akar | Intercultural Education |
2021 | Promoting climate-friendly actions of high school students: a case from turkey. | O YILDIRIM Tasti, H Akar | Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER) |
2021 | Öğretmen adaylarının eğitim yaklaşımlarının eğitim felsefeleri çerçevesinde değerlendirilmesi | S Coşkun, PO Taneri | Dört Öge |
2021 | In-service teacher training program development study to prevent peer bullying. | PO Taneri, ÖY Özbek, N Akduman | International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies |
2021 | Üniversite öğrencilerinin toplumsal barış ve savaşa i̇lişkin görüşleri: kesitsel bir çalışma | PO Taneri, ÖY Özbek, G Bedir | EJERCongress |
2021 | Adalet değerinin kazandırılmasında bibliyoterapi ve drama uygulamaları | PO Taneri | Alternatif Yöntemlerle Çocuk Kitaplarındaki Değerler |
2021 | Öğrenmede evrensel tasarım ve eğitim programları. öğrenmede evrensel tasarım | PO Taneri | Kapsayıcı Eğitimi Sağlamada Kuramsal ve Uygulamalı Bir Çerçeve |
2021 | Developing an attitude scale towards teacher performance evaluation based on multi-stakeholders | ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri | Research on The Axis of Engineering and Educational Sciences |
2021 | Covid-19 pandemisi sırasında uzaktan eğitimin yönetimi hakkında öğretmen görüşleri | Z Kiraz, PO Taneri, N Uğur, MM Akgündüz | Challenges, Trends and Equal Opportunities in International Education and … |
2021 | We game on skyscrapers: the effects of an equity-informed game design workshop on students’ computational thinking skills and perceptions of computer science | NA Çakır, MP Çakır, FJ Lee | Educational Technology Research and Development |
2021 | Computer supported asynchronous online discussions in teacher education. | M Ozudogru, N Akkuş-Çakır | International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) |
2021 | Study abroad in turkey: the role of homestays on second language learning | NA Çakır | Intercultural Education |
2021 | Analitik düşünme nedir? Ne değildir? | N Akkuş-Çakır, N Senemoğlu | "Eleştirel ve Analitik Düşünme" (A. Kaçar, E. Kabataş Memiş) |
2021 | Organizational change in schools | K Beycioglu, Y Kondakci | ECNU Review of Education |
2021 | The internationalisation of higher education and identity construction in azerbaijan | A Ergun, Y Kondakci | Europe-Asia Studies |
2021 | ‘Scaling’the academia: perspectives of academics on the impact of their practices | Y Kondakci, M Zayim-Kurtay, S Kaya-Kasikci, HH Senay, B Kulakoglu | Research Evaluation |
2021 | School leadership for social justice in turkish urban setting | Y Kondakci, M Zayim Kurtay, S Kaya Kasikci | Leadership and Policy in Schools |
2021 | Modeling change implementation behaviors: teachers’ affective and attitudinal reactions to change in turkey | M Zayim Kurtay, Y Kondakci | International Journal of Leadership in Education |
2021 | Recent science and technology policies in turkey: the shifting role and profile of the national higher education system | B Uslu, A Calikoglu, FN Seggie, S Gumus, Y Kondakci | Universities in the knowledge society: The nexus of national systems of … |
2021 | Challenges of school principalship in turkey: perspective from a centralized system | Y Kondakçı, M Zayim Kurtay, S Kaya Kaşıkcı | School Leadership in the |
2021 | From internal to international issues in higher education systems | Y Kondakcı | Higher Education Governance and Policy |
2021 | Changing higher education, from longstanding matters to future evolutions | Y Kondakcı | Higher Education Governance and Policy |
2021 | Perspective of academics on the impact of academic practice | Y Kondakçı, M Zayim Kurtay, HH Şenay, S Kaya Kaşıkcı, B Kulakoğlu | Oxford University Press |
2021 | Araştırmada sorumlu davranış konusunda algılanan hazırbulunuşluk ölçeğinin türkçeye uyarlanması | Y Kondakcı, MZ Kurtay, S Kaya | İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2021 | Multimodal communication in instructional settings: an investigation of the functional roles of gestures and arrows | C Acarturk, M Coskun, S Emil | Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística |
2021 | Women leaders in higher education in turkey during the pandemic: the illusion of gender equality | MA Yıldırmış, FN Seggie, S Emil, BB Şahin | Women and leadership in higher education during global crises |
2021 | Culture does matter: exploring the association between organizational culture and student engagement | E Borhan, S Emil | IHEC |
2021 | Comunicación multimodal en contextos educativos: una investigación de los roles funcionales de los gestos y las flechas | C Acartürk, M Coskun, S Emil | Revista signos |
2021 | Strategic management of internationalization from the lenses of international office professionals | BB Şahin, S Okur, S Emil, FN Seggie | IHEC |
2021 | Epistemic injustice and cultural processes in education | D Göktürk | Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi |
2021 | Kültürel süreçleri̇n eği̇ti̇m ve toplumsal alandaki̇ eşi̇tsi̇zli̇kleri̇n üreti̇mi̇ne etki̇si̇ | D Göktürk, D Özel | FLSF Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi |
2021 | Gender politics and education in the gülen movement | D Gokturk | Routledge International Handbook of Religion in Global Society |
2021 | Türki̇ye’deki̇ vakif üni̇versi̇teleri̇: doluluk oranlari ve i̇li̇şki̇li̇ faktörler | SK Kaşıkçı, M Zayim-Kurtay | IHEC |
2021 | The impact of parental factors on physical aggression perpetration among turkish urban adolescents: the mediating role of beliefs supporting aggression | E Çetinkaya-Yıldız, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer | Violence and victims |
2021 | Çift-kariyerli yaşam tarzı doyumu ölçeğinin türkçeye uyarlanması | SBÖ Üçok, ZH Sümer | Ege Eğitim Dergisi |
2021 | Bireysel psikoloji (adler yaklaşımı) temelli bağımlılık önleme çalışmaları: okullarda sosyal i̇lgi uygulamalarının önemi | S Ayas, ZH Sümer | Okul Psikolojik Danışmanlığı Dergisi |
2021 | Evaluation of the turkish parental support for fighting scale (psfs) | EÇ Yildiz, ZH Sümer | Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research |
2021 | Periodic reporting for period 1-risewise (risewise-rise women with disabilities in social engagement) | Z Sümer | CORDIS |
2021 | Saldırganlık için ebeveyn desteği ölçeğinin (sedö) türkçe formunun değerlendirilmesi | EÇ Yildiz, ZH Sümer | Bilişsel Davranışçı Psikoterapi ve Araştırmalar Dergisi |
2021 | Resilience in socioeconomically disadvantaged turkish adolescents: an ecological perspective | Ö Sevil-Gülen, A Demir | Youth & Society |
2021 | Makroekonomik değişkenlerin doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar üzerine etkisi: türkiye ekonomisi açısından değerlendirme | A Demir, T Şahinoğlu, ŞM Ersungur | Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi |
2021 | Domain specific hope levels of university students in turkey: the predicting roles of personal belief in a just world and gender | M Muyan-Yılık, A Demir | Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education |
2021 | Motives behind cyberbullying perpetration: a test of uses and gratifications theory | I Tanrikulu, Ö Erdur-Baker | Journal of interpersonal Violence |
2021 | Psychometric properties of a cyberbullying inventory for university students | I Tanrikulu, Ö Erdur-Baker | British Journal of Guidance & Counselling |
2021 | Online counseling and ethics: a systematic review of empirical research | M Pulat, FB Yıldırım | The Journal of Clinical and Mental Health Counseling |
2021 | Romantic relationship satisfaction in emerging adulthood | FB Yildirim, G Aydin, GS Aydin | Turkish Journal of Education |
2021 | University students’ views, preferences and suggestions with respect to online counseling | F Barutçu-Yıldırım, S Onaylı, N Taşkesen | The European Conference on Educational Research. Geneva https://www … |
2021 | Essential qualities for elementary teachers of the 21st century: voices of key stakeholders | S Akin, A Ok | Elementary Education Online |
2021 | Attitudes of pre-service classroom teachers towards sustainable development | N Soysal, A Ok | Uluslararası Bilim ve Eğitim Dergisi |
2021 | Ortaöğretim temel düzey matematik dersi öğretim programı’nın stake’in yanıtlayıcı değerlendirme modeli ile değerlendirilmesi | A Nevin, B Eri̇kçi̇, OK Ahmet | Journal of Qualitative Research in Education |
2021 | The evaluation of secondary education basic mathematics curriculum through stake’s responsive evaluation model | N Avcı, B Erıkcı, A Ok | Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi |
2021 | A phenomenological investigation of the effectiveness of the elementary teacher education program in turkey | S Akın, A Ok | International Online Journal of Primary Education |
2021 | The mediating role of teacher agency on the relationship between job satisfaction and readiness for change among public school teachers | A Ersöz | Middle East Technical University |
2021 | International faculty members: are they included on host university campuses? | S Okur, B Bulut-Şahin | Innovative and Inclusive Internationalization |
2021 | Strengthening uk-turkey partnerships in higher education: baseline research | R Brooks, A Erdoğan, B Bulut-Sahin | British Council Turkey |
2021 | Occupational engagement scale-student: psychometric properties in turkish university students | G Şensoy, DM Siyez, S Kalen | Australian Journal of Career Development |
2021 | Psychological dating aggression in lgb+ relationships: a path model with perpetration, victimization, internalized homophobia, cognitive flexibility, and affectivity | MN Mercan | PQDT-Global |
2021 | The migration reasons and experiences of syrian university students: a qualitative study | ÖS Kaya | Trakya Eğitim Dergisi |
2021 | Değerler eği̇ti̇mi̇ yoluyla suri̇yeli̇ siğinmacilarin sosyal uyumu: yari deneysel bi̇r çalişma. . | ÖS Kaya | Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi |
2020 | Academic mobbing in relation to leadership practices: a new perspective on an old issue | B Erdemir, CE Demir, J Yıldırım Öcal, Y Kondakçı | The Educational Forum |
2020 | Preparing pre-service english language teachers for classroom realities: strengthening their competence in instructional materials | S Tekır, H Akar | Eurasian Journal of Educational Research |
2020 | Faculty experiences, views, and challenges on internationalization in higher education from a cross-cultural perspective | H Akar, R Cobanoglu, P Plunkett | Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal |
2020 | Study on teachers classroom management approaches andexperiences | A Hanife, FT Erden, TOR Dürdane, İT Şahi̇n | Elementary Education Online |
2020 | Need for tackling the gap for cultural responsiveness in language teaching for refugee students in turkey | A Atmacasoy, H Akar | null |
2020 | Aiding culturally responsive assessment in schools in a globalising world | GA Nortvedt, E Wiese, M Brown, D Burns, G Mcnamara, J O’hara, ... | Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability |
2020 | Temel eğitimde 21. yüzyıl becerilerinin sınıf öğretmenlerinin görüşlerine göre incelenmesi | D Hamlı, S Hamlı, PO Taneri | Current Debates on Social Sciences |
2020 | Coğrafya öğretmenleri̇ne ve öğreti̇m elemanlarina yöneli̇k temel hari̇ta bi̇lgi̇si̇ eği̇ti̇mi̇: bi̇r etki̇ anali̇zi̇ çalişmasi | PO Taneri, N Erdem | Milli Eğitim Dergisi |
2020 | Akran zorbaliği ve akran zorbaliğini önleme eğitim programi hakkinda öğretmen görüşleri | PO Taneri, A Nalan | null |
2020 | Akran zorbalığının sıklığının belirlenmesi ve önleyici eğitim programının uygulanması: çankırı örneği | ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri, N Akduman | null |
2020 | Öz düzenleme becerileri ve drama: drama ile öz düzenleme becerilerinin gelişimi | PO Taneri | İlkokulda Drama ile Değerler Eğitimi Uygulamaları |
2020 | Elements of open education: an invitation to future research | O Zawacki-Richter, D Conrad, A Bozkurt, CH Aydin, S Bedenlier, I Jung, ... | International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning |
2020 | Multilevel analysis of the relationship between school-level variables and student achievement | YI Oldac, Y Kondakci | Educational Management Administration & Leadership |
2020 | A comparative study of national infrastructures for digital (open) educational resources in higher education | VI Marín, M Bond, O Zawacki-Richter, CH Aydin, S Bedenlier, A Bozkurt, ... | Open Praxis |
2020 | Higher education policy for displaced people: implications of turkey’s higher education policy for syrian migrants | K Arar, Y Kondakci, S Kaya Kasikci, E Erberk | Higher Education Policy |
2020 | Higher education for forcibly displaced migrants, refugees and asylum seekers | K Arar, Y Kondakci, B Streitwieser | Higher Education Policy |
2020 | Social justice in turkish education system: issues and interventions | Y Kondakci, K Beycioglu | Handbook on promoting social justice in education |
2020 | Educational change | Y Kondakci | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education |
2020 | Relationships among self-efficacy, academic optimism, income, and student achievement. | HH Senay, Y Kondakci | AERA Online Paper Repository |
2020 | Complishing the first year for higher education governance and policy | Y Kondakçı | Higher Education Governance and Policy |
2020 | Inaugural issue of higher education governance and policy | Y Kondakcı | Higher Education Governance and Policy |
2020 | A psychoanalytical study of women’s experiences related to early paternal loss and romantic relations | MS Polat | PQDT-Global |
2020 | What do universities' virtual faces tell at a glance? A visual and textual analysis of turkish universities' official homepages | S Emil | Yuksekogretim Dergisi |
2020 | Üniversitelerin sanal yüzü ilk bakışta ne söyler? Türkiye üniversitelerinin kurumsal internet sitelerinin açılış sayfaları görsel ve metinsel içerik analizi | S Emil | Yükseköğretim Dergisi |
2020 | Higher education strategy | FN Seggie, S Emil | The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education |
2020 | The role of academic inbreeding in building institutional and research habitus: a case study from turkey | D Gokturk, O Yildirim-Tasti | Higher Education Policy |
2020 | Okul kurumunun kültürel-toplumsal eşitsizlik ve imtiyazların yeniden üretimindeki rolüne ilişkin bir değerlendirme | D Göktürk Ağın, E Ağın | Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi |
2020 | Liderlik çalışmalarında takipçi (follower) merkezli yaklaşıma ilişkin bir değerlendirme | D Göktürk, E Ağın | Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi |
2020 | An evaluation of the role of school institution in the reproduction of cultural-social inequalities and of privileges | D Göktürk, A Eren | Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi |
2020 | Teacher emotions in organizational change process= örgütsel degisim sürecinde ögretmen duygulari. | M Zayim Kurtay | Educational Administration: Theory & Practice |
2020 | Trust in principals | M Zayim-Kurtay | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education |
2020 | Saldırganlığa alternatif davranışlar için öz-yeterlik ölçeğinin türkçeye uyarlanması | EÇ Yıldız, ZH Sümer | Erciyes Journal of Education |
2020 | Saldırganlığa alternatif davranışlar için öz-yeterlik ölçeğinin geçerlik güvenirlik çalışmaları | EÇ Yildiz, ZH Sümer | Journal: Erciyes Journal of Education |
2020 | Self-handicapping among university students: the role of procrastination, test anxiety, self-esteem, and self-compassion | F Barutçu Yıldırım, A Demir | Psychological reports |
2020 | A pathway towards subjective well-being for turkish university students: the roles of dispositional hope, cognitive flexibility, and coping strategies | M Muyan-Yılık, A Demir | Journal of Happiness Studies |
2020 | Help-seeking attitudes of university students in turkey | E Çebi, A Demir | International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling |
2020 | The relationship between perceived interpersonal competence and self‐disclosure in an online context: the moderating role of shyness | S Mısır, A Demir, S Koydemir | International Journal of Psychology |
2020 | Struggles and assets of syrian university students in turkey | Ö Erdur-Baker, O Özmen, İ Aksöz-Efe, T Aker, MB Lykes | Refugees and Higher Education |
2020 | Afetlerde psikolojik destek: okul ve travma | Ö Erdur Baker, Z Yıldırım | METU OpenCourseWare |
2020 | Strugles and assets of syrian college students in turkey | Ö Erdur Baker, O Özmen, İ AKSÖZ Efe, AT Aker, B Lykes | Refugees and Higher Education: Trans-national Perspectives on Access, and … |
2020 | Afetlerde psikolojik destek: psikososyal destek | Ö Erdur Baker, Z Yıldırım | METU OpenCourseWare |
2020 | Afet sonrası çocuk ve ergenler | Ö Erdur Baker, Z Yıldırım | METU OpenCourseWare |
2020 | Engelliler ve afet | Ö Erdur Baker, Z Yıldırım | METU OpenCourseWare |
2020 | Mentoring practices in english language teaching practicum: student teachers’ perspectives on cooperating teachers’ roles in the turkish context | Ö Aydın, A Ok | The Teacher Educator |
2020 | Evaluation of human rights, civics and democracy curriculum through eisner’s evaluation framework | ÖK Özdemirci, AN Aksoy, A Ok | Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2020 | The antecedents influencing the implementation and success of the middle school english language curriculum | S Kaya, A Ok | International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research |
2020 | English teachers' perceptions of the middle school english language curriculum= ingilizce ögretmenlerinin ortaokul ingilizce dersi ögretim programi ileilgili algilari. | S Kaya, A Ok | Online Submission |
2020 | The unknown territory of stem: the perceptions of high school administrators | B Kulakoglu, Y Kondakci | ECER |
2020 | Romantik i̇lişkilerde sorun çözme becerileriyle i̇lişkili faktörler: yaşam doyumu ve diğerkamlığın yordayıcı etkisi | ÖS Kaya | Aile Psikolojik Danışmanlığı Dergisi |
2020 | Ergenler i̇çin stratejiler (13-18 yaş arası) | ÖS Kaya | EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM- |
2020 | Çocuklar i̇çin stratejiler (7-12 yaş arası) | ÖS Kaya | EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM- |
2020 | Anaokulu çocukları i̇çin stratejiler (yeni doğan-altı yaş arası) | ÖS Kaya | EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM- |
2020 | Kardeş rekabeti | ÖS Kaya | EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM- |
2020 | Cinsel sorumluluk | ÖS Kaya | EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM- |
2020 | Okula uyum güçlükleri | ÖS Kaya | EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM- |
2020 | Ebeveynli̇k beceri̇leri̇ tedavi̇ planlayicisi -uygulama planlayıcıları dsm-5 güncellemeleri ile - the parenting skills treatment planner with dsm-5 updates | M Yılmaz, H Cihan, H Epli, ÖS Kaya | EBEVEYNLİK BECERİLERİ TEDAVİ PLANLAYICISI -Uygulama Planlayıcıları DSM- |
2020 | The scale of forgiveness on interpersonal relationships: a validity and reliability study | ÖS Kaya | Elementary Education Online |
2019 | Öğretmen adaylarının eğitim fakültesinin fiziksel ortamı hakkında görüşleri | DL Tor, CE Demir | Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi |
2019 | The current state of instructional materials education: aligning policy, standards, and teacher education curriculum | S Tekir, H Akar | Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice |
2019 | Evaluation of the current school-parent association policy in two public primary schools | B Çalik, K Kiliç, H Akar | İlköğretim Online (elektronik) |
2019 | A gestão da sala de aula | L Darling-Hammond, P Lepage, H Akar | Preparando os Professores para um Mundo em Transformação: O Que Devem … |
2019 | Science teachers’ reflections with the use of criticial i̇ncidents | E Yılmaz, H Akar | null |
2019 | Exploring the language development of refugee students in turkey and germany: preliminary results from the first qualitative phase | A Atmacasoy, H Akar, I Gogolın, A Hansen | null |
2019 | Gendered citizenship: educational experiences of girls and boys as” future” citizens | Ö Karakuş Özdemir, H Akar | null |
2019 | Quantitative research | H Akar | Research Methods in Political Sciences, |
2019 | Evaluation of the current school-parent association policy in two public primary schools* yürürlükteki okul-aile birliği politikasının i̇ki devlet i̇lköğretim okulunda … | B Çalık, K Kılıç, H Akar | Elementary Education Online |
2019 | Kuramdan uygulamaya kapsayıcı eğitim | PO Taneri | Pegem A Yayıncılık |
2019 | Kapsayıcı eğitimin hedefleri içeriği ve uygulamaya yansımaları | PO Taneri, A Altunoğlu, M Sarı, B Turhan Türkkan, K Baykara Özaydınlık, ... | Kuramdan uygulamaya kapsayıcı eğitim |
2019 | 5. bölüm kapsayıcı değerlendirme | PO Taneri | Kuramdan uygulamaya kapsayıcı eğitim |
2019 | Teacher performance appraisal in turkey: an alternate model | ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri | European Journal of Education Studies |
2019 | Use of bibliotherapy method to prevent peer bullying | PO Taneri, N Akduman | Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmacıları Derneği |
2019 | If teacher is not democratic in the classroom! A study on the democratic trends of teacher candidates | PO Taneri | null |
2019 | Intercultural sensitivity levels of prospective teachers | ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri | null |
2019 | Dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu tanısı almış öğrenciler ile eğitim öğretim | PO Taneri | Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu: Ruh Sağlığı Çalışanları, Alan … |
2019 | A comparison of student attitudes towards languages other than english (lotes) in turkey and in the usa | NA Çakır, NA Ünlü | International Online Journal of Education and Teaching |
2019 | Students' expectations from mobile devices for mobile learning | E Ozturk | International Journal of Mobile Communications |
2019 | The imposition of government education policy initiatives and school enactment: uncovering the responses of school principals | K Arar, Y Kondakci, A Taysum | Journal of Educational Administration and History |
2019 | Large-scale change and survival of school principals in turkey | Y Kondakci, D Orucu, E Oguz, K Beycioglu | Journal of Educational Administration and History |
2019 | Antecedents of continuous change in educational organizations | Y Kondakci, M Zayim Kurtay, O Caliskan | International Journal of Educational Management |
2019 | Migrants, refugees and higher education in tukey | Y Kondakci, O Onen | Refugees, migrants, and global challenges in higher education, New York … |
2019 | Socialization at the university: a qualitative investigation on the role of contextual dynamics in the socialization of academics | Y Kondakçı, Ç Haser | Research in Educational Administration and Leadership |
2019 | Cultural transformation and academic leadership: the context of turkish higher education | Y Kondakci, M Zayim-Kurtay | University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China |
2019 | Approval of the graduate school of social sciences | Y Kondakçi | MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY |
2019 | Research university initiative: from perspective of educational administrators in the universities | Y Kondakçı | null |
2019 | Challenges, conflicts and ceremonial adaptation in internationalization of higher education: evidence from multiple cases | B Bulut Şahin, Y Kondakçı | null |
2019 | Vibrant school and the elements of vibrant school climate in turkey | AN Gürdal, Y Kondakçı | null |
2019 | Higher education challenges for migrant and refugee students in a global world | Y Kondakçı | null |
2019 | Migrants, refugees and higher education in turkey | K Arar, K Hajyehia, DB Ross, Y Kondakçı | Higher Education Challenges for Migrants and Refugee Students in a Global World |
2019 | Exloring the effect of erasmus program on cultural intelligence of university students | Ö Gökten, S Emil | Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2019 | Üniversite öğrencilerine ve yılın eğitimcisi ödüllü öğretim üyelerine göre iyi üniversite öğretmeninin özellikleri | S Emil | Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi |
2019 | Institutional attitudes towards research-related academic integrity in recently internationalizing higher education institutions: a comparative analysis of chinese and turkish heis | C Ergenç, S Emil | University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China |
2019 | Social justice in higher education classroom: exploration of self-knowledge of pre-service teachers throughreflective writing | S Emil | null |
2019 | Yükseköğretimde akademik kendileşme (academic inbreeding) ve kurumsal habitusun inşası üzerine bir tartışma | D Göktürk, A Kandemir | Mülkiye Dergisi |
2019 | University governance and academic leadership in the eu and china | C Zhu, M Zayim-Kurtay | IGI Global |
2019 | Challenges of chinese and european universities in the modernization and global context | M Zayim-Kurtay, C Zhu | Frontiers of Education in China |
2019 | School leaders’ perspectives on government-initiated changes in flemish secondary schools | M Zayim-Kurtay, C Zhu | Journal of Educational Administration and History |
2019 | She has national and international articles published and still in progress about organizational change | M Zayim-Kurtay | University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China |
2019 | University governance and academic leadership capacity building: perspectives of european and chinese university staff members | C Zhu, M Zayim-Kurtay | University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China |
2019 | Attachment insecurity and restrictive engulfment in college student relationships: the mediating role of relationship satisfaction | E Toplu-Demirtaş, C Murray, Z Hatipoglu-Sümer | Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research |
2019 | Kadınlara yönelik psikolojik şiddet ölçeğinin (psychological maltreatment of women inventory) türk kültürüne uyarlanması | SE Vatandaşlar, ZH Sümer | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2019 | Romantic relationship satisfaction, age, course load, satisfaction with income and parental status as predictors of instructors’ burnout: evidence from a correlational study | B Özdemir, A Demir | Current Psychology |
2019 | Burnout as a predictor of senior students’ mindfulness | E Yıldız Akyol, A Demir | Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment |
2019 | Romantic relationship satisfaction, age, course load, satisfaction with income and parental status as predictors of instructors' burnout: evidence from a correlational study | B Ozdemir, A Demir | CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY |
2019 | The relationships between body image andloneliness among turkish university students | M Demir, AG Demir, A Demir | null |
2019 | Grupla psikolojik danışma 10. baskı ağustos 2019 | A Demir | Pegem A Yayıncılık |
2019 | The reliability and validity of the lifespan sibling relationship scale in a turkish emerging adult sample | B Cilalı, Ö Erdur-Baker, A Bugay | Studia Psychologica |
2019 | The views of undergraduate students and academic advisors on the academic advising process | YÇ Aydin, OY Güneri̇, E Esra, FB Yildirim | Yükseköğretim Dergisi |
2019 | Bir sistematik derleme çalışması: yükseköğretimde eylem araştırmaları | B Bulut Şahin, S Okur | Eğitimde eylem araştırmaları |
2019 | The career distress scale: structure, concurrent and discriminant validity, and internal reliability in a turkish sample | G Şensoy, DM Siyez | International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance |
2019 | İlişki doyumunun mükemmeliyetçilik ve güven aracılığıyla yordanması | G Şensoy, E Asıcı, FE İkiz | Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2019 | Travma psikolojik danışmanlığı ve etik | FE İkiz, G Şensoy | Travma Psikolojik Danışmanlığı |
2019 | Okul danışmanlarının etik problemlere yönelik yaklaşımları | G Şensoy | PQDT-Global |
2019 | Prediction of relationship satisfaction through perfectionism and trust | G Şensoy, E Asici, F İki̇z | PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKULTESI DERGISI-PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL … |
2019 | Bilişsel düzenleme ve anlaşmazlık çözümü | G Şensoy, K Balkan | Sosyal Beceri Eğitimi |
2019 | Mutluluğun empati, affetme ve yaşam doyumu arasındaki aracı rolü: bir yol analizi. | ÖS Kaya, F Orçan | Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2019 | Geçici koruma statüsünde bulunan suriyeli üniversite öğrencilerinin göç sürecindeki uyum yaşantıları | ÖS Kaya | Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü |
2019 | Kişilerarası i̇lişkilerde affetme ölçeği: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması | ÖS Kaya | İlköğretim Online |
2019 | Çokkültürlülük algısı ve diğerkâmlık suriyelilere yönelik tutumu etkiler mi? Öğretmen adayları gözünden bir çalışma | ÖS Kaya | SDU International Journal of Educational Studies |
2019 | Birey merkezli terapiye dayalı bir psiko-eğitim programı akademik erteleme davranışı üzerinde ne kadar etkili? Bir değerlendirme çalışması | ÖS Kaya, H Odacı | Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi |
2019 | Teachers' self-efficacy perceptions and attitudes towards using creative drama | A Oguz Namdar, ÖS Kaya | Hacettepe University |
2019 | Mediating role of happiness between empathy, forgiveness, life satisfaction: a path analysis | ÖS Kaya, F Orçan | Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal Faculty of Education |
2019 | Üniversite öğrencilerinin suriyelilere yönelik tutumlarının çokkültürlülük ve diğerkamlık açısından i̇ncelenmesi | ÖS Kaya | null |
2018 | Reviewing the implementation of life sciences curriculum in turkey using elicitation techniques türkiye’de hayat bilgisi programının uygulanışının söyletim teknikleriyle … | PO Taneri, C Engin-Demir | Elementary Education Online |
2018 | A discussion on language policy and how to overcome this challenge for syrian students in turkey. | A Atmacasoy, H Akar | null |
2018 | Öğretmen adaylarının ayrımcılığa yönelik tutumları | ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri | EĞİTİM BİLİMLERİNDE GÜNCEL AKADEMİK ÇALIŞMALAR- |
2018 | What values should be taught? Measuring the perceptions of high school teachers on values education | PO Taneri, MM Akgunduz | Educational policy and research |
2018 | Sınıfta zorbalık olduğunu öğretmen farketmezse! | PO Taneri, A Şahin | null |
2018 | Farklı ama aynı! Öğretmenlerin farklılıklara saygı düzeyi | PO Taneri | Ivpe |
2018 | Göç pedagojı̇sı̇ konusunda öğretmen adaylarının farkındalıkları | PO Taneri | null |
2018 | Research and development on social sciences | MM Akgündüz, PO Taneri | null |
2018 | Farklı ama aynı! Aday öğretmenlerin farklılıklara saygı düzeyi | PO Taneri | Eğitim bilimlerinde güncel akademik çalışmalar |
2018 | Gözleme dayalı yöntemler | CD Doğan, F Nayır, G Arastaman, G Kurum, K Demir, K Yılmaz, ... | Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri Gerçek Dünya Araştırması |
2018 | How would you describe democracy in three words? Prospective teachers' understanding of the concept of democracy. | PO Taneri, ÖY Özbek | Online Submission |
2018 | Two decades of research into the internationalization of higher education: major themes in the journal of studies in international education (1997-2016) | S Bedenlier, Y Kondakci, O Zawacki-Richter | Journal of studies in international education |
2018 | Social network analysis of international student mobility: uncovering the rise of regional hubs | Y Kondakci, S Bedenlier, O Zawacki-Richter | Higher Education |
2018 | Travelling policies and contextual considerations: on threshold criteria | A Nir, Y Kondakci, S Emil | Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education |
2018 | Eğitim yönetiminde araştırma | K Beycioğlu, N Özer, Y Kondakçı | Pegem Akademi |
2018 | Turkey as a higher education hub for displaced students in the middle east, the balkans, and ex-soviet republics | Y Kondakçı | null |
2018 | Social justice leadership practices in schools: meaning, practices and challenges in cases from turkey | K Beycioğlu, Y Kondakçı, Ö Önen | null |
2018 | Stem uygulamaları ve eğitim yönetimi | Y Kondakçı | null |
2018 | The effectiveness of student supports from the perspective of the beneficiaries | Y Kondakci, K Beycioglu, YI Oldac, HH Senay | Achieving equity and quality in higher education global perspectives in an … |
2018 | Governmental supports for students in turkey: beneficiary perspective on the use of financial and social support in higher education | Y Kondakci, K Beycioglu, Yİ Oldac, HH Senay | Achieving equity and quality in higher education: Global perspectives in an … |
2018 | Internationalization of academic practice: academics’ perceptions towards internationalization in higher education1 | B Bulut Şahin, Y Kondakci | null |
2018 | School-community engagement for disadvantaged students in the context of political disputes | Y Kondakçı | null |
2018 | Regional differences in satisfaction of international students in a non-traditional destination | Y Kondakçı, Y Çapa Aydın | null |
2018 | Okul müdürlerinin değişim liderliği rollerine ilişkin metaforik algıları | Y Kondakçı | null |
2018 | The influence of context on socially just leadership in four countries | PS Angelle, I Potter, E Szeto, A Cheng, K Beycioglu, Y Kondakçi | Tendencias nacionales e internacionales en organización educativa:: entre la … |
2018 | Can world-class universities really exist in turkey | S Emil | In Pursuit of World-Class Universities: A Global Experience. Studera Press … |
2018 | In pursuit of world-class universities: a global experience | M Rabossi, KM Joshi, S Paivandi | Studera Press |
2018 | Rethinking higher education from the lens of disability: the work experience of turkish faculty members with disabilities in higher education | H Aytaş, S Emil | null |
2018 | Inevitable cycle of higher education (icohe): exploring the impact of world ranking systems on higher education institutions and their public communication on university … | S Emil, C Acartürk | null |
2018 | Ethnographic account of a pedagogical project: sisterhood institution in the hizmet movement | D Göktürk | British Journal of sociology of Education |
2018 | University governance and academic leadership: perceptions of european and chinese university staff and perceived need for capacity building | C Zhu, M Zayim-Kurtay | European Journal of Higher Education |
2018 | Vakif üni̇versi̇tesi̇nde akademi̇syen olmak: ruti̇nler ve bu ruti̇nleri̇ etki̇leyen faktörler | M Zayim Kurtay, A Duran | Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2018 | İlişkisel yöntem | M Zayim Kurtay | Eğitim Yönetiminde Araştırma |
2018 | Turkish version of the multidimensional measure of emotional abuse: preliminary psychometrics in college students | ET Demirtaş, ZH Sümer, CM Murphy | Violence and Victims |
2018 | Loneliness with regard to maternal and paternal acceptance-rejection and sibling relationship quality | A Ulu-Yalçınkaya, A Demir | Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools |
2018 | Predictors of loneliness in turkish university students: shyness and gender | M Muyan, GS Aydın, A Demir | Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal |
2018 | Academic procrastination and decision makingstyles | M Kalkan, AG Demir, A Demir | null |
2018 | Burnout as a predictor of senior studentsmindfulness | E Yildiz Akyol | Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü |
2018 | The role of experiential avoidance and mindfulness on self-esteem levels of metu students | MA Kurşuncua, AU Yalçınkayab, A Demirb, A Demirc | ERPA |
2018 | The relationship between academic perfectionism and academic satisfaction | M Kalkan, AG Demir | null |
2018 | Predicting domain specific hope levels of university students in turkey: examining the roles of personal belief in a just world and gender | M Muyan Yılık, AG Demir | null |
2018 | Examining hope as a mediator of the link between procrastination and psychological well-being | M Muyan Yılık, AG Demir | null |
2018 | Rcbi-ii: the second revision of the revised cyber bullying inventory | Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker | Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development |
2018 | Death rituals, religious beliefs, and grief of turkish women | I Aksoz-Efe, O Erdur-Baker, H Servaty-Seib | Death studies |
2018 | Afetlerde psikolojik destek için psikolojik danışmanlara yönelik çevirimiçi eğitim geliştirilmesi | Ö ERDUR Baker, A Altun, Z Yildirim | undefined |
2018 | Social constraints among bereaving turkish adults: testing the construct and convergent validity and relıability of the social constraints scale (scs) | İ Aksoz-Efe, O Erdur-Baker | Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International |
2018 | Doğası, türü, nedenleri ve sonuçlarıyla öğretmene yönelik şiddet | Ö Erdur Baker, Y Boz | null |
2018 | Mothers’ xx concerns against terrorist attacks: preliminary findings of a phenomenological study about turkey’xxs recent urban terrorist attacks | M Gökyar, Ö Erdur Baker | Stress and Anxiety-Theories and Realities |
2018 | Yükseköğretimde akademik dürüstlüğe i̇lişkin öğrenci görüşleri, deneyimleri ve önerileri: bir olgu bilim araştırması. | F BARUTÇU Yildirim, E ERET Orhan | Journal of Higher Education & Science/Yüksekögretim ve Bilim Dergisi |
2018 | Turkish version of the survey of attitudes toward statistics: factorial structure invariance by gender. | EE Sarikaya, A Ok, YC Aydin, C Schau | International Journal of Higher Education |
2018 | An evaluation of introduction to industrial engineering course at sabanci university using cipp model | A Atmacasoy, A Ok, G Şahin | Rowan University |
2018 | The effect of group supervision on the psychological counseling self-efficacy levels of psychological counseling candidates | O Bakalım, F Şanal-Karahan, G Şensoy | Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry |
2018 | Eğitim fakültesi akademisyen ve öğrencilerinin üniversite psikolojik danışma birimine yönelik görüşleri | G Şensoy, H Akıman, K Balkan, YS Gül, A Kaval, A Sevinç, G Yeğintürk, ... | Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi |
2018 | Çatişma çözme ve arabuluculuk eği̇ti̇mi̇ni̇n sürdürülebi̇li̇rli̇ği̇: ergenlere ve topluma katkilari. | FE İki̇z, K Balkan, G Şensoy, U Çatal, F Balci | Electronic Turkish Studies |
2018 | Psi̇kodrama grubunun psi̇koloji̇k danişma ve rehberli̇k öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n öz-duyarlik düzeyleri̇ne etki̇si̇ | O Bakalım, C Yörük, G Şensoy | Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi |
2018 | Romantik i̇lişkilerde problem çözme becerilerinin empati ve mental i̇yi oluş açısından i̇ncelenmesi | ÖS Kaya | Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi |
2018 | Öğretmenlerin yaratıcı drama yöntemini kullanmaya yönelik özyeterlik algıları ve tutumları | AO Namdar, ÖS Kaya | Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2018 | Examination of eating attitudes in terms of interpersonal relationships and life satisfaction in late adolescence | Ç Berber-Çelik, ÖS Kaya | Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences |
2018 | Suriyeli sığınmacıların sosyal uyumu: bir müdahaleprogramının etkililiği | ÖS Kaya | null |
2018 | Ulusal bi̇r gazetede yer alan haberleri̇n “medya ve değerler” bağlaminda i̇çeri̇k anali̇zi̇ | E Demir, ÖS Kaya | null |
2018 | Romantik ilişkilerde sorun çözme becerileri ile empati ve mental iyilik ilişkileri | ÖS Kaya | Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi |
2017 | Students as change agents in the community: developing active citizenship at schools | S Akin, B Calik, C Engin Demir | Educational Sciences-Theory & Practice |
2017 | Eğitimde nitel araştırma desenleri | A Saban, A Ersoy, M Özden, M Bozkurt, ALİ Ersoy, H Akar, ... | Anı Yayıncılık |
2017 | Durum çalışması | H Akar | Nitel araştırma desenleri |
2017 | Impact of internal migration movements on the schooling process in turkey: supervisors’ views | AHS Derya | Education Policy Analysis Archives |
2017 | Durum çalışmaları | H Akar | Nitel Araştırma Desenleri |
2017 | Perceptions of students and teachers about climate change | ÖF Yıldırım Taştı, H Akar | null |
2017 | Nitel eğitim araştırmalarında güncel eğilimler ve etik | H Akar | null |
2017 | Faculty visions of internationalization in higher education and realities | H Akar, G Gülmez Dağ | null |
2017 | Impact of internal population movements on the schooling process in turkey: supervisors' views. | H Akar, D Sen | Education Policy Analysis Archives |
2017 | We train, but what do they think? Preservice teachers’ perceptions of the adequacy of their teacher education in turkey | E Eret-Orhan, A Ok, Y Capa-Aydin | Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education |
2017 | The viewpoints of instructors about the effects of teacher education programs on prospective teachers’ affective characteristics | PO Tanerı | Eurasian Journal of Educational Research |
2017 | Okul ve yetişkin eğitimi personelinin mesleki gelişimini desteklemek suretiyle eğitimde kalitenin artırılması projesi değerlendirme raporu | PO Taneri, YE Ayna, G Evsel, F Korkmaz Sağlam | TÜRKİYE ULUSAL AJANSI |
2017 | Candidate teachers’ democratic attitudes and their democratic participation level.–may 19-20, 2017 | ÖY Özbek, PO Taneri | Gece Kitaplığı |
2017 | Practicies of culturally responsie assessment in european schools. results of a literature review in four european countries | KF Nayir, M Brown, D Burns, G Norvedt, B Herzo Punzerberg, PO Taneri | null |
2017 | The quality of education provided in science and art centers. | PO Taneri | null |
2017 | Demokratik ve kapsayıcı eğitimin önündeki engelleri aşmada ilk adım: öğretmen eğitimi, 27-29 april 2017. | PO Taneri | null |
2017 | An overview of culturally responsive assessment practices in european schools | J Ohara, M Brown, D Burns, G Mcnamara, KF Nayir, PO Taneri | null |
2017 | Development of a game-design workshop to promote young girls' interest towards computing through identity exploration | NA Çakır, A Gass, A Foster, FJ Lee | Computers & Education |
2017 | Readiness of teachers for change in schools | Y Kondakci, K Beycioglu, M Sincar, CT Ugurlu | International Journal of Leadership in Education |
2017 | Differentiated function of school in socio-culturally disadvantaged context: a constructivist grounded theory study from turkey | ZZ Caliskan, H Simsek, Y Kondakci | The Urban Review |
2017 | Örgütsel çatışma | N Gökyer, S Özdemir, N Cemaloğlu, Y Kondakçi, G Özdemir, A Ünal, ... | Pegem Akademi |
2017 | Understanding leadership practices in a sustainable school model: a case from turkey | K Beycioglu, Y Kondakçı | Building for a Sustainable Future in Our Schools: Brick by Brick |
2017 | Tertiary schooling patterns and disadvantaged groups in turkey | Y Kondakci, D Orucu | Bridges, pathways and transitions |
2017 | Development and validation of openness to violation of ethical decisions scale | Ö Önen, Y Kondakçi | İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2017 | Öğretmenlerin ahlaki kararlara aykırı davranmaya açıklık düzeylerini belirlemeye yönelik bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması | Ö Önen, Y Kondakçı | İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2017 | Eğitim kurumlarında örgütsel sosyalizasyon: kuram, yöntem ve uygulama | Y Kondakçı | Pegem Atıf İndeksi |
2017 | The mediating role of knowledge sharing on the relationship between distributed leadership and readiness for change among teachers | C Demir Erdoğan, Y Kondakçı | null |
2017 | Non-traditional destinations in international student mobility: a social network analysis of global student mobility | Y Kondakçı, O Zawackırıchter | null |
2017 | Okul müdürlerinin değişim liderliği rolleri | E Keleş, Y Kondakçı | null |
2017 | Uluslararası öğrencilerin türkiye’yi tercih nedenleri ve türkiye’deki deneyimleri üzerine nitel bir çalışma | Y Kondakçı, HY Ertem | null |
2017 | Qualitative sacrifice for quantitative increase: the case of the turkish higher education | S Emil | Quality assurance in higher education: A global perspective |
2017 | Evaluation of turkish education system and school management course: perceptions of teacher candidates | S Emil | null |
2017 | Policy implementation problem in turkish education system. | S Mouroutsou, S Emil, A Beck, A Cristina Torres | null |
2017 | Evaluation of an undergraduate teacher education course: the impact of student-centered instruction in turkishclassroom. | S Emil | null |
2017 | Kültürel zekâ ölçeği̇ni̇n türkçeye adaptasyonu | Ö Gökten, S Emil | null |
2017 | How well school climate predicts parent involvement | HY Ertem, G Gökalp | null |
2017 | Intimate partner violence in turkey: the turkish intimate partner violence attitude scale-revised | E Toplu Demirtaş, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer, FD Fincham | Journal of Family Violence |
2017 | Impact of past and planned investments on dual-career couples’ commitment | SB Özgülük, Z Sümer | null |
2017 | Kendini engellemenin yordayıcıları olarak öz saygı, öz anlayış ve akademik özyeterlilik | FB Yıldırım, A Demir | Ege Eğitim Dergisi |
2017 | Lisansüstü öğrencilerinin eş seçimini etkileyen ve sınırlandıran görüş ve inançları | GS Aydın, A Demir | Ege Eğitim Dergisi |
2017 | Lisansüstü öğrencilerinin eş seçimini etkileyen ve sınırlandıran görüş ve i̇nançları | G SANCAK Aydin, AG Demir | Ege Eğitim Dergisi |
2017 | Afetler, krizler, travmalar ve travmatik stres tepkileri | Ö Erdur-Baker | Afetler, Krizler Travmalar ve Psikolojik Yardım. Türk PDR Derneği Yayınları … |
2017 | Kriz, kriz tepkileri ve kriz danışmanlığı | A Demirli Yıldız, Ö Sevil Gülen, Ö Erdur Baker | Kriz danışmanlığı |
2017 | A cross-country perspective on cyber bullying: italian and turkish experience. | G Mura, Ç Topcu-Uzer, Ö Erdur-Baker, D Diamantini | Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education/Mersin Üniversitesi … |
2017 | Siber zorbalık üzerine ülkeler arası bir karşılaştırma: i̇talya ve türkiye örnekleri | G Mura, Ç Topcu-Uzer, Ö Erdur-Baker, D Diamantini | Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2017 | Yas danışmanlığı | Ö Erdur Baker | Anı Yayıncılık |
2017 | The stability of fears of turkish children and adolescents interms of severity and content | B Serim Yıldız, Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2017 | Psikolojik danışmanların kendi yasları ve özbakım | MA Padır, Ö Erdur Baker | Yas Danışmanlığı |
2017 | Çocuk ve ergenler | Ö Erdur Baker | Afetler, Krizler, Travmalar ve Psikolojik Yardım |
2017 | Öznel durumlar-zorunlu göç ve mülteci psikolojisi | G Karakedi, Ö Erdur-Baker | Pegem Atıf İndeksi |
2017 | Afet eğitimi: etkili öğretim yöntem ve etkinlikler yoluyla çocukları i̇lgili bilgi, beceri ve tutumlarla donatma | HA Caner, Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2017 | Bullying among gifted students | H Aslan, Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2017 | Adaptation to the loss of a loved one: the role of social constraints, emotional intelligence and rumination | İ Aksöz Efe, Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2017 | Psikolojik i̇yileşme becerileri edinimi: orta dönem müdahale örneği | A Bugay Tuna, Ö Erdur Baker | Afetler, Krizler, Travmalar ve Psikolojik Yardım |
2017 | Afetler, krizler, travmalar ve psikolojik destek | Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2017 | Afet etiği | İ Aksöz Efe, T Doğan, Ö Erdur Baker | PDR yayınları |
2017 | Kuramsal çerçeve-kriz, kriz tepkileri ve kriz danışmanlığı | A Demirli-Yıldız, Ö Sevil-Gülen, Ö Erdur-Baker | Pegem Atıf İndeksi |
2017 | The role of self-esteem, self-compassion, and academic self-efficacy in predicting self-handicapping | F Barutçu Yıldırım, A Demir | Ege Journal of Educatıon |
2017 | Üniversite öğrencilerinin üniversitede sunulabilecek hizmetlere yönelik ihtiyaçları | S Yerin Güneri, O., Barutçu Yıldırım, F., Çapa Aydın, Y., Owen, D. W ... | Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2017 | Undergraduate students' needs regarding services provided a university | OY Guneri, FB Yildirim, YC Aydin, DW Owen, SC Demirtas | PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKULTESI DERGISI-PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL … |
2017 | Türkiye ekonomisinde faiz oranı ve döviz kurunun enflasyon hedefi üzerine etkisi | A Okur | Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi |
2017 | İkinci sınıf i̇ngilizce eğitim programı: kuram-uygulama uyumu | K Suat, OK Ahmet | Pegem Eğitim ve Öğretim Dergisi |
2017 | Internationalization in turkish universities; contributions, conflicts, and sources of conflicts: a multiple case study | B Bulut Şahin | Middle East Technical University |
2017 | Psikolojik danışmanların meslek etiğine yönelik algıları: özel çalışanlara yönelik bir inceleme | FE İkiz, G Şensoy, K Balkan, H Akıman | İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi |
2017 | Halk eğitim merkezi kursiyerlerinin psikolojik i̇htiyaçları ile ruhsal belirtilerinin i̇ncelenmesi | FE Ikız, G Şensoy, A Soysal | Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi |
2017 | Kişilerarası i̇lişkilerin yaşam doyumu ve cinsiyet açısından i̇ncelenmesi | Ç Berber Çelik, ÖS Kaya | null |
2016 | Regional internationalization in higher education between turkey and the balkans | Y Kondakçı, Ö Çalışkan, BB Şahin, MA Yılık, CE Demir | Bilig |
2016 | Durum çalışması [case study] | H Akar | Eğitimde nitel araştırma desenleri [Qualitative research design] |
2016 | Students’ civic knowledge and perceptions of civic concepts in a private school: a comparative international perspective | H Akar, FK Aschenberger | International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS) |
2016 | Özel bir okuldaki öğrencilerin vatandaşlık bilgileri ve vatandaşlık kavramlarına ait algıları: karşılaştırmalı uluslararası bir bakış | H Akar, FK Aschenberger | null |
2016 | Aligning the instructional materials education given by an efl teacher education program for better trained pre-service teachers. | S Teki̇r, H Akar | null |
2016 | Student evaluation of instruction: comparison between in-class and online methods | Y Capa-Aydin | Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education |
2016 | Öğretmen adaylarinin pedagojik formasyon sertifika programinin niteliği hakkindaki görüşleri (çankiri ili örneği) | PO Taneri | Kastamonu Education Journal |
2016 | Exploring teacher candidates' views on educational reform. | PO Taneri | Athens Journal of Education |
2016 | Kapalı kapılar ardında: öğretmen adaylarına göre oğretmenler odası | KF Nayir, PO Taneri, M Akgunduz | Egitim bilimlerinde yenilik ve nitelik arayışı |
2016 | Reasons for the deterioration of moral values: cross cultural comparative analysis | PO Taneri, SJ Gao, SR Johnson | International Academic Conference Proceedings. Boston, USA |
2016 | To recall to play in the street: a critical review of the transformation of the game concept, importance and place of game in children’s world | PO Taneri, MM Akgunduz, K Funda Nayir | Games and Learning Alliance: |
2016 | Kapali kapilar ardinda ogretmen adaylarina gore ogretmenler odasi | KF Nayir, PO Taneri, M Akgunduz | null |
2016 | Eğitimde firsat esitligine iliskin akademisyen gorusleri | KF Nayir, PO Taneri, M Akgunduz | null |
2016 | To recall to play in the street: a ciîitical review of the transformation of the g | PO Taneri, M Akgunduz | Games and Learning Alliance, de gloria alessandro, |
2016 | Nicel veri analiz ve yorumlanması | S Emil, Y Kondakçı, S Kuru Çetin, PO Taneri, N Demirkasımoğlu, K Yılmaz, ... | Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri Gerçek Dünya Araştırması |
2016 | Behavioral and neural effects of game-based learning on improving computational fluency with numbers: an optical brain imaging study. | MP Çakır, NA Çakır, H Ayaz, FJ Lee | Zeitschrift für Psychologie |
2016 | Türkiye’de okul müdürlerinin sosyal adalet rolleri | Y Kondakçı, MZ Kurtay, Yİ Oldaç, HH Şenay | Eğitim yönetimi araştırmaları içinde (ss. |
2016 | The mediating roles of internal context variables in the relationship between distributed leadership perceptions and continuous change behaviours of public school teachers | Y Kondakci, M Zayim, K Beycioglu, M Sincar, CT Ugurlu | Educational Studies |
2016 | Predictors of organizational socialization of instructors in higher education. | F Ataman, Y Kondakçı | Education & Science/Egitim ve Bilim |
2016 | Yükseköğretimde i̇ngilizce okutmanların örgütsel sosyalizasyonunun yordayıcıları | F Ataman, Y Kondakçı | Eğitim ve Bilim |
2016 | Okul müdürlerinin yetiştirilmesi: kültürlerarası bir inceleme | K Beycioğlu, D Örücü, Y Kondakçı, E Oğuz | Pegem Atıf İndeksi |
2016 | Emergence of regional hubs attraction of international students to the periphery | Y Kondakçı | null |
2016 | Setting up threshold criteria for travelling policies through exploring the turkish and israeli cases on policy borrowing | S Emil, Y Kondakçı | null |
2016 | The relationship between distributed leadership, teacher collaboration, enabling school structure and academic optimism | Yİ Oldaç, Y Kondakçı | null |
2016 | What went wrong in technology integration policy of turkey a review of research | S Kaya Kaşıkcı, Y Kondakçı | null |
2016 | Teachers change commitment and job satisfaction assessing the importance of antecedents and change related affect | M Zayim Kurtay, Y Kondakçı | null |
2016 | Bridges pathways and transitions international innovations in widening participation | Y Kondakçı | null |
2016 | Comparative policy analysis educational public policy analysis in three historical periods in turkish republic | S Emil | null |
2016 | Adler yaklaşımında aile danışmanlığı | NB Akçabozan, ZH Sümer | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2016 | The relationship between parenting style, gender and academic achievement with optimism among turkish adolescents | DS Cenk, A Demir | Current Psychology |
2016 | Zorbalığa uğrayan ergenlerin yardım alma davranışı ve yardım kaynakları | Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker | Ege Eğitim Dergisi |
2016 | Attachment orientations: predicting psychological distress in german and turkish samples | N Turan, RD Kocalevent, SM Quintana, Ö Erdur‐Baker, J Diestelmann | Journal of Counseling & Development |
2016 | Gender, attachment orientations, rumination, and symptomatic distress: test of a moderated mediation model | N Turan, WT Hoyt, Ö Erdur-Baker | Personality and Individual Differences |
2016 | Zorunlu göç ve mülteci psikolojisi | A Bugay Tuna, G Karakedi, Ö Erdur Baker | Kriz Danışmanlığı |
2016 | Kriz danışmanlığı | Ö Erdur Baker, T Doğan | Pegem A Yayıncılık |
2016 | Gender differences in cyber bullying perpetration: the role of moral disengagement and aggression | Ö Erdur Baker, İ Tanrikulu, Ç Topcu | A social ecological approach to cyberbullying |
2016 | The relation between rumination and emotional reactions to infidelity in romantic relationships | S Onaylı, O Erdur-Baker, P Kordoutis | Athens Journal of Social Sciences |
2016 | A cross-cultural comparison of fears in turkish, south korean, and american students. | JJ Burnham, S Kim, BS Yildiz, MK Riechel, Ö Erdur-Baker, CN Kirby, ... | Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling |
2016 | Acil afet durumlarında psikolojik danışmanlara yönelik çevrim i̇çi eğitim sisteminin temel özelliklerinin belirlenmesi | Z Yıldırım, Ö Erdur Baker, G Türkmen | null |
2016 | Revised cyber bullying inventory for university students a study of validityand reliability | İ Tanrıkulu, Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2016 | Development and validation of the cyber bullying perpetration motivesscale | İ Tanrıkulu, Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2016 | Help seeking behaviors and sources of bullying victims | Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2016 | Tez sürecinde karşılaşılan zorluklar | FB Yıldırım, S Onaylı | Pegem Atıf İndeksi |
2016 | The second grade english language curriculum: theory-practice congruence | S Kaya, A Ok | Pegem Akademi Yayincilik Egitim Danismanlik Hizmetleri |
2016 | Türkiye’de genç işsizliğinin belirleyicilerine yönelik ekonometrik bir analiz | Y Sertkaya, A Okur | Ardahan Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi |
2016 | Prospective classroom teachers’ perceived competencies on sustainable education | N Soysal, A Ok | Soc. Econ. Perspect. Sustain |
2016 | Social and economic perspectives on sustainability | R Tsvetkova, S Ezekieva, C Duvier, C Oltean-Dumbrava, DA Akdoğan, ... | IJOPEC Publications |
2016 | Farklı öğretmenlik programlarında öğrenim gören öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik becerilerinin karşılaştırılması | E Eret, A Ok | null |
2016 | Of article | K Suat, OK Ahmet | Gösterimi İçin: Kaya, S. & Ok, A. |
2016 | Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik becerilerinin karşılaştırılması | E Eret, A Ok | Eğitim bilimlerinde yenilikler ve nitelik arayışı |
2016 | Geç ergenlikte yeme tutumlarının kişilerarası ilişkiler ve yaşam doyumu açısından incelenmesi | Ç Berber Çelik, ÖS Kaya | null |
2015 | İlkokuma yazma öğretim yöntemleri | C Demir | İlkokuma yazma öğretimi |
2015 | Preschool teacher education in turkey context evaluation 4th international conference on pre school education | B Tekmen, H Akar | null |
2015 | Examining the critical thinking skills of senior pre service teachers in turkey a holistic and diagnostic approach | N Akdere, H Akar | null |
2015 | When early childhood teachers close the door: self-reported fidelity to a mandated curriculum and teacher beliefs | R Cobanoglu, Y Capa-Aydin | Early Childhood Research Quarterly |
2015 | Predicting college student success: college engagement and perceived english language proficiency | YÇ Aydin, OY Güneri, FB Yildirim, P Çag | Çukurova University. Faculty of Education Journal |
2015 | University students’ satisfaction level and related variables/üniversite öğrencilerinin memnuniyet düzeyi ve ilişkili değişkenler | FB Yildirim, OY Güneri̇, YÇ Aydin | Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama |
2015 | Ortaokul 7 ve 8 sınıf öğrencilerinin sorunlu internet kullanımı ve anne baba tutumları ilişkisinin incelenmesi | P Taneri, Ö Tiryakioğlu | The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies (JASSS) |
2015 | Leaky pipeline: women lost in the academic system, evidence from turkey | KF Nayir, PO Taneri | Psycho-Educational Research Reviews |
2015 | Examination of the relationship between problematic internet use of and parental attitudes of elementary school 7th and 8th grade students | PO Taneri̇, Ö Ti̇ryaki̇oğlu | The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies |
2015 | Multiple intelligence and creative drama practices with disadvantaged groups | P Taneri, A Nalan, A Ceyla | International Journal of Social Science & Human Behavior Study |
2015 | Graduate students perceptions on feedback process a study in the context of teacher education | MM Akgündüz, PO Taneri | null |
2015 | Milli eğitim şuralarının türkiye’de eğitim politikası geliştirme süreçlerindeki işlevinin eğitimbilimciler tarafından değerlendirilmesi | MM Akgündüz, PO Taneri | null |
2015 | Taramalar ve anketler (surveys and questionnaires) | PO Taneri | Real World Research Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri Gerçek Dünya Araştırması |
2015 | Yükseköğretimde analitik düşünme becerileri | N Akkuş-Çakır, N Senemoğlu | KASTAMONU EĞİTİM DERGİSİ |
2015 | An optical brain imaging study on the improvements in mathematical fluency from game-based learning | MP Cakir, NA Çakir, H Ayaz, FJ Lee | Proceedings of the |
2015 | Integration of contextual exercises in computer-aided design education | K Liu, X Peng, P Mcgary, B Yalvac, E Ozturk, MD Johnson, L Valverde | Computer-Aided Design and Applications |
2015 | Examining adaptive expertise: a novel comparison of student and practicing engineer cad modeling performance | MD Johnson, E Ozturk, B Yalvac, L Valverde, X Peng, K Liu | ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition |
2015 | Adaptive expertise and contextualized activities in computer aided design | E Ozturk | Texas A&M University |
2015 | An exploration of the relationship between readiness for change and organizational trust in turkish public schools | M Zayim, Y Kondakci | Educational Management Administration & Leadership |
2015 | The development of distance education systems in turkey, the russian federation and saudi arabia. | O Zawacki-Richter, Y Kondakci, S Bedenlier, U Alturki, A Aldraiweesh, ... | European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning |
2015 | Atatürk’ün söylev ve demeçlerinde eğitim | T Gokmenoglu, Y Kondakci | İlköğretim Online |
2015 | Continuous change in educational organizations | Y Kondakci, M Zayim, K Beycioglu | Multidimensional perspectives on principal leadership effectiveness |
2015 | A measure of openness to violation of ethical decisions by teachers a scale development and validation | Ö Önen, Y Kondakçı | null |
2015 | Education at atatürk’s speeches and statements | T Gökmenoğlu, Y Kondakçı | Elementary Education Online |
2015 | Cifteler, the first village institute (turkey 1937–1954) | G Gokalp | Pedagogies and Curriculums to (Re) imagine Public Education: Transnational … |
2015 | Modeling public school teachers’ change implementation behaviors: interrelations among change antecedents, change-related affect, commitment to change, and job satisfaction | M Zayim | PQDT-Global |
2015 | Gender, religiosity, sexual activity, sexual knowledge, and attitudes toward controversial aspects of sexuality | ZH Sümer | Journal of religion and health |
2015 | Erteleme: türleri, bileşenleri, demografik etkenler ve kültürel farklılıklar | B Uzun, A Demir | Ege Eğitim Dergisi |
2015 | Breakup adjustment in young adulthood | F Barutçu Yıldırım, A Demir | Journal of Counseling & Development |
2015 | Grupla psikolojik danışma | AG Demir, DY Kağnici, SG Çakir, CEMALİ Gi̇zi̇r, T Özci̇vanoğlu, ... | Pegem Akademi |
2015 | Burnout of school counselors | M Kalkan, A Demir | International Conference on Education and e-Learning (EeL). Proceedings |
2015 | The effect of attachment styles on attitude towards help seeking | A Irkörücü, A Demir | Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2015 | Job satisfaction and burnout risk among american and turkish counselor educators | DW Owen, A Demir | Yaşadıkça Eğitim |
2015 | Türk ve amerikan psikolojik danışman eğitimcilerinde tükenmişlik riski ve i̇ş doyumu | DW Owen, AG Demi̇r | Yaşadıkça Eğitim Dergisi |
2015 | Eşli ruminasyon ölçeğinin türkçe uyarlaması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması | A Bugay, ÖE Baker | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2015 | The objectives of disaster education from teachers’ perspectives | Ö Erdur-Baker, K Kasapoğlu, E Yılmaz | Journal of Human Sciences |
2015 | Turkish version of the co-rumination questionnaire: a validity and reliability study | A Bugay, Ö Erdur-Baker | Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal |
2015 | Siber zorbalık mağdurlarının yardım alma davranışı yardım kaynakları ve ilişkili değişkenler | Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2015 | Eşli ruminasyon ölçeğinin türkçe uyarlaması geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması | A Bugay Tuna, Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2015 | University students’ satisfaction level and related variables | F Barutçu-Yıldırım, O Yerin-Güneri, Y Çapa-Aydın | Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama Dergisi |
2015 | Self-handicapping among university students: the role of gender, self-esteem, procrastination, test anxiety, and self-compassion | F Barutçu Yıldırım | Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara |
2015 | Üniversite öğrencilerinin memnuniyet düzeyi ve ilgili değişkenler | KF Barutçu Yıldırım, O Yerin Güneri, Y Çapa Aydın | Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama |
2015 | Self-handicapping among university students: the role of gender, procrastination, test anxiety, and selfcompassion | F Barutçu Yıldırım | Middle East Technical University |
2015 | Alumni and student opinions regarding areas of improvement in undergraduate education and competences of the graduates | O Güneri, HC Sümer, P Çağ, KF Barutçu Yıldırım, G Aydın, Y Çapa Aydın | null |
2015 | Üni̇versi̇te öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n memnuni̇yet düzeyi̇ ve i̇li̇şki̇li̇ deği̇şkenler. | FB Yildirim, OY Güneri̇, YÇ Aydin | Journal of Theory & Practice in Education (JTPE) |
2015 | University students' satisfaction level and related variables | Y Çapa Aydın, F Barutçu Yıldırım, O Yerin Güneri | Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi |
2015 | Türkiye’de genç işsizliği ve nedenleri | O Ahmet | Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi |
2015 | Kalıpyargısal cinsiyet ifadelerinin bellek yanılsaması üzerinde etkisi | AÇ Ok | PQDT-Global |
2014 | The visible side of the hidden curriculum in schools. | R Çobanoğlu, C ENGİN Demi̇r | Ilkogretim Online |
2014 | A study on elt high school teachers’ practices to foster learner autonomy | MF Ürün, CE Demir, H Akar | Journal of Language Teaching and Research |
2014 | Okullardaki örtük programın görünen kısmı | R Çobanoğlu, C Engin Demir | Elementary Education Online |
2014 | A study on elt high school teachers' practices to foster learner autonomy. | MF Ürün, CE Demir, H Akar | Journal of Language Teaching & Research |
2014 | Alandan ve alan dışından öğretmenlik sertifikası ile atanan yeni sınıf öğretmenlerinin sorunları | PO Taneri, A Ok | Eğitim ve Bilim |
2014 | The problems of novice classroom teachers having regular and alternative certificates | PO Taneri, A Ok | Egitim ve Bilim |
2014 | Üniversite öğrencilerinin demokrasinin eğitime yansımaları hakkındaki görüşleri (çankırı karatekin üniversitesi) | P Taneri | Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2014 | Teacher candidates’ attitudes towards the teaching profession-worrying trends | PO Taneri, KF Nayir, G Mcnamara | Turkish Studies-International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and … |
2014 | The teachers against the education reforms under the influence of neoliberalism | PO Taneri, KF Nayir | null |
2014 | Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğine i̇lişkin tutumları-endişe verici eğilimler | PO Taneri̇ | Journal of Turkish Studies |
2014 | Dezavantajlı okullarda etik sınıf i̇klimi oluşturulması | PO Taneri | null |
2014 | Üniversite öğrencilerinin demokrasinin eğitime yansımaları hakkındaki görüşleri çankiri i̇li örneği | PO Taneri | null |
2014 | Teacher candidates worries about teaching profession | PO Taneri | null |
2014 | Ortaöğretim demokrasi ve i̇nsan hakları kitabı ölçme değerlendirme uzmanı | B Tarman, İ Acun, A Yildiz, Y Kanli, PO Taneri | Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı |
2014 | Analyzing adaptive expertise and contextual exercise in computer-aided design | X Peng, P Mcgary, E Ozturk, B Yalvac, M Johnson, LM Valverde | Computer-Aided Design and Applications |
2014 | Principal leadership and organizational change in schools: a cross-cultural perspective | K Beycioglu, Y Kondakci | Journal of Organizational Change Management |
2014 | Salient characteristics of high-performing turkish elementary schools | Y Kondakci, H Sivri | Journal of Educational Administration |
2014 | Eğitim yönetiminde güncel tartışmalar | K Beycioğlu, F Kesik, Y Kondakçı | Çev. Ed. Selahattin Turan). Eğitim Yönetimi, teori, araştırma ve uygulama … |
2014 | Drivers behind business contributions to public education in turkey. | Y Kondakci, T Gokmenoglu, EE Orhan, FK Aschenberger | Education & Science/Egitim ve Bilim |
2014 | Özel i̇şletmelerin kamusal eğitime katkı yapma nedenleri | Y Kondakçı, T Gökmenoğlu, E Eret, FK Aschenberger | EĞİTİM VE BİLİM |
2014 | Drivers behind business contributions to public education in turkey özel i̇şletmelerin kamusal eğitime katkı yapma nedenleri | Y Kondakci, T Gokmenoglu, EE Orhan, FK Aschenberger | null |
2014 | Faculty perspectives on programme curricular assessment: individual and institutional characteristics that influence participation engagement | S Emil, C Cress | Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education |
2014 | Oecd üyesi ülkelerin ekonomik etkinliklerinin veri zarflama analiziyle ölçümü | A Demir, F Bakırcı | Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi |
2014 | The role of gender, attachment dimensions, and family environment on loneliness among turkish university students | A Demirli, A Demir | Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling |
2014 | Children's sense of loneliness and social dissatisfaction, after-school care | HÖ Demircan, A Demir | Psychological Reports |
2014 | Attitudes towards seeking psychological help among a sample of turkish university students: the roles of rumination and internal working models | N Turan, Ö Erdur-Baker | British Journal of Guidance & Counselling |
2014 | Afetler, krizler, travmalar ve psikolojik yardım | Ö Erdur Baker, T Doğan | Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Derneği |
2014 | Psikolojik i̇lk yardım: saha çalışanları i̇çin rehber | T Doğan, Ö ERDUR Baker, İ Aksöz, G SANCAK Aydin | Türk Psikolojik Danışma Ve Rehberlik Derneği |
2014 | Psikolojik ilk yardım: saha çalışanları için rehber | Ö Erdur Baker | WHO |
2014 | Internet plagiarism in higher education: tendencies, triggering factors and reasons among teacher candidates | E Eret, A Ok | Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education |
2014 | Öğretmenlik programlarını kimler tercih ediyor? Adayların giriş özellikleri ve öğretmenliğe yönelik tutumları | EE Orhan, A Ok | Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2014 | Who prefer teacher education programs? Candidates' entry characteristics and attitude towards teaching | E Eret Orhan, A Ok | HACETTEPE UNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKULTESI DERGISI-HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL … |
2014 | Öğretmenlerin fen ve teknoloji öğretim programına yönelik görüşleri ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması | YT Durmuş, A Ok | Elementary Education Online |
2014 | Development of teachers’ views scale on science and technology curriculum: a validity and reliability study | TY Durmuş, A Ok | Elementary Education Online |
2014 | An evaluation of cappadocia vocational college two-year restoration curriculum | A Ok, H Çilsalar, YS Erdem | Uluslararası Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Çalışmaları Dergisi |
2014 | 21 yüzyıl becerileri öğretmen adaylarına ne ölçüde kazandırılmaktadır | E Eret, A Ok | null |
2014 | Geleceğin öğretmenlerine yönelik bir profil çalışması | E Eret, A Ok | null |
2014 | Development of teachers' views scale on science and technology curriculum: a validity and reliability study öǧretmenlerin fen ve teknoloji ögretim programi {dotless} na yönelik … | Y TEMLİ Durmuş, A Ok | Elementary Education Online |
2014 | Who prefer teacher education programs? Candidates’ entry characteristics and attitude towards teaching öğretmenlik programlarını kimler tercih ediyor? Adayların giriş … | E Eret Orhan, A Ok | Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi |
2013 | A review of research on educational theories and approaches affecting students achievement: 1990-2011 | EETG Cennetengin-Demir | Elementary Education Online |
2013 | Elementary school teacher candidates' perceptions and definitions on morality and moral education. | Y Temli, D Şen, H Akar | Education & Science/Egitim ve Bilim |
2013 | İlköğretim okulu öğretmen adaylarının ahlak ve ahlak eğitimi algıları ve tanımları | Y Temli, D Şen, H Akar | EĞİTİM VE BİLİM |
2013 | School-parent partnership as part of school governance structure | S Biçak, M Baştürk, A Hanife | International Journal of Global Education (IJGE) ISSN: |
2013 | Elementary school teacher candidates’ perceptions and definitions on morality and moral education i̇lköğretim okulu öğretmen adaylarının ahlak ve ahlak eğitimi algıları ve tanımları | Y Temli̇, D Şen, H Akar | Education |
2013 | Predicting critical thinking skills of university students through metacognitive self-regulation skills and chemistry self-efficacy. | E Uzuntiryaki-Kondakci, Y Capa-Aydin | Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice |
2013 | English instructors’ professional development need areas and predictors of professional development needs | G Eksi, YC Aydın | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2013 | Özyeterlik kaynakları ölçeği\'nin türkçe\'ye uyarlanması adaptation of sources of self-efficacy inventory into turkish | YÇ Aydın, E Uzuntiryaki, Y Temli, A Tarkın | İlköğretim Online |
2013 | Adaptation of sources of selfefficacy inventory into turkish | Y Çapa-Aydın, E Uzuntiryaki-Kondakçı, Y Temli, A Tarkın | Elementary Education Online |
2013 | The scale for emotional reactions following the breakup | KF Barutcu, YC Aydin | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2013 | Üniversite öğrencilerinin eleştirel düşünme becerilerinin bilişüstü özdüzenleme becerileri ve kimya özyeterlikleri ile yordanması | E Uzunti̇ryaki̇-Kondakçi, ÇA Yeşim | Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi |
2013 | Karatekin üniversitesi pedagojik formasyon öğrencilerinin öğretmenlik mesleğini seçme nedenlerine ilişkin görüşlerinin cinsiyet değişkenine göre incelenmesi | KF Nayır, PO Taneri | Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Karatekin Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi |
2013 | Öğrenci gözüyle hayat bilgisi dersinin işlenişi: bir nitel araştırma yöntemi olarak yaratıcı drama | PO Taneri, C Engin-Demir | İlköğretim Online |
2013 | Instructional use of information and communication technologies: teachers' resistance to the use of new technologies | PO Taneri, SS Seferoglu | The International Journal of Technologies in Learning |
2013 | Implementation of life sciences from the perspectives of students: creative drama as a qualitative data collection method. | PO Taneri, C Engin-Demir | Ilkogretim Online |
2013 | Eğitim bilimcilerin kesintili eğitimle i̇mtihanı 4 4 4 kaç eder | A Mehmet Mahsum, PO Taneri | null |
2013 | Ortaöğretim kurumları bileşenlerinin öğrencilere getirilen kılık kıyafet serbestliği hakkındaki görüşleri | PO Taneri | null |
2013 | Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğini seçme nedenlerinin cinsiyet değişkeni açısından i̇ncelenmesi | KF Nayir, PO Taneri | null |
2013 | What makes a teacher effective ways of training secondary education teachers in turkey | PO Taneri | null |
2013 | Curriculum development and implementation | PO Taneri | Educational Administration Concepts and Practices |
2013 | Examining the role of contextual exercises and adaptive expertise on cad model creation procedures | MD Johnson, E Ozturk, L Valverde, B Yalvac, X Peng | Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services: |
2013 | A methodology for examining the role of adaptive expertise on cad modeling | MD Johnson, E Ozturk, L Valverde, B Yalvac, P Mcgary, X Peng | International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and … |
2013 | Development and validation of readiness for change scale | Y Kondakçı, M Zayim Kurtay | null |
2013 | Yönetim süreçleri | Y Kondakçı, M Zayim | Eğitim yönetiminde kuram ve uygulama |
2013 | Değişime hazır olma ölçeği'nin geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması | Y Kondakçı, M Zayim, Ö Çalışkan | İlköğretim Online |
2013 | Rationales for regional internationalization between turkey and the balkans | Ö Çalışkan, B Bulut Şahin, MA Yılık, C Engin Demir, Y Kondakçı | null |
2013 | International service learning strategies for entry engagement and evaluation | C Cress, S Emil, M Yamashıta | null |
2013 | Students perceptions of effective university teaching in a turkish university | S Emil | null |
2013 | The relation between dating violence victimization and commitment among turkish college women: does the investment model matter? | E Toplu-Demirtas, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer, JW White | International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV) |
2013 | Effects of gender and sex-role orientation on sexual attitudes among turkish university students | ZH Sümer | Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal |
2013 | Psychometric properties of the turkish adaptation of multidimensional measure of emotional abuse (mmea) scale | E Toplu-Demirtaş, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer | meeting of Istanbul |
2013 | Reducing academic procrastination through a group treatment program: a pilot study | B Uzun Ozer, A Demir, JR Ferrari | Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy |
2013 | Psikolojik danışma öz-yeterlik ölçeği türkçe formu’nun geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması | B Pamukçu, A Demir | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2013 | The investigation of facebook usage purposes and shyness, loneliness | GS Aydın, M Muyan, A Demir | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2013 | Öğreti̇m elemanlarinin üni̇versi̇teleri̇nde bulunan pdr merkezleri̇ hakkindaki̇ görüşleri̇ | A Demir, S Koydemir | Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi |
2013 | Facebook usage in terms of gender and romantic relationship status | M Muyan, G Sancak Aydın, AG Demir | null |
2013 | Cyber bullying@ schools: what do turkish adolescents think? | Ç Topcu, A Yıldırım, Ö Erdur-Baker | International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling |
2013 | Mother-daughter relationship and daughter's self esteem | S Onayli, O Erdur-Baker | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2013 | Görünümleri ve ilgili değişkenleriyle siber zorba ve siber kurbanlar | Ö Erdur-Baker | Türkiye çocuk ve medya kongresi bildiriler kitabı |
2013 | The common fears and their origins among turkish children and adolescents | B Serim-Yıldız, Ö Erdur-Baker, A Bugay | Behaviour Change |
2013 | Children and television news | N Kandemir-Ozdinc, O Erdur-Baker | Procedia-social and behavioral sciences |
2013 | Examining the cultural validity of fear survey schedule for children: the contemporary fears of turkish children and adolescents | B Serim-Yıldız, Ö Erdur-Baker | The Journal of genetic psychology |
2013 | Mother-daughter relationship’s links to daughter’s self-esteem and life satisfaction | S Onaylı, ÖE Baker | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2013 | Mother-daughter relationship's links to daughter's self-esteem and life satisfaction. | S Onayli, Ö Erdur-Baker | Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal |
2013 | Anne-kız ilişkisinin yetişkin kızın benlik saygısı ve yaşam doyumuyla ilişkisinin incelenmesi | S Onaylı, Ö Erdur-Baker | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2013 | Afete hazır okul kampanyası afet bilinci eğitimi eğitmen kılavuzu okul afet ve acil durum yönetimi planı hazırlama kılavuzu | TCB Afad | Ankara. S |
2013 | Examining fears of turkish children and adolescents with regard to age, gender and socioeconomic status | B Serim-Yildiz, O Erdur-Baker | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2013 | İlkokul öğrencileri i̇çin afet bilinci eğitimi | AB Afet, ADY Başkanlığı | Ankara |
2013 | Ortaöğretim öğrencileri için afet bilinci eğitimi | A Aker, Ü Alniaçik, Ö ERDUR Baker, Ş Bariş, Ö Çeli̇k, S Gerdan, ... | Başbakanlık Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı |
2013 | Investigating the role of facebook usage, life satisfaction, self-esteem and social support in predicting the loneliness of turkish university student. | P Çağ, KF Barutçu Yıldırım, G Aydın, Z Erkan Atik | null |
2013 | Predicting college student success and gains: college engagement and perceived english language proficiency | Y Çapa Aydın, KF Barutçu Yıldırım, O Yerin-Güneri, P Çağ | null |
2013 | Self-esteem and self-types | S Onaylı, F Barutçu | Psychology and the search for certainty in everyday life |
2013 | Türk teksti̇l ve hazir gi̇yi̇m sektörleri̇ni̇n gümrük bi̇rli̇ği̇ sonrasi ab-15 ülkeleri̇ karşisindaki̇ rekabet gücü | M Özçalık, A Okur | Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi |
2013 | Scholars reflections on conceptions boundaries and concerns of the field of curriculum | A Ok, E Eret | null |
2012 | Field testing the college student experiences questionnaire in turkey | ZH Sümer, LH Bikos, OY Güneri, CE Demir, JH Schuh | J. Educ. Instruct. Stud. World |
2012 | Turkish pre-service teachers' critical thinking levels, attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs in teaching for critical thinking | N Akdere | PQDT-Global |
2012 | Investigating academic performance of migrant students: a system dynamics perspective with an application to turkey | CS Pedamallu, L Ozdamar, H Akar, GW Weber, A Özsoy | International Journal of Production Economics |
2012 | Attitudes and achievement in statistics: a meta-analysis study. | E Emmioğlu, Y Capa-Aydin | Statistics Education Research Journal |
2012 | Science teaching efficacy beliefs | J Cakiroglu, Y Capa-Aydin, AW Hoy | Second international handbook of science education |
2012 | Investigating predictors of sense of efficacy beliefs of classroom, science, and mathematics teachers | G Gür, J Çakiroglu, YÇ Aydin | Egitim ve Bilim |
2012 | Learning and study strategies of high school and university students | PO Taneri | null |
2012 | Parents opinions about creative thinking skills | PO Taneri | null |
2012 | Ortaöğretim demokrasi ve i̇nsan hakları programının değerlendirilmesi | PO Taneri | null |
2012 | Assessing novice cad model creation and alteration | X Peng, P Mcgary, M Johnson, B Yalvac, E Ozturk | Computer-Aided Design and Applications, PACE |
2012 | Online design education: its availability, viability, advantages, and disadvantages | E Ozturk, CE Unlu | eLearn: World Conference on EdTech |
2012 | What if" analyses: ways to interpret statistical significance test results using excel or" r | E Ozturk | ERIC Clearinghouse |
2012 | Alignment of the formal and informal support in the socialization of the faculty members | Y Kondakci, C Haser | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2012 | The new stream of trade unionism: the case of eğitim-bir-sen in turkey | D Göktürk, G Güvercin, O Seçkin | Neoliberal transformation of education in Turkey: Political and ideological … |
2012 | Attitudes towards plagiarism scales development and initial validation | M Zayim | ECER |
2012 | Individual psychology in turkey. | ZH Sümer, PR Rasmussen | Journal of Individual Psychology |
2012 | Affetme arttırılabilinir mi?: affetmeyi geliştirme grubu. | A Bugay, A Demir | Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal |
2012 | Assessment of reliability and validity of the turkish version of heartland forgiveness scale | A Bugay, A Demir, R Delevi | Psychological reports |
2012 | Psychometric properties of frustration discomfort scale in a turkish sample | BU Ozer, A Demir, N Harrington | Psychological Reports |
2012 | Can be forgiveness increased?: forgiveness enrichment group | A Bugay, A Demir | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2012 | Affective and cognitive empathy as mediators of gender differences in cyber and traditional bullying | Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker | School Psychology International |
2012 | Is case-based instruction effective in enhancing high school students' motivation toward chemistry?. | E Yalcinkaya, Y Boz, O Erdur-Baker | Science Education International |
2012 | Disaster experience of turkey: an overview from a psychological perspective | T Aker, Ö Erdur-Baker, I Gokler-Danisman, B Yilmaz | Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology |
2012 | Turkish version of children’s response styles questionnaire | B Özgülük, ÖE Baker, A Bugay | European journal of psychological assessment |
2012 | The turkish version of the ruminative response scale: an examination of its reliability and validity özgür erdur baker middle east technical university, turkey | A Bugay | International Journal |
2012 | Turkish version of children's response styles questionnaire validity and reliability in turkish early adolescents | Ö Erdur Baker, A Bugay | Hogrefe Publishing Group |
2012 | Development and validation of children’s responsible environmental behavior scale | M Erdogan, A Ok, TJ Marcinkowski | Environmental Education Research |
2012 | Incorporating critical thinking in the pedagogical content of a teacher education programme: does it make a difference? | BY Toy, A Ok | European Journal of Teacher Education |
2012 | A qualitative inquiry in the evaluation of a pedagogical course from the prospective teachers' points of view. | BY Toy, A Ok | Qualitative Report |
2012 | Value orientations of the teaching certificate program students | GT Sisman, A Ok | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2011 | The role of extracurricular activities in active citizenship education | F Keser, H Akar, A Yildirim | Journal of curriculum studies |
2011 | Comparing teachers’ views on morality and moral education, a comparative study in turkey and the united states | P Lepage, H Akar, Y Temli, D Şen, N Hasser, I Ivins | Teaching and teacher education |
2011 | The influence of the physical environment on early childhood education classroom management | İT Şahin, F Tantekin-Erden, H Akar | Eurasian Journal of Educational Research |
2011 | A study on primary classroom and social studies teachers' perceptions of moral education and their development and learning. | Y Temli, D Sen, H Akar | Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice |
2011 | İlköğretim sınıf ve sosyal bilimler öğretmenlerinin ahlak eğitimine yönelik algıları ve eğitimlerine genel bir bakış | Y Temli, D Şen, H Akar | Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri. Educational Sciences: Theory … |
2011 | Role of extracurricular activities in active citizenship education | A Yıldırım, H Akar | Journal of Curriculum Studies |
2011 | Interplay of motivational and cognitive strategies in predicting self‐efficacy and anxiety | YÇ Aydin, E Uzuntiryaki, B Demirdögˇen | Educational Psychology |
2011 | Özdüzenleyici öğrenme stratejileri ölçeğinin (öösö) geliştirilmesi | C Kadıoğlu, E Uzuntiryaki, YÇ Aydın | Eğitim ve Bilim |
2011 | How are high school students’ epistemological beliefs related to their goal orientations | C Kadioglu, E Uzuntiryaki, Y Capa-Aydin | European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Conference, Lyon, France |
2011 | Predictors of chemistry self-efficacy among college students | EU Kondakci, YC Aydın, ZD Kirbulut, ME Beeth | European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Conference |
2011 | Quality of education in rural schools: a needs assessment study (ankara-kalecik sample) | PO Taneri, C Engindemir | International Online Journal of Educational Sciences |
2011 | The perceived autonomy of teachers in elementary education | PO Taneri | The |
2011 | Quality of education in rural schools: a needs assessment study | C Engin-Demir, PO Taneri | International Online Journal of Educational Sciences |
2011 | Student mobility reviewed: attraction and satisfaction of international students in turkey | Y Kondakci | Higher education |
2011 | Psychological distress among international students in turkey | E Cetinkaya-Yildiz, SG Cakir, Y Kondakci | International journal of intercultural relations |
2011 | Gencogretim elemanlarının mesleki toplumsallasması ve akademik kimlik algılarının incelenmesi | C Haser, Y Kondakci | Bilimsel Gelisme Raporu [Investigating young faculty members’ socialization … |
2011 | An investigation of drivers behind business contributions to public education in turkey | E Eret, Y Kondakçı | null |
2011 | Exploring effective support practices for doctoral students’ degree completion | IJ West, G Gokalp, EV Pena, L Fischer, J Gupton | College Student Journal |
2011 | Effective strategies for supporting doctoral students | IJ y West, G Gokalp | International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and … |
2011 | Predictors of risk-taking behaviors among turkish adolescents | O Özmen, ZH Sümer | Personality and Individual Differences |
2011 | Hataya i̇lişkin özelliklerin başkalarını affetmeyi yordaması. | A Bugay, A Demir | Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal |
2011 | The investigation of counseling self-efficacy levels of counselor trainees | B Pamukçu | PQDT-Global |
2011 | Psychometric properties of the turkish version of trait shame and guilt scale. | A Bugay, A Demir | Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER) |
2011 | Psychometric evaluation of the college adjustment self-efficacy scale for turkish university students | MÇ Örücü, A Demir | European journal of psychological assessment |
2011 | Psychometric properties of the turkish version of trait shame and guilt scale | A Demir | Eurasian Journal of Educational Research |
2011 | Yasam doyumu ile affetme arasindaki iliskide ruminasyon egiliminin araci rolü | AG Demir | XI. Ulusal Psikolojik Danisma ve Rehberlik Kongresi Bildiri Özet Kitabi |
2011 | Ruminasyon düzeyinin toplumsal cinsiyet ve yaşa göre incelenmesi | A Bugay, Ö Erdur-Baker | Turkish psychological counseling and guidance journal |
2011 | Mediator and moderator role of loneliness in the relationship between peer victimization and depressive symptoms | ÖE Baker, A Bugay | Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools |
2011 | An international study of cyber bullying perception and diffusion among adolescents | G Mura, C Topcu, O Erdur-Baker, D Diamantini | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2011 | Peer victimization and depressive symptoms: the mediation role of loneliness | OE Baker, A Bugay | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2011 | Teachers' perspectives on psychological issues among their students | Ö Erdur-Baker, O Özmen, H Özmen | İlköğretim Online |
2011 | Age and gender differences in rumination. | A Bugay, Ö Erdur-Baker | Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal |
2011 | Age and gender differences in rumination | Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2011 | Öğretmenlerin öğrencilerin psikolojik sorunlarına i̇lişkin görüşleri | Ö Erdur-Baker, O Özmen, H Özmen | Elementary Education Online |
2011 | Mediator and moderator role of loneliness in the relation between peer victimization and depressive symptoms | Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2011 | An assessment of turkish young pupils’ environmental literacy: a nationwide survey | M Erdogan, A Ok | International Journal of Science Education |
2011 | Reflections of prospective teachers toward a critical thinking-based pedagogical course: a case study | A Ok, BY Toy | Internafional Journal of Human and Social Sciences |
2011 | Internationalization through mobility. the middle east technical university case | A Daloğlu, B Bulut Şahin | International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and Obstacles |
2010 | Who are the future teachers in turkey? Characteristics of entering student teachers | M Aksu, CE Demir, A Daloglu, S Yildirim, E Kiraz | International journal of educational development |
2010 | Öğretmen adaylarının eğitim görüşlerinin farklı değişkenlere göre incelenmesi | E Kiraz, CE Demir, M Aksu, A Daloğlu, S Yıldırım | İlköğretim Online |
2010 | Investigating educational views of prospective teachers according to different variables. | E Kiraz, CE Demir, M Aksu, A Daloğlu, S Yıldırım | Ilkogretim Online |
2010 | Challenges for schools in communities with internal migration flows: evidence from turkey | H Akar | International Journal of Educational Development |
2010 | Globalization and its challenges for developing countries: the case of turkish higher education | H Akar | Asia Pacific Education Review |
2010 | Öğretmenlerin sınıf yönetimi yaklaşımları ve deneyimlerinin incelenmesi | H Akar, FT Erden, D Tor, İT Şahin | İlköğretim Online |
2010 | Study on teachers' classroom management approaches and experiences | H Akar, FT Erden, D Tor, İT Şahin | Elementary Education Online |
2010 | Tantekin erden, f | H Akar | Tor, D. ve Şahin, İT |
2010 | Effect of constructivist learning on student achievement in pre-service teacher education | H Akar, A Yildirim | New Educational Review |
2010 | Efficacy beliefs of teachers to optimize learning opportunities: incentives for teacher education policy-making | H Akar, F Erden | null |
2010 | Etkili sınıf yönetimi modelinin geliştirilmesi: uygulamalar ve yaklaşımlar | H Akar, F Erden | undefined |
2010 | Journal of moral education referees in 2009 | H Akar, W Althof, J Arthur, A Barber, R Bergman, M Berkowitz, ... | Journal of Moral Education |
2010 | Temel empati ölçeği türkçe uyarlaması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması turkish adaptation of basic empathy scale: validity and reliability study | Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker, Y Çapa-Aydın | Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi (Journal of Turkish … |
2010 | Temel empati ölçeği türkçe uyarlaması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması | Ç Topçu, ÖE Baker, Y Çapa-Aydın | Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi |
2010 | Implementation of constructivist life sciences curriculum: a case study | PO Taneri | PQDT-Global |
2010 | Okul yöneticilerinin değişime hazır olma tutumlarının okulun öğretim düzeyi, yöneticilerin deneyimi ve okul büyüklüğü bağlamında i̇ncelenmesi | Y Kondakçı, M Zayim, Ö Çalışkan | İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2010 | Investigating school administrators' readiness to change in relation to teaching level of the school, experiences of the administrators, and the size of the school. | Y Kondakçi, M Zayi̇m, Ö Çalişkan | Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education (INUJFE) |
2010 | Turkey’s distinctive position in the internationalization of higher education | Y Kondakci | Higher education and the Middle East: Serving the knowledge-based. economy |
2010 | Investigating the relationship between readiness to change teaching level experience and school size among school administrators | Y Kondakçı, M Zayim Kurtay | null |
2010 | Mentoring through reflective journal writing: a qualitative study by a mentor/professor and two international graduate students | DD Stevens, S Emil, M Yamashita | Reflective Practice |
2010 | Appreciative inquiry: a pilot study of school counselor graduates | RE Lewis, S Emil | The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development |
2010 | Okul yöneticilerinin değişime hazır olma tutumlarınınokulun öğretim düzeyi yöneticilerin deneyimi ve okul büyüklüğü bağlamında incelenmesi | Y Kondakçı, M Zayim, Ö Çalışkan | İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2010 | Investigating the relationship between primary and secondary level public school teachers' readiness for change and perceived organizational trust | M Zayim | PQDT-Global |
2010 | İlköğretim ve ortaöğretim düzeyindeki devlet okullarında görev yapan öğretmenlerin değişime hazır olma durumları ve algıladıkları örgütsel güven arasındaki i̇lişkinin i̇ncelenmesi | M Zayim | Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü, Ankara |
2010 | Saldırgan davranışlarını yordamada çevresel risk, çevresel güvenlik ve okul i̇klimi algısı. | EÇ Yıldız, ZH Sümer | Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal |
2010 | Okul öncesi çocuklar ve şiddet: tanık ve kurban olma düzeyleri | EÇ Yıldız, ZH Sümer | İlköğretim Online |
2010 | Rehberlik ve psikolojik danışmanlık öğrencilerinin cinsel bilgi kaynakları, yeterlilik algıları ve bilgi ihtiyaçları | N Topkaya, Z Sümer | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2010 | Beratung von zugewanderten familien. stärkung der erziehungskompetenzen in zugewanderten familien | B Leyendecker, Z Sümer | Eltern verstehen und stärken: Analysen und Konzepte der Erziehungsberatung |
2010 | Life satisfaction of visually impaired turkish adolescents | D Aydemir, Z Sümer | null |
2010 | Predicting delinquency among turkish adolescent | E Çetinkaya Yıldız, Z Sümer | null |
2010 | Violence exposure level of turkish preadolescents | E Çetinkaya Yıldız, Z Sümer | null |
2010 | A turkish version of heartland forgiveness scale | A Bugay, A Demir | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2010 | Investigation of social-cognitive, emotional and behavioral variables as predictors of self-forgiveness | A Bugay | PQDT-Global |
2010 | The features of transgression as predictors of forgiveness of others | A Bugay, A Demir | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2010 | Cyberbullying and its correlation to traditional bullying, gender and frequent and risky usage of internet-mediated communication tools | Ö Erdur-Baker | New media & society |
2010 | The revised cyber bullying inventory (rcbi): validity and reliability studies | Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker | Procedia-social and behavioral sciences |
2010 | Psychological consequences of cyber bullying experiences among turkish secondary school children | ÖE Baker, İ Tanrıkulu | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2010 | Temel empati ölçeği türkçe uyarlaması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. | Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker, Y Çapa-Aydın | Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal |
2010 | The short version of ruminative response scale: reliability, validity and its relation to psychological symptoms | Ö Erdur-Baker, A Bugay | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2010 | School violence: a qualitative case study | SA Altun, ÖE Baker | Procedia-social and behavioral sciences |
2010 | Turkish adaptation of basic empathy scale: validity and reliability study | Ç Topçu, ÖE Baker, Y Çapa-Aydın | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2010 | Turkish adaptation of the trait meta-mood scale | İ Aksöz, A Bugay, Ö Erdur-Baker | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2010 | Its correlation to traditional bullying, gender and frequent and risky usage of internet-mediated communication tools | OC Erdur-Baker | New Media Soc |
2010 | Gender and grade differences in children's alternative solutions to interpersonal conflict situations | SB Özgülük, Ö Erdur-Baker | Procedia-social and behavioral sciences |
2010 | The contribution of rumination and internal working models of attachment to psychological symptoms | N Turan, Ö Erdur-Baker | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2010 | Turkish high school students’ perception of cyber bullying: a qualitative study | Ç Topçu, A Yıldırım, Ö Erdur-Baker | The European Conference on Educational Research |
2010 | The turkish adaptation of the mother-adult daughter questionnaire | S Onaylı, Ö Erdur-Baker, İ Aksöz | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
2010 | Okuldaki şiddetin etkileri | S Akbaba-Altun, Ö Erdur-Baker | Çağdaş Eğitim Dergisi |
2010 | The dark side of technology: cyber victimization and its relation to perceived social support and depression | O Erdur-Baker, C Topcu | ICERI |
2010 | The effects of different instructional methods on students’ acquisition and retention of cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills | L Saraç, A Ok | Resuscitation |
2010 | Öğretmen yetiştirme programlarındaki öğretmen adaylarının profili | A Ok, P Önkol | Eğitim ve Bilim |
2010 | Prospective teachers’ perceptions on different aspects of portfolio | A Ok, M Erdogan | Asia Pacific Education Review |
2010 | Prospective english teachers’ views on the physical environment, human resources, and program of their departments | E Eret, A Ok | Asia Pacific Education Review |
2010 | Reply to letter: systematic development of web based cpr instruction in the emerging global smart phone era | L Saraç, A Ok | Resuscitation |
2010 | Academic dishonesty or not are the prospective teachers familiar with internet plagiarism and its prevention | A Ok, E Eret | null |
2009 | Change in teacher candidates' metaphorical images about classroom management in a social constructivist learning environment | H Akar, A Yildirim | Teaching in Higher Education |
2009 | Foreign language teacher education: the polish case | H Akar | The New Educational Review |
2009 | İlköğretimde bölgesel eşitsizlik: kuzeydoğu, ortadoğu ve güneydoğu anadolu bölgelerinde i̇lköğretime erişim, devam ve kaliteli eğitimi sağlamaya yönelik politika önerileri. | H Akar | ODTÜ Yayıncılık |
2009 | Development and validation of chemistry self-efficacy scale for college students | E Uzuntiryaki, YÇ Aydın | Research in Science Education |
2009 | Teacher self‐regulation: examining a multidimensional construct | Y Capa‐Aydin, S Sungur, E Uzuntiryaki | Educational Psychology |
2009 | Development and psychometric evaluation of the high school chemistry self-efficacy scale | YÇ Aydın, E Uzuntiryaki | Educational and Psychological Measurement |
2009 | Quality of education in turkish rural schools a needs assessment study | PO Taneri, C Engin Demir | null |
2009 | Institutional imperatives versus emergent dynamics: a case study on continuous change in higher education | Y Kondakci, H Van den Broeck | Higher education |
2009 | What attracts foreign students to study in turkey? An analysis of inbound student mobility in turkey | E Çetinkaya, SG Çakır, Y Kondakçı | ECER |
2009 | Baba katilim eği̇ti̇mi̇ni̇n ai̇le i̇şlevleri̇ne ve ergenleri̇n akran i̇li̇şki̇leri̇ne etki̇si̇ | E Kocayörük, Z Sümer | Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama |
2009 | Predictors of perceived social support among visually impaired adolescents | D Aydemir, Z Sümer, Ç Topçu | null |
2009 | Exploring academic procrastination among turkish students: possible gender differences in prevalence and reasons | BU Özer, A Demir, JR Ferrari | The Journal of social psychology |
2009 | Psychometric evaluation of perceived stress scale for turkish university students | MÇ Örücü, A Demir | Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the … |
2009 | Chronic procrastination among turkish adults: exploring decisional, avoidant, and arousal styles | JR Ferrari, BU Özer, A Demir | The Journal of social psychology |
2009 | Psychological adaptation of turkish students at us campuses | Y Bektaş, A Demir, R Bowden | International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling |
2009 | The relationship between perceived parental attitudes and shyness among turkish youth: fear of negative evaluation and self-esteem as mediators | S Koydemir-Özden, A Demir | Current Psychology |
2009 | Structural validity of turkish versions of the gender role conflict scale and male role norms scale. | SH Lease, A Çiftçi, A Demir, G Boyraz | Psychology of Men & Masculinity |
2009 | Ayhan demir a joseph j. ferrari. chronic procrastination among turkish adults: exploring decisional, avoidant and arousal procrastination styles | B Özer | The Journal of Social Psychology |
2009 | Peer victimization, rumination, and problem solving as risk contributors to adolescents' depressive symptoms | Ö Erdur-Baker | The Journal of psychology |
2009 | Ergenlerde görülen psikolojik belirtilerin yordayıcıları olarak ruminasyon ve öfke/öfke ifade tarzları | ÖE Baker, SB Özgülük, N Turan, ND Danışık | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2009 | Cyber bullying in turkey its correlates and links to depressive symptoms | Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2009 | Rumination and anger/anger expression styles as risk factors for psychological symptoms of adolescents. | Ö Erdur-Baker, SB Özgülük, N Turan, N Demırcı Danişik | Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal |
2009 | Attainment of cultural capital in higher education the case of turkey | AY Özcan, Ö Erdur-Baker | Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research |
2009 | Age and gender differences in cyber and traditional bullying experiences of turkish adolescents | Ö Erdur-Baker, Ç Topcu | meeting of the European Conference on Educational Research, Vienna, Austria |
2009 | Turkish adaptation of basic empathy scale bes | Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur Baker, Y Çapa Aydın | null |
2009 | Content analysis of selected features of k‐8 environmental education research studies in turkey, 1997–2007 | M Erdogan, T Marcinkowski, A Ok | Environmental Education Research |
2009 | Competencies needed for inclusive teachers | A Ok, E Eret | null |
2008 | Geleceğin öğretmenleri kimler: eğitim fakülteleri öğrenci profili | M Aksu, A Daloğlu, S Yıldırım, E Kiraz, CE Demir | İlköğretmen Eğitimci Dergisi |
2008 | The characteristics of effective teachers as perceived by primary school students and teachers | CE Demir | Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü |
2008 | Poverty, and schooling in turkey: a needs assessment study | H Akar | Presentation at Workshop on Complex Societal Problems, Sustainable Living … |
2008 | Examination of cyberbullying experiences among turkish students from different school types | C Topcu, Ö Erdur-Baker, Y Capa-Aydin | CyberPsychology & Behavior |
2008 | The challenges of internationalization from foreign and local students’ perspectives: the case of management school | Y Kondakci, H Van den Broeck, A Yildirim | Asia Pacific Education Review |
2008 | Moving toward a campus wide culture of teaching learning and assessment a multi dimensional task | DD Stevens, F Wıllıam, P Latıolaıs, C Ramette, S Emil | null |
2008 | Effects of stress on teacher decision making | G Gokalp | University of Southern California |
2008 | Shyness and cognitions: an examination of turkish university students | S Koydemir, A Demir | The Journal of psychology |
2008 | Turkish adolescents'conflict resolution strategies toward peers and parents as a function of loneliness | A Ciftci, A Demir, LH Bikos | Adolescence |
2008 | Conflict behaviors toward mothers and fathers among male and female turkish adolescents | E Tezer, A Demir | Family Therapy |
2008 | Crisis management strategies by turkish school principles following natural disasters | I Aksöz, Ö Erdur-Baker, S Akbaba-Altun | Proc. WCCI |
2008 | Loneliness as a risk factor for traditional and cyber bullying | Ö Erdur-Baker, H Yurdugül | ECER-The European Conference on Educational Research |
2008 | Environmental literacy assessment of turkish children: the effects of background variables | M Erdogan, A Ok | The WCCI |
2008 | Sürtünme kaynağı ile birleştirilmiş farklı malzemelerin kaynak bölgesinin incelenmesi | C Meriç, NS Köksal, MT Erdoğan, A Okur | Celal Bayar University Journal of Science |
2008 | Students views on curriculum and instruction graduate degree program metu case | A Ok, M Erdoğan, E Eret | null |
2008 | Problems of english language teacher education from the 4th year english teachers perspective | E Eret, A Ok | null |
2008 | Students’ and coordinators’ views on the effectiveness of the erasmus student exchange program at middle east technical university | B Bulut Şahin | Middle East Technical University |
2007 | Metaphors as a reflection of middle school students' perceptions of school: a cross-cultural analysis | CE Demir | Educational Research and Evaluation |
2007 | A longitudinal, naturalistic inquiry of the adaptation experiences of the female expatriate spouse living in turkey | LH Bikos, A Çiftçi, OY Güneri, CE Demir, ZH Sümer, S Danielson, ... | Journal of Career Development |
2007 | A repeated measures investigation of the first-year adaptation experiences of the female expatriate spouse living in turkey | LH Bikos, A Çiftçi, OY Güneri, CE Demir, ZH Sümer, S Danielson, ... | Journal of Career Development |
2007 | Development and learning in classroom management | H Akar | Academic Exchange Quarterly |
2007 | Impact of extra curricular activities on students' citizenship training | H Akar, A Yıldırım | European Conference on the Impact of Informal Learning and Social Services … |
2007 | Aktif vatandaslik egitimi: planli ders disi sosyal beceri etkinliklerinin aktif vatandaslik becerilerinin gelistirilmesi yönünde degerlendirilmesi | A Yıldırım, H Akar | Egitimde Yönelimler Sempozyumu: Yapilandirmacilik ve Ögretmen |
2007 | Yükseköğretimde yeni bir açılım olarak uluslararasılaşma ve türkiye’de yükseköğretimin uluslararasılaşması üzerine bir tartışma, xvi | Y Kondakçı | Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, TOKAT |
2007 | Journal keeping as a tool for mentoring international students | DD Stevens, S Emil, Y Mıkı | null |
2007 | Psikolojik danışman eğitiminin göz ardı edilen öğesi: cinsellik eğitimi | Z Sümer | Gelişen psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik: Meslekleşme sürecindeki ilerlemeler |
2007 | Psychometric properties of the brief verision of the fear of negative evaluation scale in a turkish sample | S Koydemir, A Demir | Psychological reports |
2007 | The efficacy of reminiscence therapy on the life satisfaction of turkish older adults: a preliminary study | R Siviş, AG Demir | null |
2007 | The effect of structured peer consultation program on school counselor burnout in turkey | A Esen Coban, A Demir | Journal of Applied Sciences |
2007 | Animsama terapi̇si̇ni̇n yaşlilarda yaşam doyumuna etki̇si̇: bi̇r ön çalişma | R Si̇vi̇ş, A Demi̇r | Türk Geriatri Dergisi |
2007 | The efficacy of reminiscence therapy on the life satisfaction of turkish older adults a preminary study | R Siviş Çetinkaya, AG Demir | Turkish Geriatrics Society |
2007 | The effects of structured peer consultation program on school counselor in turkey | A Çoban, AG Demir | Science Alert |
2007 | Anne-baba tutumlarinin sosyal degerlendirme kaygisindaki rolü. | AG Demir | IX. Ulusal Psikolojik Danisma ve Rehberlik Kongresi Bildiri Özet Kitabi |
2007 | Akran zorbalığının yeni yüzü: siber zorbalık. | Ö Erdur-Baker, F Kavşut | Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER) |
2007 | Cyber bullying: a new face of peer bullying | Ö Erdur-Baker, F Kavsut | Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research |
2007 | Psikolojik danışma ve kültürel faktörler | Ö Erdur-Baker | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2007 | Geleneksel akran zorbalığının, siber zorbalığının ve bu iki tip zorbalık türü arasındaki ilişkinin toplumsal cinsiyet açısından incelenmesi. 16 | Ç Topçu, Ö Erdur-Baker | Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongre Kitabı. Tokat |
2007 | Counseling psychology and cultural factors. | Ö Erdur-Baker | Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal |
2007 | Lise öğrencilerinin siber zorbalık deneyimlerinin incelenmesi | Ç Topcu, Ö Erdur Baker, Y Çapa Aydın | null |
2007 | The profile of prospective teachers in teacher education programs | A Ok, P Önkol | Egitim ve Bilim |
2006 | Challenges of primary education in turkey: priorities of parents and professionals | CE Demir, F Paykoç | International Journal of Educational Development |
2006 | The relationship between work, school performance, and school attendance of primary school children in turkey | CE Demir, E Demir, S Uygur | European Conference on Educational Research |
2006 | Philosophical basis of turkish and american teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and practices | CE Demir | European Conference on Educational Research, The University of Geneva … |
2006 | Learners' metaphorical images about classroom management in a social constructivist learning environment. | H Akar, A Yildirim | Online Submission |
2006 | Challenges for teacher training colleges in poland. | H Akar | Online Submission |
2006 | Research in educational administration & leadership | K Beycioglu | Educational Administration: Theory and Practice |
2006 | Effects of threat to a valued social identity on implicit self-esteem and discrimination | JD Smurda, MA Wittig, G Gokalp | Group Processes & Intergroup Relations |
2006 | Sexual knowledge and behaviors of turkish university students: are students at risk? | Z Sümer | null |
2006 | Preferred and actual sources of sexuality information among american and turkish females | Z Sümer, C Engin Demir | null |
2006 | Experiences in higher education: does gender make a difference? | O Yerin Güneri, C Engin Demir, Z Sümer, L H Bikos | null |
2006 | Nature and severity of college students' psychological concerns: a comparison of clinical and nonclinical national samples. | O Erdur-Baker, CL Aberson, JC Barrow, MR Draper | Professional Psychology: Research and Practice |
2006 | Basındaki yansımaları ile okulda şiddet. | SA Altun, OY Güneri, ÖE Baker | Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER) |
2006 | Üniversite öğrencilerinin psikolojik sorunları | B Bıçak, Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2006 | School violence among urban turkish students: a qualitative investigation | O Yerin-Guneri, O Erdur Baker, S Akbaba Altun | European Conference on Educational Research |
2006 | School violence in printed media | O Yerin Güneri, S Akbaba-Altun, Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2005 | Classroom management. | P Lepage, L Darling-Hammond, H Akar, C Gutierrez, E Jenkins-Gunn, ... | Jossey-Bass |
2005 | Challenges of introducing a constructivist classroom culture in a predominantly teacher-centered environment | H Akar, A Yıldırım | European Conference on Educational Research, University College Dublin |
2005 | Preparedness and development in classroom management pedagogy through active learning | H Akar | European Conference on Education Research. University College Dublin |
2005 | Classroom management | H Lepage P., Darling-Hammond, L., Akar | Preparing Teachers for a Changing World: What Teachers Should Learn and Be … |
2005 | The development and validation of a turkish version of teachers’ sense of efficacy scale | Y Çapa, J Çakıroğlu, H Sarıkaya | Education and Science |
2005 | What predicts student teacher self-efficacy? | Y Capa Aydin, A Woolfolk Hoy | Academic Exchange Quarterly |
2005 | Practice-based continuous change process: a longitudinal investigation of an organizational change process in a higher education organization | Y Kondakçi | Ghent University |
2005 | Sosyal beceri eğitiminin ilköğretim öğrencilerinin algılanan sosyal beceri boyutlarına ve sosyometrik statülerine etkisi | Z Sümer | Deneysel olarak sınanmış grupla psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik programları |
2005 | Odtü öğrenci̇leri̇nde yardim arama davranişi | S Koydemir, A Demir | Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi |
2005 | Availability of mental health services for older adults: a cross-cultural comparison of the united states and turkey | R Sivis, CS Mccrae, A Demir | Aging & Mental Health |
2005 | The effects of stress management training program on perceived stress, self-efficacy and coping styles of university students | MÇ Örücü | PQDT-Global |
2005 | Öğretim elemanlarının üniversitelerinde bulunan pdr merkezleri hakkındaki görüşleri | A Demir, S Koydemir | MÜ Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi |
2005 | Ergenlerde öfke, öfke-i̇fade tarzları ve problem çözme | N Danışık, Ö Erdur Baker | null |
2005 | Moving prospective physical education teachers to learner centered teaching can it be stimulated in a traditional context | ML İnce, A Ok | null |
2005 | A study of student teacher experiences and expectations of teaching practice | A Ok | University of Malta. Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research |
2005 | Impediments to teaching practice in pre-service teacher education | A Ok | Eğitim ve Bilim |
2005 | Hizmet öncesi öğretmen eğitiminde öğretmenlik uygulamasında karşılaşılan engeller | A Ok | EĞİTİM VE BİLİM |
2004 | Oluşturmacı öğretim etkinliklerinin sınıf yönetimi dersinde kullanılması: bir eylem araştırması | H Akar, A Yıldırım | İyi Örnekler Konferansı |
2004 | Oluşturmacı öğretim etkinliklerinin sınıf yönetimi dersinde kullanılması | H Akar, A Yıldırım | Sabancı Üniversitesi İyi Örnekler Konferansı |
2004 | Olusturmaci ogretim etkinliklerinin sinif yonetimi dersinde kullanilmasi: bir eylem arastirmasi | H Akar, A Yildirim | Using Constructive Teaching Activities in Class Management Lesson: An Action … |
2004 | Conceptual change in teacher candidates' metaphorical images of classroom management in a constructivist learning environment | A Yıldırım, H Akar | American Educational Research Association Conference |
2004 | A study on novice classroom teachers' problems with regular and alternative certificates | PO Taneri | PQDT-Global |
2004 | Multi-dimensional change process in higher education: a qualitative investigation of organizational change in a public university in turkey | Y Kondakci, A Yildirim | University of Malta. Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research |
2004 | Student, teacher, and parent perceptions regarding violence in school in turkish: a qualitative | Z Sumer, E Cetinkaya | Middle East Technical University. Paper presented at the European Conference … |
2004 | Psychological adaptation and acculturation of the turkish students in the united states | DY Bektaş | PQDT-Global |
2004 | Güneydoğu anadolu bölgesinde görev yapan psikolojik danışmanların tükenmişlik düzeyleri ve bazı demografik değişkenlerle tükenmişlik arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi | A Çoban, AG Demir | null |
2004 | Küresel yaşlanma ve türkiye’de yaşlılarla psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik | R Siviş Çetinkaya, AG Demir | null |
2004 | Üniversite öğrencileri için mesleki grup rehberliği programı ve programın etkisi üzerine bir çalışma | D Bektaş, A Demir | Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal |
2004 | The effect of structured peer consultation program on different dimensions of school counselor burnout | AE Çoban | PQDT-Global |
2004 | Öğrenciler i̇çin meslek grup rehberliği programı ve programın etkisi üzerine bir çalışma | DY Kağnıcı, AG Demir | null |
2004 | Küreselleşmenin emek piyasası üzerine etkileri | A Okur | Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi |
2003 | Impact of constructivist learning process on preservice teacher education students' performance, retention, and attitudes | H Akar | METU |
2003 | Avrupa'da yükseköğretim için yeni bir vizyon | Y Kondakçı | Eğitim ve Bilim |
2003 | Self-esteem and stressful life events of university students | S Emil | Ankara: Middle East Turkey University |
2003 | Üniversite öğrencilerinin öz benlik saygısı ve stresli yaşam olayları | S Emil | Unpublished Master Thesis, OrtaDoğuTeknikÜniversitesi, Ankara |
2003 | The dimensions of social skills of turkish preadolescents as perceived by students, teachers, and parents | Z Sümer | null |
2003 | The role of peers and families in predicting the loneliness level of adolescents | AC Uruk, A Demir | The journal of psychology |
2003 | Psikolojik danışmanlarda tükenmişlik | A Demir | VII. Ulusal Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı |
2003 | Global aging and barriers to the provision of mental health services for older adults a cross cultural perspective | R Siviş Çetinkaya, M Cs, AG Demir | null |
2003 | Symptom improvement and length of treatment in ethnically similar and dissimilar client-therapist pairings. | O Erdur, SS Rude, A Baron | Journal of Counseling Psychology |
2003 | Use of language learning strategies in relation to student characteristics at başkent university | SÖ Tunç | PQDT-Global |
2003 | Öğretmen ve öğrenci̇ merkezli̇ öğreti̇m ve i̇zleyen öğretmenli̇k uygulamasinin aday öğretmenleri̇n değer önceli̇kleri̇ üzeri̇ne etki̇leri̇ | ML İnce, A Ok | Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi |
2003 | Aa 2014 ve aa 2024 alümi̇nyum alaşimlarinda soğutma koşullarinin sertli̇ğe etki̇si̇ni̇n i̇ncelenmesi̇ | HK Durmuş, A Okur, C Meriç | Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi |
2002 | Öğrencilerin matematik hakkındaki inançları: betimsel bir çalışma | M Aksu, CE Demir, ZH Sümer | Eğitim ve Bilim |
2002 | Development and learning (course notes) | A Yıldırım, ZH Sümer, OY Güneri | Seçkin |
2002 | The comparison of the sources of work-related stress of the top managers at the public and private sector | S Güney, A Demir, S Arıkan | Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi |
2002 | Time‐limited counseling outcome in a nationwide college counseling center sample | MR Draper, J Jennings, A Baron, O Erdur, L Shankar | Journal of College Counseling |
2002 | Alternative teacher certification in turkey: problems and issues | A Yildirim, A Ok | Peter Lang Publishing Inc. |
2002 | Türkiye'de i̇zlenen esnek kur politikasının dış ticaret ve ekonomik i̇stikrar üzerindeki etkileri | A Okur | Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi |
2002 | Chapter fourteen | ATCI Turkey, A Yildirim, A Ok | Teacher Education in the Euro-Mediterranean Region |
2002 | Field experience and its aplication in elt in turkey | A Ok | Middle East Technical University |
2001 | Evaluating higher education learners through portfolio assessment | H Akar | Proceedings of the Informing Science Conference |
2001 | Who does psychotherapy? A historical look at the controversy among mental health professionals | G Aydın, Z Hatipoğlu-Sümer | Boğaziçi University Journal of Education |
2001 | Loneliness and social dissatisfaction in turkish adolescents | A Demir, N Tarhan | The Journal of psychology |
2001 | Conflict behaviors toward same-sex and opposite-sex peers among male and female late adolescents. | E Tezer, A Demir | Adolescence |
2001 | Improving academic advising: a case study | A Demir, A Ok | Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2001 | Assertiveness of loneliness of fifth grade turkish students | R Şahin, A Demir | Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi |
2001 | Bir grup üniversite öğrencisinde sosyal içedönüklük, düşük kendilik değeri, kederli duygudurum gibi depresif özellikler ve sosyal ilişkilerden sağlanan doyum. | A Demir, E Tezer | Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi |
2001 | Assertiveness and loneliness of the 5th grade turkish students | R Şahin, AG Demir | null |
2001 | Conflict behaviors toward same-sex and opposite-sex peers among male and female late adolescents. esin tezer; ayhan demir. | A Demir | Adolescence |
2000 | The role of turkish schools in the educational system and social transformation of central asian countries: the case of turkmenistan and kyrgyzstan | CE Demir, A Balci, F Akkok | Central Asian Survey |
2000 | Does fulbright make a difference? The turkish perspective | CE Demir, M Aksu, F Paykoç | Journal of Studies in International Education |
2000 | Özgün metinlerin oluşturmacı bir yaklaşımla okuma becerilerini geliştirme amacıyla kullanılması: dil öğretiminde bir uygulama | H Akar, A Yıldırım | EĞİTİM VE BİLİM |
2000 | Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğine yönelik tutumlarının farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi | Y Çapa, N Çi̇l | Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2000 | Biyoloji öğretmen adaylarının genel biyoloji konularındaki kavram yanılgıları | C Tekkaya, Y Çapa, Ö Yilmaz | Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
2000 | An analysis of 9th grade student’s misconceptions concerning photosynthesis and respiration in plants | Y Çapa | Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara |
2000 | Administrative processes in academic context: an assessment of administrative problems in higher education at faculty level | Y Kondakçı | Middle East Technical University |
2000 | Applicability of the dyadic adjustment scale for measurement of marital quality with turkish couples. | H Fişiloğlu, A Demir | European Journal of Psychological Assessment |
2000 | Working alliance and treatment outcome in ethnically similar and dissimilar client-therapist pairings | O Erdur, S Rude, A Barón, M Draper, L Shankar | Research Reports of the Research Consortium of Counseling & Psychological … |
2000 | Dose-effect relationships in brief therapy based on a nationwide college counseling center sample | M Draper, J Jennings, A Barón, O Erdur, L Shankar | Book Dose-effect relationships in brief therapy based on a nationwide … |
2000 | Research reports of the research consortium of counseling & psychological services in higher education | M Draper, J Jennings, A Barón, O Erdur, L Shankar | Austin, TX: The Counseling & Mental Health Center, The University of Texas … |
2000 | Working alliance and treatment outcome in ethnically similar and different client-therapist pairings | Ö Erdur Baker, A Baron, L Shankar, M Drapper | null |
2000 | Ruti̇l örtülü elektotlarla bi̇rleşti̇ri̇lmi̇ş c22'ni̇n kaynak bölgesi̇ni̇n kirilma tokluğunun i̇ncelenmesi̇ ve uyumsuzluk (mismatch) faktörünün beli̇rlenmesi̇ | C Meriç, A Okur | Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi |
2000 | Türkiye ekonomisi'nde enflasyonun hızlı bir şekilde düşürülmesi ve olası etkileri | A Okur | Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi |
1999 | Matematik öğretmenlerinin ve öğrencilerinin matematik hakkındaki inançları | M Aksu, C Demir, Z Sümer | null |
1999 | A comparative study on the impact of authentic and traditional materials on student motivation and reading skills development in upper-intermediate efl classrooms | H Akar | Middle East Technical University |
1999 | Biyoloji öğretmen adaylarındaki kavram yanılgılarının tespiti | C Tekkaya, Ö Yılmaz, Y Çapa | Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi |
1999 | Sources of self-identity among turkish adolescents. | OY Güneri | Adolescence |
1999 | Incidence of violence in turkish schools: a review | ZH Sümer, G Aydin | International Journal for the advancement of Counselling |
1999 | The effect of social skills training on perceived dimensions of social skills and sociometric status of primary school students | Z Sümer Hatipoğlu | Middle East Technical University |
1999 | Loneliness and marital adjustment of turkish couples | A Demir, H Fişiloĝlu | The Journal of Psychology |
1999 | Türkiye’de öğretmen eğitiminde standartlar ve akreditasyon yök/dünya bankası milli eğitimi geliştirme projesi hizmet öncesi öğretmen eğitimi | Y Badavan, Y Kavak, P Cephe, A Ok, T Paker, V Özsoy | Yök Yayını |
1999 | Standards and accreditaion in teacher education in turkey | Y Badavan, Y Kavak, A Ok, T Paker, V Özsoy, P Cephe | Yök Yay. |
1998 | Hükümlülerin psikiyatrik belirtiler yönünden değerlendirilmesi | G Demir, AG Demir | null |
1997 | The role of various social support variables on turkish children's anxiety level | F Akkok, O Guneri, G Oral, ZH Sumer | University of Malta. Faculty of Education |
1997 | Kamu ve özel sektördeki tepe yöneticilerinin işle ilgili stres kaynaklarının karşılaştırılması | S Güney, A Demir | Verimlilik dergisi |
1997 | Kamu ve özel sektörde tepe yöneticilerinin i̇şle i̇lgili stres kaynakların karşılaştırılması | S Güney, AG Demir | null |
1996 | Orta doğu teknik üniversitesindeki öğretim üye ve öğrencilerinin seçmeli dersler hakkındaki görüşleri | A Demir, A Ok | Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi |
1996 | Üniversitedeki seçmeli ders uygulamasının öğrenciler ve öğretim üyelerince değerlendirilmesi | AG Demir | null |
1995 | Student counselling in turkish universities | A Demir, G Aydin | International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling |
1995 | Grupla psikolojik danışmanın üniversite öğrencilerinin depresyon ve yalnızlık düzeyine etkisi | AG Demir | null |
1992 | University students' attitudes toward" their family"," ideal family" and" turkish family" | Z Sümer | null |
1992 | Öğretmen yetiştirme programlarına aday seçimi | A Ok | Eğitim ve Bilim |
1991 | The determination of admission standards for teacher training programs a delpi study | A Ok | PQDT-Global |
1990 | Üniversite öğrencilerinin yalnızlık düzeylerini etkileyen bazı etmenler | A Demir | Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara |
1990 | Delfi tekniği ile türk eğitim sistemindeki bazı problemlerin incelenmesi | F Paykoç, A Ok | Eğitim ve Bilim |
1989 | Ucla yalnızlık ölçeğinin geçerlik ve güvenirliği | AG Demir | null |
1989 | Validity and reliability of the ucla loneliness scale | A Demir | Turkish Journal of Psychology |
1989 | Ucla yalnõzlõk ölçeginin geçerlik ve güvenirligi | A Demir | Türk Psikoloji Dergisi |
1988 | Çokyönlü depresyon envanterinin geçerlik ve güvenirliği | G Aydın, AG Demir | null |
1986 | A study of the determination of teachers' perceived training needs in relation to student perception of tescher behaviors and teacher's branch. | A Ok | Middle East Technical University |